Doc ID: Note:263791.1
Subject: Patch Set - List of Bug Fixes by Problem Type
Content Type: TEXT/X-HTML
Creation Date: 19-FEB-2004
Last Revision Date: 14-MAY-2004

Bugs fixed in the Patch Set

  • See Note 189908.1 for Support Status and Alerts affecting 9.2.0 releases.
This note lists the bugs fixed in the Patch Set over and above those fixed in, or The Patch Set itself is cumulative and includes all fixes in , and in addition to the fixes listed in this document. Bugs are listed under significant headings relating to either a feature or a characteristic of the bug. Some bugs are listed in more than one section. Each bug number is hyperlinked to a Support Bug Description.
  • '*' against a bug indicates that an alert exists for that issue.
  • '+' indicates a particularly notable bug.
  • 'P' indicates a port specific bug.@>
  • '@' indicates UNPUBLISHED information X>
  • "OERI:nnnnn is used as shorthand for ORA-600 [nnnnn].

Notable exceptions and omissions

  • Port specific issues may not be listed

Security Alert Issues fixed in the Patch Set

Fixed Bug# Security Alert# Document Summary 3250585 Sec. Alert#64 Note 263508.1 Oracle Security Alert #64 ( fix bundle) 3210293 Sec. Alert#62 Note 258996.1 Oracle Security Alert #62 ( fix bundle) 3226109 Sec. Alert#59 Note 251910.1 Oracle Security Alert #59 ( fix bundle) Bug Categories Bug Fixes by Category


    Corruption (Corrupt Export)
    2666174 Export in direct path can product a corrupt export file if ORA-1555 occurs
    2902986 Clustered table direct export produces a corrupted dump exporting migrated rows
    3031024 Export of object types and many subtypes produces bad export file (OCI-22303 on import)
    3041342 Bad DDL in export file exporting a table which is not substitutable at all levels
    3071475 Export writes bad DDL for user defined types stored as LOBs
    3085706 Transporting a partitioned table with SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE fails with ORA-2220
    3091499 Bad export / import dumps for table with LOB CHUNKSIZE = 32K
    3150037 Export may produce wrong SQL for CREATE TABLE xxx OF typename

    Corruption (Dictionary)
    2314382 NUMBER precision missing for VIEW of a table expression
    2553841 ALTER TABLE synonym_name ADD PARTITION works when it should fail
    2570545 Queries after a 'DROP SUBTYPE VALIDATE' can fail with ORA-21700
    2717778 Update of a view throws ORA-1732 if the view was recreated and had a INSTEAD OF trigger on it
    2785745 Drop user cascade can leave capture/apply metadata in an inconsistent state
    2803911 Target sees corrupt data in TRANSPORTED tablespace with UNUSED columns
    2856745 Duplicate rows in database_properties table after migration from 8i to 9i
    2964982 Running prvtlock.plb during upgrade can leave duplicate lock handles
    3046194 Drop/recreate of an OPERATOR does not update dictionary properly - affects Text SCORE operator
    3091612 TAB$.SPARE6 may contain corrupt data after upgrade to 9i
    3149359 Dictionary corruption from failed ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT with ONLINE clause
    3226011 VARRAY storage table not dropped when parent column dropped

    Corruption (Incorrect / missing corruption checks)
    2517589 Some types of redo corruption are not detected when they should be

    Corruption (Index)
    2093670 OERI:12700 / BITMAP index corruption possible
    2758680 Parallel index create / rebuild may produce a corrupt index (rare)
    2999894 OERI:6032 / corrupt index creating a bitmap index on a compressed tables with bitmap indexes
    3030585 Corrupt TEXT index possible for LONG columns
    3097158 OERI[6006] / index corruption possible (rare)
    3115733 OERI[4000] / index corruption can occur during index coalesce
    3145991 Bitmap index corruption possible (rare)

    Corruption (Logical)
    3288804* Trigger updates wrong column after drop function-based index
    This bug is alerted in Note 259854.1
    2276863+ CREATE FORCE VIEW against missing remote object may not work properly
    979657 Oracle allows insert of -0 (negative zero) or other corrupt numbers from OCI/Pro
    1552361 BASIC LEXER stops when it hits \0 in a UTF8 document
    2341550 CURRENT_SCHEMA not set with database ON_LOGON trigger using SQLLDR with DIRECT=TRUE
    2623901 Multi TABLE INSERT (INSERT ALL) with ROW TRIGGERS fires wrong triggers or throws OERI:15852
    2790435 Serial INSERT with parallel SELECT and type conversion can insert corrupt data
    2842621 LOB DML failure can lead to corrupt LOB data at APPLY site
    2846610 SQLPLUS COPY with COPYCOMMIT may fail / copy null rows to HS gateway
    2853704 oracle.sql.DATE addJulianDays can produce corrupt date values
    2861835 Streams apply may contain direct loaded LOB data which was rolled back
    2870079 Create Bitmap index skipped at logical STANDBY site
    2892729 PDML direct path insert not replicated to the logical standby
    2961492 DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY can produce incorrect results in multibyte
    2963428 Incorrect dates possible using TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE
    2986350 MERGE may not be applied properly at APPLY site
    3035145 OCCI does not evaluate null/not null correctly after number::setnull()
    3041411 Before/After row triggers fire incorrectly for MERGE statements
    3058476 SEQUENCES not properly maintained at Logical Standby
    3077339 OCCI: iterated setNumber() causes ORA-1438 or wrong results / corrupt data
    3088916 SQLLDR direct path does not evaluate SQL strings for NULL input data
    3111598 CHAR columns not BLANK PADDED after CREATE MVIEW / refresh with different charsets
    3118922 Binding over HS as a Packed decimal type can produce wrong data
    3128209 UPDATEXML may not work when used in a trigger
    3128395 Deadlocks / duplicate records possible with R-Tree indexes
    3128775 Empty / corrupt XML data can be inserted via XMLType
    3159030 Multi table insert may not recognise column alias
    3170016 HS data corruption if > 32K RAW data is passed to a procedural gateway
    3174298 SQLLDR direct path load may load 0 instead of NULL if length-value is NULL
    3188573 Streams LOB corruption at apply site possible
    3207216 Valid ISO characters can get corrupted with OJMS using OCI driver
    3230177 AQ JMS can truncate the payload
    3239914 Fast refresh data is not reflected in materialized view

    Corruption (Physical)
    2599134 Archivelog records in the CONTROLFILE may have wrong length data
    2881183 Dump (kdisplitbr) / random data/index corruption (rare)
    2927357 OERI[kcoapl_blkchk]/corruption possible from block level rollback
    2950062 ORA-4030 during block recovery can cause block corruption
    3029292 LOB corruption possible on ASSM tablespace
    3085651 Table corruption / OERI after TRUNCATE on ASSM table with NESTED TABLE cols
    3111951 OERI[ktspscaninit-d] after interrupted TRUNCATE
    3210520 OERI[kjccqmg:esm] / OERI[4194] / corruption possible in RAC
    3213101 Lob corruption / ORA-1555 can occur on a LOB segment in ASSM
    3215579 OERI[ktspfupdst-1] / corruption after DEALLOCATE UNUSED on ASSM
    3249755 Block corruption possible on temp files
    3281882 Block corruption / OERI[kcoapl_blkchk] in multinode RAC after multiple reconfigurations
    3377351 Corruption possible in RAC if instances crash during recovery
    3397181 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION of recovery slave causes stuck recovery
    3423380 ONLINE MOVE of compressed IOT may dump or product corrupt IOT

    Corrupt/Bad Backup
    2517589 Some types of redo corruption are not detected when they should be
    2599134 Archivelog records in the CONTROLFILE may have wrong length data
    2665255 RMAN-6004 ORA-1455 if clock adjusted back during RMAN backup
    2808926 OERI[2866] possible during MEDIA recovery of AUTOEXTEND file in RAC
    3204542 OERI[ktssinseg3] / cannot recover locally managed tablespace

    2513420 Deadlock possible calling ConnectionCache.close and connection.close()
    2796282 False deadlock possible using shared servers
    2902030 Deadlocks in RAC not logged in alert log
    2918838 Undetected deadlock for dc_tablespace_quotas among two processes
    2941738 SMON processes may deadlock in RAC
    2982297 ORA-4020 can occur during PLSQL name resolution
    2995746 Deadlock between session doing a GRANT and another session parsing an aged out cursor
    3001270 Deadlock between SMON and foreground process for dc_suers
    3009268 User sessions waiting for recovery of DEAD prepared TX may deadlock with SMON
    3030298 OERI:2103 from concurrent 'drop tablespace including datafiles'
    3080929 ORA-4021 / hang can occur due to SMON self deadlock on UNDO$ row cache lock
    3093080 ALTER TABLE ENABLE TABLE LOCK can cause a deadlock
    3128395 Deadlocks / duplicate records possible with R-Tree indexes
    3271271 QMON can deadlock with job queue processes

    Excessive CPU usage
    3119855P Win: High CPU usage possible from certain XML queries
    1486580 SMON inefficient when checking for failed online index builds
    2520014 Dispatcher CPU use far higher in 9i than earlier releases on some platforms
    2740472 Shared servers burn CPU executing Java "wait()" call
    2867085 Excessive PARSE CPU under expcmo / expCheckExprEquiv
    2878109 Poor CTXXPATH indexing DDL performance
    3009359 Higher CPU use if SQL_TRACE=TRUE
    3048661 Create bitmap index can use more CPU than needed if more memory available
    3199732 Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET too low can cause excessive CPU use
    3291500 CTXXPATH performance degrades over time (cpu increases)
    3369719 Excess CPU use possible using Streams in JDBC OCI

    Feature Unusable
    2940957 PRE_PAGE_SGA does not work on some platforms (eg Windows)
    3051758 SAMPLE keyword in SQL gives same result-set if executed quickly in succession
    3272092 Diagnostic heap checking Event 10501 does not work on some heaps

    Fix is considered an enhancement
    1885876 ENH: SYNC_INDEX should record new index tokens
    2668141 Users cannot edit mimetype inclusion for user defined data sources
    3024309 ENH: Allow FAST REFRESH of MVIEW after MOVE of tables/logs
    3032255 Internal enhancement to add
    3189374 ENH: Additional diagnostics for library_cache dumps
    3258738 ENH: Add characterset EL8EBCDIC423R
    3271907 ENH: Extra diagnostic information if RAC sees a fractured controlfile block
    3282294 ENH: Extra trace information for ORA-26688
    3293155 ENH: Diagnostic enhancement to help investigate memory corruptions/leaks
    3310746 ENH: Additional trace and diagnostics for ORA-4031 errors
    3316003 Internal change to help avoid ORA-4031 for multi-subpool SGAs
    3316453 "_dbwr_trace"=1 can be slow

    Hang - Involving shared resource
    2791258+ Database hang when setting RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN if EXTPROC or HS is used
    2968709+ High "library cache pin" waits possible
    2417344 OERI[KSSRMP1] / PMON hang possible
    2886929 RAC hang possible with LMS stuck in kcbbslwr
    3000074 Session may spin querying X$KGLPN or X$KGLLK
    3059604 Dump for OERI:13001 can hang the instance for a while
    3070246 Database hang / latch contention possible
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3090397 ORA-4031 / excessive shared pool using LGWR ASYNC or SYNC=PARALLEL
    3094726 NET_TIMEOUT attribute cannot be set
    3105594 PMON spin trying to delete DML lock state object
    3116588 ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED may hang with shared servers
    3144315 LGWR can hang in RAC
    3145070 Primary instance hangs if network to Standby fails
    3174684 Instance hang possible from ALTER SYSTEM SET parameter in RAC with SPFILE
    3176701 LGWR can spin in RAC causing instance hang (rare)
    3205748 LGWR reconnection attempts can hang primary if one standby goes down
    3227858 Slow network may hang primary in DataGuard configuration
    3252706 Shared servers hang instead of reporting ORA-104
    3296654 Many OERI[17175] after OERI:510 - instance may hang
    3342182 Instance hang on startup possible in RAC

    Hang - Process hang
    2968709+ High "library cache pin" waits possible
    2121126 DB Link may HANG during CONNECT if there is a network failure
    2133320 Process may hang issuing DML against an IOT
    2570481 OCISessionGet hangs when OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_GETMODE is NOWAIT
    2773367 Hang / ORA-4021 waiting for CREATE TABLE operation
    2962298 Multi-threaded client may hang after OCIBreak
    3009268 User sessions waiting for recovery of DEAD prepared TX may deadlock with SMON
    3049737 Clients hang during connect to dispatcher if shared pool or OS memory exhausted
    3050086 OLAP_EXPRESSION fails to complete
    3063952 ORA-1554 / hang can occur (rare)
    3080929 ORA-4021 / hang can occur due to SMON self deadlock on UNDO$ row cache lock
    3093080 ALTER TABLE ENABLE TABLE LOCK can cause a deadlock
    3109703 DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD may hang / ORA-16209 from logical standby
    3126930 ORA-1551 / hang possible on DELETE
    3127385 Streams capture can hang when logfiles registered
    3133645 Multithreaded JDBC client may hang accessing LOB data
    3140038 XAORECOVER() / SELECT from DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS can be blocked by a long running SELECT
    3140481 Multithreaded JDBC may hang retrieving an XMLType
    3182216 DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH may hang on RAC if job runs on other instance
    3217262 JDBC Thin hangs executing PLSQL with ARRAY bind to PLSQL OUT parameter
    3220161 Non-leftmost range table queue in PQ may hang or dump
    3252706 Shared servers hang instead of reporting ORA-104
    3258308 EMON may hangs and stop delivering notifications
    3291699 Logical standby may hang
    3300756 Hang in a DLM lock API can occur during nested reconfiguration
    3305683 SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE/NORMAL hangs waiting for 'unspecified event' in RAC
    3321995 CTXXPATH query may hang if table rows have been updated
    3356645 INSO_FILTER may hang with attribute timeout > 0 (rare)

    Hang - Process spins
    3274319P Linux: LN() and POWER() SQL functions SPIN for certain input values
    2685880 LMON may spin trying to join a cluster
    2755787 Oracle process spins when signalling certain errors
    2847605 Latch spin possible in RAC environment on some platforms
    2867085 Excessive PARSE CPU under expcmo / expCheckExprEquiv
    2940217 Optimization with CPU cost model may spin in kzftgap
    2950591 Spin manipulating complex object in PLSQL
    2971081 CREATE PROCEDURE with multibyte characters can spin
    3000074 Session may spin querying X$KGLPN or X$KGLLK
    3033886 FIRST_ROWS_10 optimization may spin in kkorminl
    3039440 SYSTEMSTATE may spin in RAC environment dumping lock Q entries
    3042541 Spin possible processing subtypes
    3090881 SELECT spins in kkobrfak with FIRST_ROWS_10
    3112212 Register schema may spin
    3152984 LMS / LMD may appear to spin
    3153195 updateAsciiStream may spin when using CachedRowset
    3188120 Insert into IOT can spin
    3202762 A process may spin in kcbgtcr in RAC
    3309132 Query rewrite may spin in qsmspst/lxocvchar with FGAC

    Install is not performed correctly
    3060932I Installer may error with "CANNOT WRITE TO DESTINATION $OH/BIN/<filename>.SAV"
    3586698P HP Itanium: will not install on 11.22 - unsatisfied symbol errors
    3118677PI Unix: Incorrect kdd.o shipped with Patch Set
    3149279PI Sol64: JDBC Patch has incorrect ""
    3150122PI Unix: JDBC Patch is incomplete

    Instance may crash
    2764106 False OERI[2662] possible on SELECT which can crash the instance
    2826692 SMON may die with ORA-27508 (rare)
    2898625 Interrupted ONLINE subpartition index rebuild can dump in kdic_cleanup
    2995204 PMON may crash the instance (OERI:kwqicklem-spinf) cleaning up an aborted AQ session
    3004764 PMON may crash the instance with ORA-7445[KKSHEQD] / ORA-7445[KKSHLCU]
    3043091 LMS can dump in kslpstevent()
    3079678 Instance crash possible on some platforms
    3085260 RAC instance may needlessly crash with ORA-214 if controlfile block is corrupt
    3099541 Dump (kqrbtm) in LCK in RAC after reconfiguration
    3104250 PMON may fail with ORA-601 starting extra shared servers/dispatchers
    3125001 PMON crash with OERI[1115] due to state object corruption / SGA memory leak
    3143389 OERI[kjbclose:l] / OERI:603 in LMS
    3149370 ORA-481 / instance crash possible from LMON
    3163798 OERI / Instance crash from killed JOB QUEUE session
    3164380 SMON may crash the instance with OERI:kturdbr1 when using SMU
    3174660 OERI[kjmpmsg_1] possible in RAC environment

    Latch Contention
    3070246 Database hang / latch contention possible
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3103876 External tables access can cause excessive rowcache activity

    Leak - Memory leak / Growth
    3150705+ Fix to help reduce the chances of an ORA-4031 with high OPEN_CURSORS
    1782381 Excessive SGA use / ORA-4031 possible with large number of JOBS
    2561115 SGA memory growth using outbound TCP/IP database links from shared servers
    2563301 ORA-4031 possible in RAC environment under load
    2715491 Using the lexer attribute INDEX_STEMS leaks PGA memory
    2736491 Memory leak when using SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT
    2756708 Minor memory leak possible from advanced networking
    2787331 XDK XML parser can use more memory than needed for large documents
    2801345 CTX_QUERY.COUNT_HITS leaks PGA memory
    2831689 DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML/updateXML/deleteXML leaks memory if updating a CLOB
    2835093 Insert of large XML documents can take a very long time / use lots of memory
    2836515 Memory leak/ORA-4030 possible in Streams apply process
    2926080 Nested loops with Text index as inner table leaks memory (drexrgetnewqx:d)
    2936556 ORA-4030 on large multi table insert with Unique constraint
    2960498 Memory leak can occur using Advanced Networking
    2984198 Memory leak using SA_SESSION in OLS instance
    3009532 JDBC client memory leak when prepared statements are not executed
    3013740 Memory leak using SA_SESSION in OLS environment
    3015060 XML insert may leak memory
    3019273 Calling SET_LABEL() causes the session heap to grow continually
    3090397 ORA-4031 / excessive shared pool using LGWR ASYNC or SYNC=PARALLEL
    3106363 SA_SESSION.SET_LABEL leaks "kpmalloc" memory
    3113169 JDBC Thin may leak abstract LOBS / memory
    3114308 LMS process size depends on the PROCESSES parameter
    3124410 Memory leak (UGA) executing procedures that contain REF cursors as OUT parameters
    3125001 PMON crash with OERI[1115] due to state object corruption / SGA memory leak
    3125299 Memory leak from CTAS calling an external procedure
    3134348 External table memory leak in "alloc environm" subheap
    3138989 Temporary LOB leak creating text index
    3147224 Memory leak from long running SQL statement calling PLSQL function with arguments
    3150680 Excessive shared pool permanent memory use / ORA-4031 possible with SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
    3155220 Memory leak / ORA-4030 at Streams APPLY if column count differs from Capture site
    3156532 Static vectors in XMLParsercover and XMLNodecover leak memory
    3169563 Memory leak from XMLTransform
    3175617 Memory leak in Java stored procedure with String parameter > 4K
    3191593 getownerdocument leaks memory / ORA-31181
    3214449 JavaVM may not release PGA memory within PLSQL loops
    3217636 AQ JMS client leaks memory dequeueing from empty queue
    3232401 ORA-4031 with Streams apply site
    3234622 Memory leak using SA_SESSION.PRIVILEGES / SA_SESSION.PRIVS
    3240592 PGA memory leak using KPRB driver in Java Stored Procedures
    3254366 ORA-4030 / memory leak with fuzzy matching and nested loops
    3257648 SA_SESSION.SET_LABEL leaks memory "koh-kghu sessi"
    3263801 Memory leak printing XMLType in a loop
    3267404 PROCESSCOPY method in a loop leaks memory

    Leak - Resources eg: File handles
    2615473 Using UTL_HTTP in a SHARED SERVER connection can leak circuits
    2713143 File descriptor leak possible using DBMS_LDAP
    2931090 JDBC Thin does not free LDAP connection used for name lookup
    3065750 Cursor leak using OCIBreak
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3106699 Cursor leak / ORA-1000 using DBMS_XMLQUERY.getxml() with a bad select statement
    3113169 JDBC Thin may leak abstract LOBS / memory
    3138989 Temporary LOB leak creating text index
    3151681 oracle.jdbc.xa.XAResource class leaks cursors

    Memory Corruption
    2416262 OERI[qbaopn1]/mem corruption using NEW_TIME function and partitioned table with CURSOR_SHARING enabled
    2453893 Memory corruption SELECTing from an EXTERNAL TABLE with many discarded rows
    2605902 TRIM may dump in lxktrim / corrupt memory when trimming SHIFT encoded data
    2609128 Calling DBMS_LDAP.msgfree or DBMS_LDAP.ber_free twice can corrupt memory
    2721670 SQLLDR may dump or encounter client side memory corruption
    2805580 PGA memory corruption possible using PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET
    2839655 Single byte CGA memory corruption using NLS_COMP=ANSI with PLSQL
    2912559 OERI[17182] / memory corruption possible on COMMIT in XDB
    2942047 SGA corruption can occur in RAC (rare)
    2952690 OERI[17159] / memory corruption querying multibyte Java source via DBA_SOURCE
    3036075 Mem corruption / dump reporting NUMBER dimension in OLAP
    3041865 Memory corruption during Logical Standby apply of LOB changes
    3051782 Logical standby may fail with OERI:17182 / memory corruption
    3058923 Memory corruption possible using LOBs in IOTs
    3066549 OERI[17113] / memory corruption can occur selecting from a view
    3078613 Buffer cache corruption can occur when using different DB block sizes in the same database
    3089086 OERI[17172] / SGA corruption possible at startup
    3091504 Updating object with varray attribute may dump / corrupt memory
    3093940 Tracing may be enabled using EXTPROC / HS - can lead to memory corruption
    3109398 SGA memory corruption from MERGE using SEQUENCES
    3139818 OERI[17182] / memory corruption / data corruption from JAVA only TRIGGER
    3170681 Memory corruption / Dump kghispih() using Objects
    3276040 AQ propogation may dump and cannot continue
    3292443 Memory corruption possible from PCT rewrite with partitioned table
    3305458 Memory corruption from fix for bug 2083537

    Performance affected (General)
    2968709+ High "library cache pin" waits possible
    1348490 Slow open for files on Read Only file systems
    1486580 SMON inefficient when checking for failed online index builds
    2276769 Different static PLSQL cursors may not be shared
    2640686 Long waits for "log file sync" with broadcast SCN in RAC
    2663122 Unneccessarily long waits on "log file sync" in RAC
    2759383 Sessions waiting on "buffer busy wait" for a hot block may wait too long
    2796045 Unnecessary "global cache busy" waits can occur in RAC environment
    2952096 Poor performance / OERI:2103 possible in RAC with mirrors and volume manager
    3019460 DBWR opens / closes datafiles repeatedly when dropping a tablespace
    3063996 Frequent log switches can occur in RAC if a thread closes
    3199732 Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET too low can cause excessive CPU use
    3264088 Direct load may be slow due to repeated file open/close
    3311210 Unnecessary 0.5 seconds waits for "Broadcase on commit" SCN scheme

    Performance of Query/ies affected
    1885876 ENH: SYNC_INDEX should record new index tokens
    2281909 Suboptimal plan possible from INLINE non-correlated UNION ALL subquery
    2375503 Fetch from remote row source may be slow
    2452490 SQLLDR DIRECT=TRUE SQL expression performance slower than CONVENTIONAL path
    2610785 FIRST_ROWS may not eliminate an ORDER BY sort operation when it can
    2612693 Wildcard and Fuzzy queries can be very slow when Text index is large
    2642436 MVIEW refresh may take longer than expected
    2644204 Poor performance of dictionary view INDEX_STATS
    2671021 CTAS / create MVIEW of remote co-located complex subquery may perform slowly
    2700090 OERI:[qerbtrop objnum] possible from global DOMAIN indexes
    2736734 Sub-optimal plan chosen when domain index exists
    2751494 "IS NULL" in OR predicate not converted to CONCATENATION
    2803823 RMAN maintenance commands (like resync catalog) are slow
    2827098 CTAS / Insert as SELECT can be slow compared to the same SELECT
    2835093 Insert of large XML documents can take a very long time / use lots of memory
    2842013 Logical standby apply runs slowly in a RAC environment
    2874489 Excessive REDO generated for INSERT as SELECT into GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES
    2878109 Poor CTXXPATH indexing DDL performance
    2906400 Certain text queries are slower in 9i than 8i
    2934659 92 client -> 8i server fetches use larger NET packets than needed
    2943173 INLIST predicates may be used in preference to EQUALITY predicates as index keys
    2948717 Queries against DBA_SEGMENTS can be slow accessing BYTES/BLOCKS/EXTENTS columns
    2964437 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS may not gather PARTITION statistics
    2968427 DBMS_STATS GATHER STALE does not work for GLOBAL INDEX on a PARTITIONED table
    2986228 Poor query performance from elimination of a distinct SORT
    2991526 Wrong cardinality estimation can occur for LIKE predicates
    3003491 Queries against V$DATAFILE may get poor execution plans
    3006978 Query involving DISTINCT with an unnestable subquery may perform poorly
    3008000 Stored outline for RBO query may use wrong plan when outline is used
    3009359 Higher CPU use if SQL_TRACE=TRUE
    3018146 Long parse times for may ORed predicates with FIRST_ROW_XX optimization
    3045275 Bind peeking not enabled after cursor reloaded (eg: after truncate)
    3048318 Some DBMS_STATS gather options can be slow
    3048661 Create bitmap index can use more CPU than needed if more memory available
    3063008 BETWEEN :BIND1 AND :BIND2 selectivity may be wrong (or >=/<=)
    3063241 Poor execution plan possible for semi join with collection iterator
    3066361 SPLIT partition may cause row movement when STORE IN clause is used
    3070157 In subquery with remote mapped outer query may get poor plan
    3072704 Sub optimal plan possible from Push Join Predicate
    3074405 Incorrect index selectivity may be used by CBO
    3075139 Suboptimal plan possible in FIRST_ROWS_N mode
    3084900 CBO may not recognise a good dimension table
    3100257 DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH slow if the transaction has many calls
    3100476 PQO scans all partitions in outer join instead of the required ones only
    3111457 Multiple concurrent TRUNCATE/DROP can be slow
    3118776 Poor execution plan from MERGE with UNION ALL view
    3129934 Remote concatenated key joins may get poor execution plan
    3132098 Bind peeking does not work properly for duplicate binds
    3146705 Parallel full table scan can take a long time
    3147709 Constant predicates involving operators may not be pushed into views when expected
    3167234 Sub-optimal execution plan with "for update"
    3175674 Poor performance of primary key Domain index on IOTs
    3189472 Single row inserts to IOTs slower with CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME=TRUE
    3192469 JDBC setquerytimeout() can cause performance problems
    3209653 CTXXPATH $X index poorly indexed
    3220073 ORDER BY sort may not be eliminated in First_rows_NNN
    3227302 Query rewrite does not occur in 9i when table contains a VARRAY column
    3235733 DBMS_STATS on index slow with degree of parallelism > 1
    3236158 Simultaneous parallel online index rebuilds slow
    3272011 Wrong predicate selectivity estimation for DESC index
    3282805 TRUNCATE table scans entire buffer cache for small tables
    3282873 Wrong cardinality possible for non-simple column values
    3290358 A query involving SYSDATE in a predicate may get sub optimal plan
    3328542 JDBC OCI slower than Thin for LONG RAW data
    3343828 Poor fetch performance with fix for bug 2934659
    3444115 CBO may choose inappropriate CARTESIAN join

    Security or Service denial vulnerability
    3210293* Oracle Security Alert #62 ( fix bundle)
    This bug is alerted in Note 258996.1
    3226109* Oracle Security Alert #59 ( fix bundle)
    This bug is alerted in Note 251910.1
    3250585* Oracle Security Alert #64 ( fix bundle)
    This bug is alerted in Note 263508.1

    Shared Pool affected
    3150705+ Fix to help reduce the chances of an ORA-4031 with high OPEN_CURSORS
    1782381 Excessive SGA use / ORA-4031 possible with large number of JOBS
    2276769 Different static PLSQL cursors may not be shared
    2442042 ORA-4031 possible using STREAMS on multi-cpu machine
    2561115 SGA memory growth using outbound TCP/IP database links from shared servers
    2563301 ORA-4031 possible in RAC environment under load
    2936434 DML cursors may not be shared after ALTER SESSION DISABLE|FORCE PARALLEL QUERY
    2986643 Child cursors are not cached when executing SQL with a DB LINK when sql_trace=true
    3003273 Under heavy load some shared pool memory may not be freed due to latch contention
    3063763 Cursors may not be shared when using long binds
    3070246 Database hang / latch contention possible
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3090397 ORA-4031 / excessive shared pool using LGWR ASYNC or SYNC=PARALLEL
    3150680 Excessive shared pool permanent memory use / ORA-4031 possible with SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
    3232401 ORA-4031 with Streams apply site
    3260252 Allow Streams to use > 10% shared pool before spilling
    3310746 ENH: Additional trace and diagnostics for ORA-4031 errors
    3316003 Internal change to help avoid ORA-4031 for multi-subpool SGAs

    Storage Space Usage Affected
    2660394 Auto extensible undo tablespace may grow before reusing expired extents
    2845436 RMAN RLH table is not purged (uses more and more space)
    2915226 Space may be wasted in index segments with ASSM
    2991974 Storage for a BFILE is increased when copied via database link
    3019979 Space may not be reused efficiently in a LOB segment
    3120807 Table growth possible using automatic segment management
    3226011 VARRAY storage table not dropped when parent column dropped
    3234751 Excessive TEMP space usage from SQLLDR of LOBS or INSERT .. RETURNING with LOBS

    Wrong Results
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    1387345 DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_ARRAY returns wrong number of rows if CNT parameter > 64k
    1561713 Subquery IN | NOT IN subquery may give wrong results under CBO
    2068210 "ROWNUM = constant" predicate can return wrong results with RBO
    2130923 Wrong value for 'global cache current block receive time' in V$SYSSTAT
    2193751 Materialized views can remain "STALE" after refresh
    2257439 NULL value in partition returned if partition bound value is in WHERE predicate
    2309282 OCCI getRowid/setRowid do not work properly
    2422838 Fetching a "TIMESTAMP with LOCAL TIMEZONE" column into SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ gives wrong results
    2434397 Wrong results with PQ with an OUTER JOIN
    2501229 Redefines using SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ get wrong results / dump
    2539213 UNION ALL rewrite fails with ORA-1790 or wrong results
    2549186 OCI client in UTF16 mode may see corrupt data from UTF8 database
    2601507 sqlgls() / SQLStmtGetText() can give wrong SQL code
    2630914 TIMESTAMP may be converted incorrectly for date format 'dd-mon-rrrr'
    2651178 V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED can return incorrect data
    2692500 GROUP BY with ROLLUP / CUBE may return no rollup rows
    2695081 ON-COMMIT refresh on nested Materialized JOIN view may product wrong results
    2740805 V$SESSION.OS_USER set incorrectly if client uses RADIUS
    2780020 Wrong order results from query with FUNCTIONAL INDEX and ORDER BY and CONSTANT PREDICATE
    2782260 Duplicate rows in USER_TYPE_METHODS after ALTER TYPE ADD/DROP ATTRIBUTE
    2786409 Wrong results from push predicate with inline view
    2807291 Wrong results with predicate move around
    2816521 DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS may return too many rows
    2820295 Implicit describe of a SELECT looses NUMBER precision for VIEW containing UNION
    2821879 wrong results for queries on pipeline functions involving NULLs
    2823021 V$PROCESS.PGA_MAX_MEM may contain wrong values
    2846865 Wrong results possible from query rewrite of exact match
    2850227 JDBC treats some illegal UTF-8 data as valid
    2860212 PLSQL RPC with functional default parameter values may get NULL default / PLS-801
    2860835 Text query on LONG datatype can return wrong results
    2894146 Wrong results from TEMP TABLE transformation with an OUTER JOIN
    2900863 V$UNDOSTAT is not updated after an ORA-30036 occurs
    2935718 V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.CURRENT_XXX columns not populated
    2944007 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block possible during CR rollback of index block
    2954868 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block from CR rollback of IOT or compressed index
    2959490 Select from view with ORDER BY always returns the rowid of last row in the view
    2977823 Wrong results with PQ and HASH outer joins and GROUP BY
    2991842 Wrong result using several "or" predicates on an NCHAR column
    2994212 A query with correlated subqueries can return wrong results
    2999388 SYS_EXTRACT_UTC can return wrong results
    3002347 ResultSet.getTimestamp() gets corrupt data if Statement reexecuted
    3004610 Wrong query / dump possible when Synonym policies used via another synonym
    3005317 CTX_DOC.MARKUP does not work for multibyte character sets
    3010314 Wrong results possible from NESTED LOOPS over a single partition table
    3017881 SYS_CONTEXT function does not reflect the correct BG_JOB_ID
    3039078 Column precision lost from CTAS of PACKED DECIMAL over HS
    3039491 Some JA16EUCTILDE characters are not handled correctly
    3041166 Wrong results from SEMI JOIN with NL to remote table
    3054485 Wrong results possible with aggregates of constants
    3060261 <Queue_table>.ENQ_TIME and V$ view TIME columns may be ahead of SYSDATE
    3066701 Date.isNull() returns true if date set using fromText() method
    3068657 Incorrect error possible on FETCH (ORA-1405/ORA-6502 instead of ORA-1403)
    3073088 Wrong results possible from Text MINUS or ABOUT
    3073109 Dump / wrong results from complex view merging with inline views
    3077339 OCCI: iterated setNumber() causes ORA-1438 or wrong results / corrupt data
    3077754 CURRENT_DATE may show the incorrect date in a PLSQL block
    3084922 Wrong results possible from SYS_OP_MAP_NON_NULL with a semi-join
    3085399 Wrong results possible from CBO with DISTINCT aggregate and subquery
    3092670 Wrong results from VIEW using DISTINCT and CONNECT BY
    3098761 Wrong results possible on XML HASPATH search using japanese_vgram_lexer
    3098884 wrong results from STAR transformation with joinback elimination
    3100760 XML_SECTION_GROUP and WITHIN queries can give wrong results
    3107254 Data truncation after redefine when fetching a LOB in Pro/OCI
    3111186 DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION SAFE_PURGE_SCN may be wrong
    3113998 Wrong row count possible (OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT) on array INSERT to partitioned table
    3119276 ORA-942 using ANSI full join with another users view
    3119368 PLSQL "REPLACE" function assigned to CHAR does not return NULL when expected
    3121812 DROP / EXCHANGE partition do not show up in USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS
    3123633 Wrong results on SELECT from VIEW with UNION ALL with multi column inlist
    3125715 SQLLDR log file shows incorrect rows loaded when ERRORS clause is used
    3126312 SDO_RELATE may return wrong results for ANYINTERACT
    3128343 Wrong results possible from BITMAP access execution plans
    3128453 Null struct possible from JDBC call to PLSQL if BatchSize is 1000
    3129300 (Sub)partition level attributes can be incorrect after a fast split
    3134655 Wrong results from semijoin elimination inside a view
    3135311 Wrong results from SYS_CONTEXT('userenv', 'terminal')
    3138341 Wrong datatypes returned from PLSQL REF Cursor using CAST
    3148847 PLSQL "ASCIISTR" returns NULL for HANKAKU KATAKANA single byte characters
    3148999 ANSI dynamic SQL returns length in CHARACTERS instead of BYTES in UTF16
    3151144 RPAD / LPAD give unexpected result with Cyrillic characters in UTF8
    3151353 Wrong results from SELECT of a user function FROM a VIEW with a UNION and NULL expressions
    3153104 Parallel index queries can produce wrong results
    3157697 SYS_CONTEXT is not evaluated at primary site when used over a database link
    3162143 OCI7 odescr may not describe all columns
    3168359 Client sees incorrect data in HOST VARIABLE set in PLSQL BLOCK
    3168439 V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS shows wrong destination protection mode
    3171143 Wrong results from ANSI outer join with IS NULL predicate
    3171926 SDO_AREA wrong when last coordinate not exactly the same as first coordinate
    3173141 Wrong results from query on partitioned table with IN list and prefetch
    3173183 Wrong return value from getupdatecount() in JDBC
    3173221 Wrong results possible from Star transformation
    3174682 JDBC NLS conversions may be incorrect / slow
    3175727 Outer join between range list partitioned tables gives wrong number of rows in PQO
    3185622 Expired messages delivered twice by source queue and exception queue
    3196059 Wrong results / dump (evaopn2) querying list partitioned tables
    3203188 Triggers incorrectly evaluate to NULL for :new and :old on XMLType columns
    3204222 Wrong results from join of a remote table with EXISTS/IN query
    3208393 Wrong results possible from BETWEEN :bind1 AND :bind2
    3210488 Wrong results / plans from temp table star transformance
    3210947 Wrong results possible from V$SQLTEXT in multibyte
    3212268 XMLType with embedded CLOB may be truncated in UTF8 DB / LPX-225
    3232548 Wrong results with SDO_RELATE using CONTAINS or INSIDE MASK
    3242483 Decimal places shifted for PACKED DECIMAL with HS
    3248006 Wrong results with parallel sort merge join
    3258506 DBA|ALL|USER_TYPE_ATTRS does not show REF attribute after ALTER TYPE
    3269264 Wrong results possible from Query rewrite
    3293996 Wrong output from DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT to entity decode XML
    3294896 Wrong results from query rewrite if dependent partition is COALESCED or MOVEd
    3314963 OERI[rworupo.1] / wrong results when selecting ROWID from view based on an IOT
    3324609 SDO_RELATE with MASK set to 'ON' does not return some rows

    Error may occur
    3150705+ Fix to help reduce the chances of an ORA-4031 with high OPEN_CURSORS
    3047733I SP2-310 errors running CATPATCH in Standard Edition
    2539128P Win: UTL_FILE.FSEEK does not work on Windows
    1736740 ORA-22292 opening TEMP LOB from JAVA using KRPB driver
    2114547 OCI-21522 using OCI Objects with > 255 database connections
    2156913 Unique constraint SYS.I_MON_MODS$_OBJ violated gathering STALE statistics
    2202404 ORA-2291 can occur using deferred constraints with partitioned indexes
    2237763 ORA-980 using %ROWTYPE of SYNONYM pointing to remote table
    2303278 ORA-1874 / ORA-1882 using ALPHANUMERIC timezone and a DATABASE LINK
    2325578 OCIStmtFetch may return a false ORA-1002 instead of ORA-1403
    2341550 CURRENT_SCHEMA not set with database ON_LOGON trigger using SQLLDR with DIRECT=TRUE
    2354702 ANSI FULL JOIN may fail unexpectedly with ORA-942
    2355645 OCI-21500 [kopuigpfx1] after constraint violation using IMPORT with XMLTYPE
    2398988 XSU XDK bind variable not recognised if followed by NEWLINE character
    2415196 ORA-904 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS if column name contains multibyte character
    2436624 PLS-801 [2102] compiling a cursor which uses a function with PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(...,TRUST)
    2439196 DML RETURNING with NON-BLOCKING OCI can fail with ORA-3106
    2442042 ORA-4031 possible using STREAMS on multi-cpu machine
    2475197 ORA-6502 using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL for a view with multibyte characters >4000 bytes long
    2486767 ORA-1017 from database link using external authentication for main logon
    2489781 ALTER PACKAGE COMPILE DEBUG fails with PLS-801 [79110] if there is a forward record reference
    2493639 OCCI executing parameterized statements may fail if reexecuted with different binds
    2504348 Synonyms are not recognized in domain index functions (ORA-942)
    2509662 ORA-27077 can occur if too many open files
    2516990 ORA-24776 XAER_OUTSIDE using XA dynamic registration
    2530032 DRG-50610 if no parallel slaves available for Parallel Optimize
    2539213 UNION ALL rewrite fails with ORA-1790 or wrong results
    2554178 CURRENT_SCHEMA signals ORA-1017 when the underlying object uses a DBLINK
    2556295 SDO_INTERSECTION fails with large GEOMETRIES (ORA-21779)
    2561115 SGA memory growth using outbound TCP/IP database links from shared servers
    2563301 ORA-4031 possible in RAC environment under load
    2564393 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS may fail with ORA-1489 for long index columns
    2570545 Queries after a 'DROP SUBTYPE VALIDATE' can fail with ORA-21700
    2593902 ORA-904 on refresh of single table aggregate MVIEW with expression in GROUP BY clause
    2598438 ORA-1722 from DBMS_AQ_SYS_IMP_INTERNAL during import of queue table/s
    2599006 ORA-22806 if more than one extractvalue() expression over same XMLType
    2608044 ORA-1461 when compiling Java stored procedure
    2618499 Validation of a polygon may fail with ORA-13367
    2620683 SQLLDR direct load to another users partition fails with ORA-1031
    2623003 ORA-979 from complex view merging
    2660356 ORA-12015 from ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx REFRESH FAST if mview contains a UNION ALL
    2665255 RMAN-6004 ORA-1455 if clock adjusted back during RMAN backup
    2675712 ORA-3106 on retrieval of LONG column from PLSQL procedure with OUT REF CURSOR
    2679662 ORA-24437 usingOCIStmtPrepare while statement caching is on
    2680256 setTimestamp(pos,x,cal) throws SQLException if bound to a DATE SQL type
    2681080 INSERT over a DBLINK with a CASE EXPRESSION may throw ORA-22804
    2692023 RMAN RESYNC may fail with ORA-1422
    2711518 ORA-4092 using PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in a table function
    2713675 ORA-1401 from FAST REFRESH of CHAR column when charsets differ
    2717490 ORA-2055 when executing PLSQL in an 8i database updating 9i via a DBLINK
    2717778 Update of a view throws ORA-1732 if the view was recreated and had a INSTEAD OF trigger on it
    2721739 ORA-1426 possible on TREEDUMP of an index
    2735268 If OCILobCreateTemporary fails it may return the wrong error
    2740481 ORA-1591 inserting a row into a block with an in-doubt transaction
    2761650 ORA-14097 can occur on EXCHANGE partition when table has a RAW column
    2773367 Hang / ORA-4021 waiting for CREATE TABLE operation
    2774013 Exchange partition may ORA-14642 with non-default DB_BLOCK_SIZE
    2786723 ORA-16068 trying to open database after cancelled recovery of file
    2792331 ORA-9999 calling updateXML on '/' path
    2799139 Capture may abort with ORA-1280 if the dictionary is altered
    2800139 Create MATERIALIZED VIEW may fail with ORA-904 using ANSI join
    2818993 CTX_REPORT.INDEX_SIZE may fail with DRG-50857 / ORA-6502
    2819504 ORA-904 / ORA-918 with STAR transformation if dimension table replaced by index join
    2826692 SMON may die with ORA-27508 (rare)
    2829071 PLS-801/OERI:[15419] when debugging PLSQL from JDWP debugger
    2831689 DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML/updateXML/deleteXML leaks memory if updating a CLOB
    2835956 RMAN cannot restore from READ ONLY backups (ORA-19624)
    2843601 DML across a dblink fails with ORA-24370 if cursor_sharing is enabled
    2860212 PLSQL RPC with functional default parameter values may get NULL default / PLS-801
    2865031 Create materialized view on ANSI self-joined table fails with ORA-904
    2868068 Streams apply can fail with ORA-1403 when LOB DMLs are rolled bac
    2870605 PLS-306 compiling a 9i procedure which references remote 8i/8.0 tables
    2872667 ORA-20100 possible parsing XML document
    2884582 NullPointerException getting PooledConnection
    2886984 OCI-21602 / ORA-21500 / dump possible from OCCI
    2887000 ORA-27103 can occur during media recovery with VLM enabled
    2895314 Dump / OCI-21500 possible on multithreaded client
    2899668 LPX-217 from DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE on UTF8 database
    2900761 ORA-979 from complex view merge of GROUP BY with function (eg: TRUNC/ROUND)
    2900863 V$UNDOSTAT is not updated after an ORA-30036 occurs
    2906889 Standby recovery does not handle primary thread disable with LGWR archival
    2908532 SMON reports ORA-604 ORA-1000 endlessly during startup
    2908931 OCCI may fail with ORA-4043 while getmetadata for a public synonym
    2919120 Full export may fail with ORA-1422 if 2 triggers have same name
    2921174 ORA-918 from SQL against partitioned table/s
    2930541 ORA-979 possible in PQ slave with GROUP BY
    2931986 TKPROF explain can fail with ORA-1406
    2934068 MONITORING USAGE against SYS.I_OBJAUTH1 causes startup to fail with ORA-4021
    2934117 ORA-1652 can occur on TEMP tablespace in RAC environment
    2936556 ORA-4030 on large multi table insert with Unique constraint
    2941379 ORA-12801 / ORA-1427 for PDML with correlated subquery and rownum predicate
    2943687 ORA-6502 when OCCINUMBER type is used for OCCI PLSQL OUT binds
    2952815 ORA-1006 / ORA-2063 from "INSERT" in multimaster replication
    2953113 ORA-928 when star_transformation_enabled=true for an ANSI query
    2954353 Fix for bug 2679297 causes ORA-28528 on Sybase gateway for DECIMALs
    2954921 SQL with SET operations may fail with ORA-904 "VW_NSO_1"
    2956991 ORA-14504 during DBMS_STATS 'GATHER STALE'
    2960964 Cannot RESUME rebuild of a failed local domain index (ORA-29869)
    2963942 ORA-376 / ORA-1110 from exchange partition including indexes without validation
    2964335 "nid" fails with NID-138 for raw files which do not start at offset 0
    2967280 ORA-32004 / dumps if alert.log exceeds 2Gb in size
    2968571 DBMS_STATS may get parse errors for NLS_TERRITORY != america
    2968928 ORA-29280 from UTL_FILE in an INVOKERS RIGHTS function called from SQL
    2971220 ORA-932 possible from TABLE() function in a UNION clause
    2975392 OCCI: ORA-1403 errors in PLSQL appear as ORA-32103
    2978806 ORA-928 from STAR TRANSFORMATION with subquery and inline view
    2980403 ORA-4045 / ORA-942 on first complete refresh of a materialized view using a DB LINK
    2991795 ORA-1403 accessing element of table of %ROWTYPE returned from a function
    2996728 ORA-932 querying REF after changing an attribute of REFed object type
    2997196 OJMS does not work properly on RAC failover
    3000017 False ORA-4062 can occur from client PLSQL (version 8.0)
    3001943 ORA-920 on query with large inlist and CASE expression
    3002068 JDBC Thin cannot logon to started but unmounted or unopened database
    3002659 ORA-918 using existsnode() on table with CTXXPATH Text index
    3003788 ORA-25236 can occur during AQ dequeue
    3005508 ORA-28606 from CREATE COMPRESSED table / insert into compressed table
    3006846 Enterprise user connecting through proxy may fail with ORA-12534
    3008893 ORA-918 or ORA-904 can occur from index join access with temp table transformation
    3015947 ORA-1790 can occur in queries using the SYS_OP_PAR() function
    3016394 OJMS throws SQLException instead of SecurityException for invalid credentials
    3018017 ORA-28113 with referential constraints to table with VPD policy
    3020641 CTX_REPORT.TOKEN_INFO may fail with DRG-50857
    3026131 OCCI pinning object of evolved type throws ORA-21500 [kocgor077]
    3026539 Capture may fail with ORA-1332 after drop of table with no base object info
    3027676 OCILobRead callback in UTF8 may fail with ORA-24812
    3028226 SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION may dump or report ORA-21779
    3031005 ORA-28133 creating a materialized view on table with fine grained audit policy
    3031024 Export of object types and many subtypes produces bad export file (OCI-22303 on import)
    3033371 Query with cast as NUMBER through TG4DRDA fails with ORA-28500 sqlcode=-104
    3036396 OLAP report command fails with ORA-35656 for conjoint with a composite base
    3036990 SQLCODE -310 when passing Packed DECIMAL parameter to DB2 stored procedure
    3038759 Parse errors can occur on internally generated SQL
    3040122 ORA-4021 can occur when importing an XML schema
    3040360 NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR may fail with ORA-1401 in a trigger if BLANK_TRIMMING=FALSE
    3041342 Bad DDL in export file exporting a table which is not substitutable at all levels
    3041833 DBMS_XMLDOM fails with ORA-31182 if document has > 64k handles
    3046118 ORA-6593 when debugging an NCOMP PLSQL library unit
    3050003 DBMS_METADATA fails to extract MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG on a partitioned MVIEW
    3051801 ORA-6502 from EXPORT if CDC returns a long string
    3063952 ORA-1554 / hang can occur (rare)
    3065750 Cursor leak using OCIBreak
    3066864 ORA-904 selecting from view over DB link if view has column alias in it
    3067062 ORA-1744 during query transformation of SQL with INTO :BIND
    3068657 Incorrect error possible on FETCH (ORA-1405/ORA-6502 instead of ORA-1403)
    3068705 9i JMS client using OCI driver incompatible with 8i server
    3069244 ORA-932 selecting from a VIEW which has an inline view
    3069380 Personal Database Edition SQLJ errors compiling SQLJ on the server
    3071468 ORA-2019 may occur when describing an synonym using a database link
    3071475 Export writes bad DDL for user defined types stored as LOBs
    3075419 OCI-21500 [qmtb_init_len] possible from 9i client connecting to 10g server
    3075483 ORA-22921 using UPPER or LOWER on a CLOB column in multibyte (eg: UTF8) in PLSQL
    3076160 ORA-2080 when closing database links in PLSQL blocks
    3077339 OCCI: iterated setNumber() causes ORA-1438 or wrong results / corrupt data
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3077778 ORA-3242 can occur migrating SYSTEM tablespace to locally managed
    3077789 ORA-64 starting Oracle with very large PROCESSES and/or DB_FILES values
    3078178 ORA-161 "transaction branch length 0 is illegal" from OCITransStart()
    3080929 ORA-4021 / hang can occur due to SMON self deadlock on UNDO$ row cache lock
    3082676 ORA-12899 from INSERT APPEND inserting varchar2 into a LONG
    3082782 RMAN-600[6000] during duplicate command
    3083560 ORA-1410 / ORA-8103 from direct path export if concurrent DML occurs
    3085260 RAC instance may needlessly crash with ORA-214 if controlfile block is corrupt
    3085452 OCCI Statement->setNull() causes ORA-32132 for a batch operation with a TIMESTAMP column
    3085706 Transporting a partitioned table with SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE fails with ORA-2220
    3086883 OCCI cannot insert more than 64k data into a LONG RAW column
    3090397 ORA-4031 / excessive shared pool using LGWR ASYNC or SYNC=PARALLEL
    3091494 ORA-6544 / PLS-801 possible using TIMESTAMP values over a DBLINK for PLSQL RPCs
    3091541 OERI[17281] [1001] / ORA-1001 can occur using PLSQL
    3092094 TREEDUMP event does not work for composite partitioned index
    3093454 A query with TABLE() may ORA-979 in PLSQL
    3098193 NullPointerException if DB bounced when establishing a connection with DMS
    3098824 Parentheses around section name raises DRG-50901
    3104250 PMON may fail with ORA-601 starting extra shared servers/dispatchers
    3106699 Cursor leak / ORA-1000 using DBMS_XMLQUERY.getxml() with a bad select statement
    3109703 DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD may hang / ORA-16209 from logical standby
    3111186 DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION SAFE_PURGE_SCN may be wrong
    3111497 XA clients may fail on TAF failover with ORA-25402 / ORA-25408
    3113182 ORA-3106 fetching > 4000 bytes of character data from REF cursor
    3117525 JDBC does not convert some characters to DB charset and errors
    3119276 ORA-942 using ANSI full join with another users view
    3123030 OCISubscriptionUnregister() can fail with ORA-1435
    3124380 Fine grained access can fail for long object names (ORA-28112)
    3126930 ORA-1551 / hang possible on DELETE
    3128775 Empty / corrupt XML data can be inserted via XMLType
    3131030 ORA-21779 cano occur manipulating complex geometries
    3131163 ORACLE_PATH ignored in SQLPLUS if no suffix supplied to "start" command
    3134829 ORA-972 when using XMLType view and element name is too long
    3138167 ORA-12805 after some PQ slaves are killed
    3138734 EXP-56 ORA-31600 exporting DB with > 10000 users with Data Mining option
    3141706 Internode Parallel Query may fail with ORA-12805
    3145275 ORA-16211 / ORA-902 from Logical standby / Streams
    3149370 ORA-481 / instance crash possible from LMON
    3150037 Export may produce wrong SQL for CREATE TABLE xxx OF typename
    3150680 Excessive shared pool permanent memory use / ORA-4031 possible with SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS
    3153208 Redo log multiplexing does not detect EOF if one member is corrupt
    3153721 ORA-979 can occur with complex view merging
    3153814 3-Dimensional verification fails with ORA-13356
    3156663 ORA-1467 from large numbers of aggregates executed in parallel
    3157344 ORA-904 possible on Fast Refresh
    3160246 ORA-24026 can occur while trying to add or remove a subscriber from the queue
    3164294 PLS-801 [79110] using cursor%ROWTYPE in debug mode
    3167779 Streams aborts with ORA-26701 after parameter change in RAC
    3168676 TNS-1181 errors from 8i instances registering with 9.2 listener
    3174974 ORA-365 for the first log generated by the new primary after switchover
    3179919 ORA-6502 possible from DBMS_LDAP with attribute lengths > 2048 bytes
    3190456 ORA-6502 inserting NCHAR data with %TYPE declararion from 9i to 8i
    3191593 getownerdocument leaks memory / ORA-31181
    3192519 Create_capture can fail with ORA-1422 after RESETLOGS
    3194097 ORA-918 on recursive partition pruning query with STAR transformation
    3194835 ORA-2291 can occur in replicated environment
    3197273 ORA-22814 possible in Streams if db block size > 4k
    3197350 ORA-957 can occur on FAST REFRESH of an MVIEW with a GROUP BY
    3200360 PLSQL EXTEND() on a collection field in a collection of records does not work
    3203629 ORA-26689 in Streams Apply of DML for DATE types with DB2
    3206107 ORA-3106 possible selecting from remote view via an 8i server
    3212268 XMLType with embedded CLOB may be truncated in UTF8 DB / LPX-225
    3212294 getString on a Date / Timestamp column does not work in OracleCachedRowSet
    3213101 Lob corruption / ORA-1555 can occur on a LOB segment in ASSM
    3222496 TO_DATE format with literal errors when NLS_SORT is not binary
    3229141 ORA-30036 can occur when using automatic undo .
    3230599 SMON gets ORA-1426 recovering a cancelled rebuild index ONLINE
    3230861 OERI[kwqidjqp0] / ORA-22275 propogating messages with a LOB
    3232401 ORA-4031 with Streams apply site
    3235792 ORA-22923 can occur accessing an XMLType
    3238450 SDO_GEOM.RELATE with DETERMINE MASK fails with UNKNOWN MASK 000000111
    3240633 ORA-6502 "character string buffer too small" from DBMS_LOGSTDBY.INSTANTIATE_TABLE
    3240720 ORA-2019 using PRIVATE DB link owned by another user in PLSQL
    3240730 ORA-19007 inserting data into an XDB object table belonging to a different user
    3241091 ORA-904 / ORA-4063 during reload of XDB after upgrade/downgrade
    3254366 ORA-4030 / memory leak with fuzzy matching and nested loops
    3254615 SQLException accessing complex TYPE in JDBC
    3256273 Streams queue becomes invalid after removing rules (ORA-24144)
    3261807 ORA-932 after ALTER TYPE of a sub type
    3263696 Streams apply process returns ORA-1435 when set transformation logic on apply
    3264025 DELETE_SCHEMA with delete_cascade_force does not delete all objects / ORA-31095
    3270717 ORA-6510 enabling BIBeans/OLAPI access on imported AW with AWM
    3279129 LSP may report ORA-16211 errors
    3289063 ORA-1003 every 5 seconds after CJQ hits ORA-4031
    3291640 Logical standby apply process may exit with ORA-1460
    3296778 SELECT may fail with ORA-932 after an ALTER TYPE
    3309781 ArrayOutOfBoundsException when executing a query twice
    3317034 Remote HS queries using TO_DATE may error
    3365396 EXTEND() does not work for nested collections in PLSQL
    3371593 ORA-21779 possible with Spatial queries
    3434375 DATA GUARD can write a LOG BLOCK that is incompatible with HARD

    Internal Error may occur (ORA-600)
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    3081525P Tru64: OERI:[KSMHEAP_ALLOC1] on STARTUP with NUMA_ON
    1667371 OERI:KTSXS_ADD2 can occur during UET$ extension (very rare)
    1748260 OERI:6051 possible during index manipulation
    1835488 OERI:6101 possible with transaction isolation SERIALIZABLE
    2167574 DEQUEUE fails with OERI:kodrsobj1 when PAYLOAD is NON-FINAL object
    2329880 OERI:4412 OERI:4406 OERI:4886 can occur during CREATE PACKAGE with a DBLINK
    2399016 OERI[ktsircinfo_num1] possible parsing a query in RAC
    2405861 OERI[kcblibr_1] fetching from global temporary table after COMMIT/TRUNCATE
    2416262 OERI[qbaopn1]/mem corruption using NEW_TIME function and partitioned table with CURSOR_SHARING enabled
    2417344 OERI[KSSRMP1] / PMON hang possible
    2453893 Memory corruption SELECTing from an EXTERNAL TABLE with many discarded rows
    2459208 OERI[kokbnp2] when using an XMLType constructor
    2503821 OERI:[QCTCFX:LEN] compiling PLSQL with nested table DML
    2510994 OERI:ksxpmprp1 can occur in RAC environments
    2540003 OERI:kope2_readstr232 can occur
    2562214 Queries on fixed tables may fail with OERI:qernsRowP
    2576398 OERI[4819] during change password if PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION contains a COMMIT
    2596577 FORALL loops can fail with OERI:[qesmmcvalstat4]
    2623901 Multi TABLE INSERT (INSERT ALL) with ROW TRIGGERS fires wrong triggers or throws OERI:15852
    2635142 Complex view merging may fail with OERI[kgmgcdty2]
    2641125 OERI:klaevcbk_2 loading data in direct path if result of SQL expression too large
    2650291 OERI:ksqsgn1 possible in RAC with many reconfigurations
    2680659 CTAS with COMPRESS fails with OERI[kd9alloc] with 32k block size
    2683875 OERI:2009 can occur on transaction abort or during CR rollback
    2697174 OERI:qmxGenDefaults1 from XML schema with defaults or packed complexTypes
    2740939 OERI[kwqidmcretry:sub-name] possible when dequeuing messages from exception queue
    2754863 OERI[16164] possible from MERGE statement
    2760327 OERI[qmxman_badel] / OERI:[qmxsqcreexlen2] possible in XDB
    2764106 False OERI[2662] possible on SELECT which can crash the instance
    2784201 OERI:[ktspfupdst-1] on INSERT into LOB after TRUNCATE with ASSM
    2797383 OERI[kxfpg1sg:INV] can occur during slave creation
    2806051 OERI:[kjbcancel:!gmp] / OERI:OSDEP_INTERNAL during reconfiguration
    2808926 OERI[2866] possible during MEDIA recovery of AUTOEXTEND file in RAC
    2810171 OERI[kkpapdimtolevel2] possible from parse of PQ on PARTITIONED table
    2812728 OERI:17067 possible when creating a Materialized View
    2813846 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS with DEGREE>1 and a function based index
    2814657 OERI:4412 / OERI:KSSRMP1 under ktusm_shrinkoff using System Managed undo
    2825036 OERI:[qmtLoadGlobalXob3] when > 8 schemas used concurrently on one schema doc
    2826095 OERI[kkotr2:jcolmis] possible with star transformation in outer joined view
    2829071 PLS-801/OERI:[15419] when debugging PLSQL from JDWP debugger
    2842163 OERI[qkainitgrpfns.3] for query with GROUPING() and NULLS FIRST
    2843273 OERI[ktsitbs_info1] / dump from CTAS to create a partitioned IOT with OVERFLOW / MAPPING
    2844520 OCCI may fail with ORA-600 unpickling an empty collection
    2846430 OERI[qctginf : opncsfrm] from EXECUTE IMMEDIATE of DDL then SELECT
    2855665 ORA-600[12333] in PRO/OCI clients sharing statement handles
    2868147 Streams capture may OERI:[5-knlcinlinedata] for multi-row deletes
    2892926 Streams may fail with OERI [knlcEnqueueLCR250]
    2893546 OERI:[4412] when BEFORE LOGOFF trigger enabled
    2897300 LMS may die with OERI[kjblpflush:slt] in a RAC environment
    2899477 Minimise risk of a false OERI[2662]
    2912559 OERI[17182] / memory corruption possible on COMMIT in XDB
    2917635 OERI:kjmupdqseq_1 possible in RAC environment during reconfiguration
    2923669 OERI[klaprs_30] / DUMP from SQLLDR direct path load
    2927357 OERI[kcoapl_blkchk]/corruption possible from block level rollback
    2927554 OERI [549] when starting up dispatchers followed by "found dead dispatcher"
    2928757 OERI[kcbgcur_6] / OERI:[kcbgtcr_12] can occur for files converted to locally managed
    2928994 OERI:[ksxrrcvmsg] possible after IPC error ORA-27509
    2934789 Double check controlfile before failing with OERI[kccchb_1]
    2937993 ALTER INDEX REBUILD with a partitioned join index may OERI[qerpxsetparttq4]
    2941050 OERI[6302] when creating index on table containing a NULL REF column
    2942857 OERI:12327 from complex view merging
    2944007 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block possible during CR rollback of index block
    2949392 OERI[rpidrv-3] creating a view based on a non-existent table
    2950839 OERI[kokeicssadd2] using Opaque types
    2952096 Poor performance / OERI:2103 possible in RAC with mirrors and volume manager
    2952690 OERI[17159] / memory corruption querying multibyte Java source via DBA_SOURCE
    2954868 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block from CR rollback of IOT or compressed index
    2956085 OERI:[kkqspmt-4] when QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY=trusted
    2959556 STARTUP after an ORA-701 fails with OERI[4000]
    2972228 OERI[kjbmpbast:vld] possible in RAC after a process death
    2976776 OERI:[qkarmtview20] can occur on UNION ALL select over a DB LINK
    2977553 OERI [kdibcoappend:pagap] from ALTER INDEX REBUILD of a bitmap index
    2981747 OERI[KDIINS0: PID MISMATCH] possible from PDML
    2984987 OERI[12760] when dequeuing using the Java APIwith CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME
    2988739 OERI[kopp2upic#329]/OERI:kokeaai5 with FINAL supertype and NOT FINAL subtype
    2990413 OERI[msqopnws_sys] possible during parallel DML on partitioned tables
    2995204 PMON may crash the instance (OERI:kwqicklem-spinf) cleaning up an aborted AQ session
    2997248 OERI[ktspfupdst-1] can occur on DML against ASSM segments
    2998206 OERI:kcbgcur / OERI:ktssfdcx from MERGE with an APPEND hint
    2999894 OERI:6032 / corrupt index creating a bitmap index on a compressed tables with bitmap indexes
    3001020 OERI:20056 possible if BITMAP to ROWID used
    3001356 OERI[kjbmpassume:!res] / OERI:[kjbmperr:2] possible in LMS in RAC environment
    3004199 OERI[kghsccwrite1] possible from XML queries using XMLConcat
    3005551 OERI[510] OERI[17175] after some other heap error
    3007574 OERI:15212 using CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE with database links
    3008763 OERI[qmxiwritexobint21] using instance documents for substituted elements
    3013962 Streams capture can abort with OERI[krvtadc] on 64bit platforms
    3029292 LOB corruption possible on ASSM tablespace
    3030298 OERI:2103 from concurrent 'drop tablespace including datafiles'
    3033700 OERI:msqopnws_sys from STAR transformation with pushed join predicate
    3033868 OERI[kwqidjqp0] from DBMS_AQADM_SYS.REGISTER_DRIVER
    3035775 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] can occur from temp table transformation
    3036932 OERI:16371 / OERI:16366 if user session killed while executing external procedure in MTS
    3039404 OERI[12406] using NOT CONTAINS with local partitioned TEXT index
    3041387 OERI[kopi2_readlen083] enqueuing object with immediate embedded NULL
    3041817 OERI:krvsdtab possible mining logs in Streams / Logical Standby
    3041865 Memory corruption during Logical Standby apply of LOB changes
    3042491 OERI:qmtGenBadTArr registering XML schema with simple types containing enumerations
    3045623 OERI[kkslhsh1] possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE
    3051582 ORA-7445 [kwqpcbk] / OERI:[kpoaqeq:kwqprc] on resuming AQ propogation to a remote database
    3051782 Logical standby may fail with OERI:17182 / memory corruption
    3057986 OERI [12333] possible if a client shares a statement handle between SQL / PLSQL
    3058769 OERI:12333 from OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY of SQL with a BIND over HS
    3059267 OERI[kjfcdrmrfg: !kjidrmwindow] if "_gc_affinity_time" is different
    3066549 OERI[17113] / memory corruption can occur selecting from a view
    3070198 OERI:150 can occur if > 1k passed to DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT
    3070856 OERI:12700 / 25012 / ktrexc_1 on transported tablespace with SMU
    3071695 Dump in kdapblkcntt / OERI:13002 creating an index with COMPUTE STATISTICS
    3073503 Direct path load session fails with OER:klapse_30 if first loaded row gets an ORA error
    3077821 OERI:kfhpfh_03-1209 on SWITCHOVER to STANDBY
    3078478 OERI[kcbgtcr_13] possible when using SMU
    3078613 Buffer cache corruption can occur when using different DB block sizes in the same database
    3080686 OERI:krvxblem2 possible in Streams for CACHE LOBS
    3085651 Table corruption / OERI after TRUNCATE on ASSM table with NESTED TABLE cols
    3089086 OERI[17172] / SGA corruption possible at startup
    3090963 OERI[kocgpn129] / Dump in kocgpn2 can occur
    3091541 OERI[17281] [1001] / ORA-1001 can occur using PLSQL
    3097158 OERI[6006] / index corruption possible (rare)
    3110501 OERI:[kdlfkd-7] possible on stream write to a LOB segment
    3111951 OERI[ktspscaninit-d] after interrupted TRUNCATE
    3114347 OERI[krvxsasai10] / apply may stop
    3115733 OERI[4000] / index corruption can occur during index coalesce
    3117425 OERI[kprcdt-1]
    3118150 LSP stops applying with OERI[knacpsm_processslavemessage250]
    3120033 ORA-600 [KCBVMAP] possible
    3121160 DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH of refresh group fails with OERI[kkzfcbsu]
    3121670 OERI:qctcte1 can occur on VIEW with HAVING clause with STAR transformation
    3124179 OERI:12333 possible over DB link with LONG type
    3125001 PMON crash with OERI[1115] due to state object corruption / SGA memory leak
    3127116 OERI:kcbgcur_9 during rollback of DML in ASSM segment
    3127957 OERI[qmxsqCreExNS] can occur accessing XML document > 3000 bytes long
    3131148 OERI:kclcopy_5 possible in RAC
    3131210 OERI:12455 from SELECT FOR UPDATE with semi/anti join to partitioned table
    3131438 OERI:kckupd_01 / OERI:3810 from ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_RETENTION
    3132901 OERI[kgmexec10] possible in shared severs
    3134731 OERI[kclfbast_1] / OERI[kjmsm_epc] possible in RAC
    3136897 OERI[kclpdc_27] possible during instance recovery in RAC
    3138026 OERI[kskbind1] possible using Resource Manager with MTS
    3138224 OERI[kgazmo_1] can occur using HTTPS vie UTL_HTTP
    3138824 OERI[kxtipre1] updating view with INSTEAD-OF update trigger
    3139818 OERI[17182] / memory corruption / data corruption from JAVA only TRIGGER
    3142474 OERI[kclpred_5] possible in RAC
    3143389 OERI[kjbclose:l] / OERI:603 in LMS
    3145197 OERI in Streams apply after ALTER TABLE ADD of a LOB column with DEFAULT values
    3147518 OERI[kwqpbqdeqr: !qobjorspse] on Streams propagation
    3150268 OERI[kcbgcur_1] / OERI:25012 deleting rows from PARENT table with LIST subpartitions
    3153778 OERI[kclwcrs_15] possible on RAC on some platforms
    3158410 OERI[16607] executing Spatial query with bind variables
    3163798 OERI / Instance crash from killed JOB QUEUE session
    3164380 SMON may crash the instance with OERI:kturdbr1 when using SMU
    3170534 OERI[kglsim_updnew1] possible under high concurrency
    3170927 OERI:krvtmnc can occur mining direct path REDO with chained rows
    3170997 OERI[kdic_create_journal_table_1] from rebuild index online with TIMESTAMP
    3174660 OERI[kjmpmsg_1] possible in RAC environment
    3184705 OERI[kopp2pic798] from SELECT on OBJECT table with large number of rows returned
    3197265 OERI:kclfusfake_4 possible in RAC (rare)
    3204542 OERI[ktssinseg3] / cannot recover locally managed tablespace
    3204937 PQ slave may fail with OERI [ksmals], [qrarr]
    3209932 OERI[kpoblblen: pos1] during re-execute of a pl/sql block
    3210520 OERI[kjccqmg:esm] / OERI[4194] / corruption possible in RAC
    3215232 OERI[kjblpwr:sc] possible in RAC
    3215579 OERI[ktspfupdst-1] / corruption after DEALLOCATE UNUSED on ASSM
    3216046 OERI:qctcte1 running a query with a subquery in SELECT list
    3219491 OERI[kcfrbd-3] selecting free space from migrated bitmapped tablespace
    3219728 RAC may encounter OERI[kjbcrc:g]
    3230116 Direct export of a compressed table fails with OERI[6193]
    3230861 OERI[kwqidjqp0] / ORA-22275 propogating messages with a LOB
    3249755 Block corruption possible on temp files
    3249927 OERI[qkaupsertrowvec5] possible on MERGE with RLS set
    3253534 OERI[krvsekd: bad index xdat] in Streams with > 32 columns and a LOB
    3254475 OERI[h_mk_cr_1] possible during SGA shrink
    3255452 OERI[rworupo.2] querying VARRAY attributes of remote objects
    3256025 OERI[15709] cleaning up dead PQ slaves
    3267327 OERI[koputilcvto2n] on "alter table .. upgrade" command
    3281882 Block corruption / OERI[kcoapl_blkchk] in multinode RAC after multiple reconfigurations
    3296654 Many OERI[17175] after OERI:510 - instance may hang
    3301298 OERI[kkqsadjp-1] during query rewrite
    3306010 OERI[kcrfr_resize2] possible in MEDIA recovery
    3314963 OERI[rworupo.1] / wrong results when selecting ROWID from view based on an IOT
    3397181 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION of recovery slave causes stuck recovery
    3416258 OERI[KWQICKCIDX:] possible loading queue objects

    Process may Dump / Abend / Abort
    2023603 NETMGR dumps when starting names servers
    2363426 Dump possible passing XMLTYPE to Java stored procedure
    2380549 Dump from ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    2393273 Invalid FLOAT values can cause SQLLDR to dump on some platforms
    2415893 ORA-7445[kkosjt] possible when complex view merging occurs
    2419137 ORA-7445 [KKMTRV] using UNION ALL with invalid INLIST BETWEEN predicate
    2453893 Memory corruption SELECTing from an EXTERNAL TABLE with many discarded rows
    2454108 ORA-7445 [ktussto] can occur when attempting to report ORA-1555
    2475995 Dump (in kkodsel) from STAR TRANSFORMATION with view merging
    2493639 OCCI executing parameterized statements may fail if reexecuted with different binds
    2500323 ORA-7445[evaopn2] for index join with functional index
    2501229 Redefines using SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ get wrong results / dump
    2528839 Dump possible using ANSI OUTER JOIN with multiple subqueries
    2566043 Dump in kwqiexenq0/kwqidxdeq0 if ENQUEUE / DEQUEUE called with empty string
    2589746 Multithreaded clients (such as OIDMON) may core dump on startup
    2605902 TRIM may dump in lxktrim / corrupt memory when trimming SHIFT encoded data
    2620541 ORA-7445 [KXSPOAC] can occur on DML using CURSOR_SHARING
    2656368 Dump in evaopn2 when query uses function based indexes on partitioned table
    2666302 Dump possible in koksfoc calling getClobVal with no parameters
    2675801 ORA-7445 [qsmkzii_init_qsmksinline] from CREATE MVIEW with named subquery
    2684113 Dump in kkqsvopn when using ADT binds in INSTEAD OF triggers
    2696433 Dump in qoldsh when creating a stored outline with a remote colocated join
    2711380 Dump (in evaopn2) using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH in an inline view
    2718906 Client side PLSQL may DUMP if CURRENT OF CURSOR is used
    2721670 SQLLDR may dump or encounter client side memory corruption
    2727081 Dump in kokmeoc on re-execute of statements with functions
    2731382 Dump possible in sqlcnt in Pro client or sqlplus
    2742863 Dump (evaopn2) possible using ANSI join
    2762479 Dump possible in npixfc()
    2775091 Dump possible from query on a UNION ALL views with IOT
    2778852 Publishing an XML message to a queue via IDAP may dump (the client)
    2785770 Nil or comments in text node may dump
    2788438 Dump from query involving rownum in a group by view with a hash join
    2792496 Import may dump importing a trigger with "--" comment before the trigger name
    2794347 DBMS_LDAP.GET_VALUES may dump if iPlanet attribute contains no data
    2806660 Dump (in kokeis) using GROUP BY extractValue
    2827119 Query using HASH JOIN may dump in kafcpy
    2833543 Dump during multi-table insert into object table with subtypes
    2843273 OERI[ktsitbs_info1] / dump from CTAS to create a partitioned IOT with OVERFLOW / MAPPING
    2845826 OCCI client may dump flushing newly created objects to database
    2848743 OCISessionGet with SPOOL_ATTRVAL_WAIT may dump (in kpuspsessionget)
    2856256 Dump using CATSEARCH with > 1 multibyte character with a wildcard
    2872365 Client dump creating a connection pool with OCCI
    2872469 Dump for SELECT on ALL_CONSTRAINTS over Informix Gateway
    2874440 Dump (qercostart) using ROWNUM with a full outer join
    2881183 Dump (kdisplitbr) / random data/index corruption (rare)
    2886282 Select with multi-column inlist on date column may dump (apaopnbf)
    2886984 OCI-21602 / ORA-21500 / dump possible from OCCI
    2894187 ctxkbtc may dump during compilation of a user-defined thesaurus
    2896403 CTAS with UNION and ORDER BY dumps (in kokmrwo or qersoAllocate)
    2898625 Interrupted ONLINE subpartition index rebuild can dump in kdic_cleanup
    2906041 Dump selecting from object view using UNIONed object tables
    2908421 Dump (koxsisz) when OCIStmtFetch2 fetches a NULL collection
    2909726 Dump when selecting from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
    2913155 Dump in kkojnp for SQL with WINDOW function and no ORDER BY
    2919253 Dump (in qcdopint) during CREATE FORCE VIEW if underlying table does not exist
    2923669 OERI[klaprs_30] / DUMP from SQLLDR direct path load
    2929911 CTAS dumps if CREATE_STORED_OUTLINES is set
    2930122 Java stored procedure may dump
    2957135 XA tracing with dbgfl set can dump/spin with dynamic registration
    2958096 Using XMLType / objects over DBLINKS with CURSOR_SHARING may dump
    2959172 Diagnostic PROCESSSTATE / SYSTEMSTATE dump may spin / dump
    2964015 Altering a type may dump
    2967280 ORA-32004 / dumps if alert.log exceeds 2Gb in size
    2979137 Dump parsing certain Korean PDF with KOREAN_LEXER
    2979703 Dump possible with long TNS string
    2995160 Dump possible in opipls if error has occurred
    3001262 Dump (in qeruarowprocedure) possible with UNION ALL & query rewrite
    3004610 Wrong query / dump possible when Synonym policies used via another synonym
    3004764 PMON may crash the instance with ORA-7445[KKSHEQD] / ORA-7445[KKSHLCU]
    3007630 Logical standby APPLY may dump in ksmudr
    3007667 Spatial / domain index queries against partitioned table may dump in qximirew
    3010012 Dump modifying constraints which BITMAP JOIN INDEX relies on
    3020801 Dump (msqopnws) when select cursor has an XMLElement operator
    3021662 Dumps possible in XDB schema compiler
    3028226 SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION may dump or report ORA-21779
    3030282 Dump in kssadpm_stage can occur if certain DDL/truncate is interrupted
    3032832 Dump from 8.0/8.1 PLSQL client to 9.2 server using %ROWTYPE with CHAR length semantics
    3036075 Mem corruption / dump reporting NUMBER dimension in OLAP
    3038680 OCCI ResultSetImpl:getRowPosition() may dump
    3039971 Shared server may dump (under niocto) if outbound DBLINK end point dies
    3041166 Wrong results from SEMI JOIN with NL to remote table
    3042674 XDB "extract" operations may dump in evaopn2
    3043091 LMS can dump in kslpstevent()
    3051582 ORA-7445 [kwqpcbk] / OERI:[kpoaqeq:kwqprc] on resuming AQ propogation to a remote database
    3051660 Dump in evaopn2 with duplicate predicates against a LIST partitioned table
    3051710 OIDLDAPD may dump during Agent update
    3052467 Dump (in qeruarowprocedure) possible from NOT IN (.. UNION ALL ..)
    3054794 UPPER/LOWER of CLOB may dump in kole_case
    3057409 Dump in skgxpdmprqh possible in RAC / OPS
    3058463 Dump in kpcdrsz selecting ROWID from remote database from PLSQL
    3063104 Dump under qervwFetch selecting ROWID from a view based on a collection iterator
    3070717 Dump in opirbfpf during synchronization of CTXRULE Text index
    3071695 Dump in kdapblkcntt / OERI:13002 creating an index with COMPUTE STATISTICS
    3073109 Dump / wrong results from complex view merging with inline views
    3077613 Dump inserting XMLType as a CLOB over a database link
    3080436 Intermittent core dump when OID server is doing an SSL connection
    3089249 Dump possible using binds over a DB link
    3091499 Bad export / import dumps for table with LOB CHUNKSIZE = 32K
    3091504 Updating object with varray attribute may dump / corrupt memory
    3091807 Dump with multi-level collections over views
    3093254 Dump possible in nldtwrite
    3093940 Tracing may be enabled using EXTPROC / HS - can lead to memory corruption
    3099541 Dump (kqrbtm) in LCK in RAC after reconfiguration
    3101739 Dump in qkkOrdOpt for queries with many SORT MERGE JOINs
    3110451 OCI7 client may dump on "oflng()" instead of throwing ORA-1018
    3110923 Dump (in qmxtrxopt) using ORDER BY .. DESC on a CONSTANT column
    3113248 Dump possible using DOMAIN INDEX operators on partitioned table in parallel
    3118399 Dump in koktupd_dplvl from ALTER TYPE with a cyclic dependency
    3119025 Dump in KKOGTP possible from CBO when CHECK CONSTRAINTS exist
    3120228 Dump possible on propagation job (for Streams)
    3122388 Native Java code may dump under jlsnrctl executeCommand
    3124676 SYS_CONTEXT() may dump
    3127615 SQLLDR direct load may dump
    3131199 Core dump possible during LOB read on XML data
    3133131 LDAPADDMT may dump
    3136072 Dump executing PLSQL RPC with a REF cursor parameter
    3137752 Dump in evaopn2 from SELECT against LIST PARTITIONED TABLE with join
    3149432 Dump possible passing REF CURSOR as an IN/OUT PLSQL parameter
    3151888 Dump possible using ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    3156460 Dump (in evaopn2) possible using functional indexes
    3161240 Dump in kwqacsp using DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE with EVENT 10862
    3163361 SELECT rowid from an object type dumps
    3173332 Dump (in evaopn2) from temp table Star transformation with an ORDER BY
    3174874 Dump in ttcacr() calling oflng() on LDA from OCISvcCtxToLda() if NLS_LANG different to DB character set
    3176033 Dump possible in ttcc2u / ttcpip
    3189737 Dump possible in qerpx_close at end of parallel DML
    3195907 JDBC client may dump under t2cDefineExecuteFetch after FAILOVER
    3196059 Wrong results / dump (evaopn2) querying list partitioned tables
    3196960 Dump in qksopIsCOnstant optimizing a query with a TABLE() function
    3202646 Inlists with a functional index may dump
    3205044 PQ process may fail with ORA-10382 and a core dump
    3208473 Dump in kopi2fmt81ch processing 8i objects in 9i
    3208807 LNS process keeps writing trace information
    3210770 RTREE index create may dump
    3217016 Dump possible in kghfrf closing a row source
    3220161 Non-leftmost range table queue in PQ may hang or dump
    3220542 Dump in kkobmcheck with fix for bug 3128343
    3224383 Dump in evaopn2 from STAR transformation with function based indexes
    3228077 Logical standby with LOB columns may dump
    3234606 Dump (under qerpxClose) from parallel DML
    3234793 Dump in krvxbgen_GenericTx in streams Logminer BUILDER process
    3246827 Hierarchical query with FOR UPDATE may dump in qercbiQBCompare
    3252000 Dump in kghscn when selecting from V$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY
    3256861 Dump in atbiauxtab during ALTER TYPE ADD ATTRIBUTE with underlying IOT
    3266422 Logminer / Streams may dump on update of IOT with mapping table
    3276040 AQ propogation may dump and cannot continue
    3280318 Dump from query on composite partitioned table with missing statistics
    3288277 LGWR can dump in kslpstevent in a RAC environment
    3294500 PLSQL RPC may dump in ttcclr
    3295611 Querying V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER or V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 sometimes dumps
    3305850 Dump can occur after an ORA-4030 in PLSQL
    3316000 Query rewrite may dump using NOT IN / NOT EXISTS on MV with outer joins
    3324297 getBytes() may dump / OERI in JDBC OCI with large "amount"
    3332412 Dump in evaopn2 using COUNT(column) with other aggregates
    3359471 Dump possible while doing DML against a table with compress key index
    3368863 KVSIZE on composite btree may error / dump
    3423380 ONLINE MOVE of compressed IOT may dump or product corrupt IOT

    Task Related

    Instance startup
    3081525P Tru64: OERI:[KSMHEAP_ALLOC1] on STARTUP with NUMA_ON
    2383817 Dump (in zllcini) after STARTUP with Oracle Label Security installed
    2786723 ORA-16068 trying to open database after cancelled recovery of file
    2908532 SMON reports ORA-604 ORA-1000 endlessly during startup
    2927554 OERI [549] when starting up dispatchers followed by "found dead dispatcher"
    2934068 MONITORING USAGE against SYS.I_OBJAUTH1 causes startup to fail with ORA-4021
    2959556 STARTUP after an ORA-701 fails with OERI[4000]
    3077789 ORA-64 starting Oracle with very large PROCESSES and/or DB_FILES values
    3089086 OERI[17172] / SGA corruption possible at startup

    Migration / Upgrade / Downgrade
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    3146969* Spatial upgrade from 8.1/9.0 to 9.0/9.2 looses User Defined Coordinate Systems
    This bug is alerted in Note 241160.1
    3047733I SP2-310 errors running CATPATCH in Standard Edition
    3073414I XDB may not work after applying a 9.2 patch set
    3124536I XML related objects may be invalidated on applying a 9.2 Patch Set
    3156134I Oracle Text upgrade to misses entries for 'OVERRIDE_BASE_LETTER'
    3108162P+ Linux: Error Reading OCFS Quorum File When Starting ORACM after upgrade to 9204
    3118677PI Unix: Incorrect kdd.o shipped with Patch Set
    2761650 ORA-14097 can occur on EXCHANGE partition when table has a RAW column
    2856745 Duplicate rows in database_properties table after migration from 8i to 9i
    2964982 Running prvtlock.plb during upgrade can leave duplicate lock handles
    3024516 Oracle Label Security marked as INVALID in DBA_REGISTRY after upgrade
    3046194 Drop/recreate of an OPERATOR does not update dictionary properly - affects Text SCORE operator
    3052844 Spatial database upgrades using DBUA may fail due to an ORA-29844
    3091612 TAB$.SPARE6 may contain corrupt data after upgrade to 9i
    3241091 ORA-904 / ORA-4063 during reload of XDB after upgrade/downgrade
    3298034 utlrp.sql attempts to re-validate old versions of types

    Performance Monitoring
    2539836 Buffer cache advisory overestimates the number of cache misses in a RAC environment
    2931986 TKPROF explain can fail with ORA-1406
    3009359 Higher CPU use if SQL_TRACE=TRUE

    2786723 ORA-16068 trying to open database after cancelled recovery of file
    2808926 OERI[2866] possible during MEDIA recovery of AUTOEXTEND file in RAC
    2887000 ORA-27103 can occur during media recovery with VLM enabled
    3153208 Redo log multiplexing does not detect EOF if one member is corrupt
    3201443 Parallel recovery can be slow with small buffer cache
    3204542 OERI[ktssinseg3] / cannot recover locally managed tablespace
    3208807 LNS process keeps writing trace information
    3255255 Parallel recovery is slower in a RAC environment
    3306010 OERI[kcrfr_resize2] possible in MEDIA recovery
    3397181 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION of recovery slave causes stuck recovery

    SQL commands / features used

    ANSI Joins
    2354702 ANSI FULL JOIN may fail unexpectedly with ORA-942
    2380549 Dump from ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    2491619 ORA-1799 not always signalled with ANSI OUTER JOIN syntax
    2528839 Dump possible using ANSI OUTER JOIN with multiple subqueries
    2742863 Dump (evaopn2) possible using ANSI join
    2800139 Create MATERIALIZED VIEW may fail with ORA-904 using ANSI join
    2800162 Query rewrite does not always work when using ANSI join in an MVIEW
    2865031 Create materialized view on ANSI self-joined table fails with ORA-904
    2874440 Dump (qercostart) using ROWNUM with a full outer join
    2953113 ORA-928 when star_transformation_enabled=true for an ANSI query
    3119276 ORA-942 using ANSI full join with another users view
    3151888 Dump possible using ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    3171143 Wrong results from ANSI outer join with IS NULL predicate

    Analytic SQL (Windowing etc..)
    2692500 GROUP BY with ROLLUP / CUBE may return no rollup rows
    2842163 OERI[qkainitgrpfns.3] for query with GROUPING() and NULLS FIRST
    2913155 Dump in kkojnp for SQL with WINDOW function and no ORDER BY
    3015947 ORA-1790 can occur in queries using the SYS_OP_PAR() function

    Application Context
    3157697 SYS_CONTEXT is not evaluated at primary site when used over a database link

    Constraint Related
    2202404 ORA-2291 can occur using deferred constraints with partitioned indexes
    2758287 Setup of multi-master replication can set up incorrect "DELETE_RULE" for constraints
    2915902 Wrong results from not null-safe CHECK constraint
    2936556 ORA-4030 on large multi table insert with Unique constraint
    3010012 Dump modifying constraints which BITMAP JOIN INDEX relies on
    3018017 ORA-28113 with referential constraints to table with VPD policy
    3119025 Dump in KKOGTP possible from CBO when CHECK CONSTRAINTS exist
    3150268 OERI[kcbgcur_1] / OERI:25012 deleting rows from PARENT table with LIST subpartitions
    3171143 Wrong results from ANSI outer join with IS NULL predicate

    Datatypes - LOBs (CLOB/BLOB/BFILE)
    1736740 ORA-22292 opening TEMP LOB from JAVA using KRPB driver
    2282825 MERGE with remote LOB may seem to work when it should fail
    2735268 If OCILobCreateTemporary fails it may return the wrong error
    2784201 OERI:[ktspfupdst-1] on INSERT into LOB after TRUNCATE with ASSM
    2831689 DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML/updateXML/deleteXML leaks memory if updating a CLOB
    2842621 LOB DML failure can lead to corrupt LOB data at APPLY site
    2861835 Streams apply may contain direct loaded LOB data which was rolled back
    2868068 Streams apply can fail with ORA-1403 when LOB DMLs are rolled bac
    2926182 OERI[25027] / ORA-22922 accessing LOB columns in IOT in AFTER UPDATE trigger
    2991974 Storage for a BFILE is increased when copied via database link
    3019979 Space may not be reused efficiently in a LOB segment
    3027676 OCILobRead callback in UTF8 may fail with ORA-24812
    3028267 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException doing DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML() with large CLOB values
    3029292 LOB corruption possible on ASSM tablespace
    3054794 UPPER/LOWER of CLOB may dump in kole_case
    3058923 Memory corruption possible using LOBs in IOTs
    3071475 Export writes bad DDL for user defined types stored as LOBs
    3075483 ORA-22921 using UPPER or LOWER on a CLOB column in multibyte (eg: UTF8) in PLSQL
    3077651 LOB manipulation can leak "buffer" state objects causing hangs/shared pool problems
    3091499 Bad export / import dumps for table with LOB CHUNKSIZE = 32K
    3107254 Data truncation after redefine when fetching a LOB in Pro/OCI
    3110501 OERI:[kdlfkd-7] possible on stream write to a LOB segment
    3113169 JDBC Thin may leak abstract LOBS / memory
    3131199 Core dump possible during LOB read on XML data
    3133645 Multithreaded JDBC client may hang accessing LOB data
    3213101 Lob corruption / ORA-1555 can occur on a LOB segment in ASSM
    3234751 Excessive TEMP space usage from SQLLDR of LOBS or INSERT .. RETURNING with LOBS

    Datatypes - Objects (Types/Collections)
    3124536I XML related objects may be invalidated on applying a 9.2 Patch Set
    2167574 DEQUEUE fails with OERI:kodrsobj1 when PAYLOAD is NON-FINAL object
    2314382 NUMBER precision missing for VIEW of a table expression
    2503821 OERI:[QCTCFX:LEN] compiling PLSQL with nested table DML
    2570545 Queries after a 'DROP SUBTYPE VALIDATE' can fail with ORA-21700
    2684113 Dump in kkqsvopn when using ADT binds in INSTEAD OF triggers
    2782260 Duplicate rows in USER_TYPE_METHODS after ALTER TYPE ADD/DROP ATTRIBUTE
    2833543 Dump during multi-table insert into object table with subtypes
    2906041 Dump selecting from object view using UNIONed object tables
    2908421 Dump (koxsisz) when OCIStmtFetch2 fetches a NULL collection
    2941050 OERI[6302] when creating index on table containing a NULL REF column
    2950591 Spin manipulating complex object in PLSQL
    2950839 OERI[kokeicssadd2] using Opaque types
    2964015 Altering a type may dump
    2971220 ORA-932 possible from TABLE() function in a UNION clause
    2988739 OERI[kopp2upic#329]/OERI:kokeaai5 with FINAL supertype and NOT FINAL subtype
    2996728 ORA-932 querying REF after changing an attribute of REFed object type
    3031024 Export of object types and many subtypes produces bad export file (OCI-22303 on import)
    3041342 Bad DDL in export file exporting a table which is not substitutable at all levels
    3041387 OERI[kopi2_readlen083] enqueuing object with immediate embedded NULL
    3042541 Spin possible processing subtypes
    3063104 Dump under qervwFetch selecting ROWID from a view based on a collection iterator
    3063241 Poor execution plan possible for semi join with collection iterator
    3071475 Export writes bad DDL for user defined types stored as LOBs
    3085651 Table corruption / OERI after TRUNCATE on ASSM table with NESTED TABLE cols
    3090963 OERI[kocgpn129] / Dump in kocgpn2 can occur
    3091504 Updating object with varray attribute may dump / corrupt memory
    3091807 Dump with multi-level collections over views
    3093454 A query with TABLE() may ORA-979 in PLSQL
    3113983 MAP methods with invokers rights run as DEFINERS rights
    3118399 Dump in koktupd_dplvl from ALTER TYPE with a cyclic dependency
    3138341 Wrong datatypes returned from PLSQL REF Cursor using CAST
    3150037 Export may produce wrong SQL for CREATE TABLE xxx OF typename
    3163361 SELECT rowid from an object type dumps
    3170681 Memory corruption / Dump kghispih() using Objects
    3184705 OERI[kopp2pic798] from SELECT on OBJECT table with large number of rows returned
    3192983 Problems upgrading a table containing VARRAYS of REFS to an evolved type
    3208473 Dump in kopi2fmt81ch processing 8i objects in 9i
    3227302 Query rewrite does not occur in 9i when table contains a VARRAY column
    3254615 SQLException accessing complex TYPE in JDBC
    3255452 OERI[rworupo.2] querying VARRAY attributes of remote objects
    3256861 Dump in atbiauxtab during ALTER TYPE ADD ATTRIBUTE with underlying IOT
    3258506 DBA|ALL|USER_TYPE_ATTRS does not show REF attribute after ALTER TYPE
    3261807 ORA-932 after ALTER TYPE of a sub type
    3267327 OERI[koputilcvto2n] on "alter table .. upgrade" command
    3288190 Problems with Objects
    3296778 SELECT may fail with ORA-932 after an ALTER TYPE
    3298034 utlrp.sql attempts to re-validate old versions of types

    Datatypes - TIMESTAMP
    2422838 Fetching a "TIMESTAMP with LOCAL TIMEZONE" column into SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ gives wrong results
    2501229 Redefines using SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ get wrong results / dump
    2630914 TIMESTAMP may be converted incorrectly for date format 'dd-mon-rrrr'
    2680256 setTimestamp(pos,x,cal) throws SQLException if bound to a DATE SQL type
    2757687 Java select of TIMESTAMP data may fail with "SQLException Bigger type length than Maximum"
    2864062 TIMESTAMPLTZ(..,TIMESTAMP) failw with non default SESSION TIMEZONE
    2963428 Incorrect dates possible using TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE
    2999388 SYS_EXTRACT_UTC can return wrong results
    3002347 ResultSet.getTimestamp() gets corrupt data if Statement reexecuted
    3091494 ORA-6544 / PLS-801 possible using TIMESTAMP values over a DBLINK for PLSQL RPCs
    3116276 TRUNC/ROUND error for TIMESTAMP parameters
    3170997 OERI[kdic_create_journal_table_1] from rebuild index online with TIMESTAMP
    3212294 getString on a Date / Timestamp column does not work in OracleCachedRowSet

    Direct Path operations
    2452490 SQLLDR DIRECT=TRUE SQL expression performance slower than CONVENTIONAL path
    2620683 SQLLDR direct load to another users partition fails with ORA-1031
    2641125 OERI:klaevcbk_2 loading data in direct path if result of SQL expression too large
    2892729 PDML direct path insert not replicated to the logical standby
    2902986 Clustered table direct export produces a corrupted dump exporting migrated rows
    2923669 OERI[klaprs_30] / DUMP from SQLLDR direct path load
    3073503 Direct path load session fails with OER:klapse_30 if first loaded row gets an ORA error
    3082676 ORA-12899 from INSERT APPEND inserting varchar2 into a LONG
    3083560 ORA-1410 / ORA-8103 from direct path export if concurrent DML occurs
    3088916 SQLLDR direct path does not evaluate SQL strings for NULL input data
    3127615 SQLLDR direct load may dump
    3174298 SQLLDR direct path load may load 0 instead of NULL if length-value is NULL
    3264088 Direct load may be slow due to repeated file open/close

    Hash Join
    2827119 Query using HASH JOIN may dump in kafcpy
    2977823 Wrong results with PQ and HASH outer joins and GROUP BY

    Literal Replacement (CURSOR_SHARING)
    2416262 OERI[qbaopn1]/mem corruption using NEW_TIME function and partitioned table with CURSOR_SHARING enabled
    2620541 ORA-7445 [KXSPOAC] can occur on DML using CURSOR_SHARING
    2843601 DML across a dblink fails with ORA-24370 if cursor_sharing is enabled
    2958096 Using XMLType / objects over DBLINKS with CURSOR_SHARING may dump
    3007574 OERI:15212 using CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE with database links
    3045623 OERI[kkslhsh1] possible with CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE

    2282825 MERGE with remote LOB may seem to work when it should fail
    2754863 OERI[16164] possible from MERGE statement
    2986350 MERGE may not be applied properly at APPLY site
    3041411 Before/After row triggers fire incorrectly for MERGE statements
    3059276 Dynamic sampling not enabled for MERGE or snapshot tables
    3109398 SGA memory corruption from MERGE using SEQUENCES
    3118776 Poor execution plan from MERGE with UNION ALL view
    3249927 OERI[qkaupsertrowvec5] possible on MERGE with RLS set

    NLS (National Language Support)
    2303278 ORA-1874 / ORA-1882 using ALPHANUMERIC timezone and a DATABASE LINK
    2415196 ORA-904 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS if column name contains multibyte character
    2549186 OCI client in UTF16 mode may see corrupt data from UTF8 database
    2675712 ORA-3106 on retrieval of LONG column from PLSQL procedure with OUT REF CURSOR
    2850227 JDBC treats some illegal UTF-8 data as valid
    2856256 Dump using CATSEARCH with > 1 multibyte character with a wildcard
    2856745 Duplicate rows in database_properties table after migration from 8i to 9i
    2899668 LPX-217 from DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE on UTF8 database
    2921320 JDBC Thin IO exception fetching LONG multibyte data
    2961492 DBMS_SQL.BIND_ARRAY can produce incorrect results in multibyte
    2968571 DBMS_STATS may get parse errors for NLS_TERRITORY != america
    2971081 CREATE PROCEDURE with multibyte characters can spin
    2972936 Wrong result possible when using INPATH attribute with JAPANESE_VGRAM_LEXER
    2973095 Part of the diacritical mark on JA16EUC have incorrect mapping to UCS
    2979590 TO_DATE(1,'j') gives wrong value when TZ is australia/melbourne
    2991842 Wrong result using several "or" predicates on an NCHAR column
    3005317 CTX_DOC.MARKUP does not work for multibyte character sets
    3027676 OCILobRead callback in UTF8 may fail with ORA-24812
    3039065 NLS_SORT / NLS_LANGUAGE values with spaces may get errors
    3039491 Some JA16EUCTILDE characters are not handled correctly
    3040360 NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR may fail with ORA-1401 in a trigger if BLANK_TRIMMING=FALSE
    3075483 ORA-22921 using UPPER or LOWER on a CLOB column in multibyte (eg: UTF8) in PLSQL
    3098761 Wrong results possible on XML HASPATH search using japanese_vgram_lexer
    3105274 AQ JMS cannot dequeue text payload > 4k with UTF8 DB character set
    3111598 CHAR columns not BLANK PADDED after CREATE MVIEW / refresh with different charsets
    3117525 JDBC does not convert some characters to DB charset and errors
    3148847 PLSQL "ASCIISTR" returns NULL for HANKAKU KATAKANA single byte characters
    3148999 ANSI dynamic SQL returns length in CHARACTERS instead of BYTES in UTF16
    3151144 RPAD / LPAD give unexpected result with Cyrillic characters in UTF8
    3171059 DST rules change for BRAZIL
    3174682 JDBC NLS conversions may be incorrect / slow
    3174874 Dump in ttcacr() calling oflng() on LDA from OCISvcCtxToLda() if NLS_LANG different to DB character set
    3190456 ORA-6502 inserting NCHAR data with %TYPE declararion from 9i to 8i
    3207216 Valid ISO characters can get corrupted with OJMS using OCI driver
    3210947 Wrong results possible from V$SQLTEXT in multibyte
    3222496 TO_DATE format with literal errors when NLS_SORT is not binary
    3258738 ENH: Add characterset EL8EBCDIC423R
    3258905 NLSLocale is case sensitive
    3312079 ENH: Add support for EL8EBCDIC423R to JDBC
    3320474 Database should support the large timezone list by default

    2898625 Interrupted ONLINE subpartition index rebuild can dump in kdic_cleanup
    3149359 Dictionary corruption from failed ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT with ONLINE clause
    3170997 OERI[kdic_create_journal_table_1] from rebuild index online with TIMESTAMP
    3230599 SMON gets ORA-1426 recovering a cancelled rebuild index ONLINE
    3236158 Simultaneous parallel online index rebuilds slow
    3423380 ONLINE MOVE of compressed IOT may dump or product corrupt IOT

    1561713 Subquery IN | NOT IN subquery may give wrong results under CBO
    2068210 "ROWNUM = constant" predicate can return wrong results with RBO
    2156913 Unique constraint SYS.I_MON_MODS$_OBJ violated gathering STALE statistics
    2281909 Suboptimal plan possible from INLINE non-correlated UNION ALL subquery
    2378276 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN may show an estimated cardinality > 1 row
    2399016 OERI[ktsircinfo_num1] possible parsing a query in RAC
    2415196 ORA-904 from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS if column name contains multibyte character
    2415893 ORA-7445[kkosjt] possible when complex view merging occurs
    2475995 Dump (in kkodsel) from STAR TRANSFORMATION with view merging
    2500323 ORA-7445[evaopn2] for index join with functional index
    2548714 CBO does not eliminate duplicate predicates
    2562214 Queries on fixed tables may fail with OERI:qernsRowP
    2564393 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_INDEX_STATS may fail with ORA-1489 for long index columns
    2610785 FIRST_ROWS may not eliminate an ORDER BY sort operation when it can
    2623003 ORA-979 from complex view merging
    2635142 Complex view merging may fail with OERI[kgmgcdty2]
    2671021 CTAS / create MVIEW of remote co-located complex subquery may perform slowly
    2696433 Dump in qoldsh when creating a stored outline with a remote colocated join
    2711380 Dump (in evaopn2) using SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH in an inline view
    2736734 Sub-optimal plan chosen when domain index exists
    2751494 "IS NULL" in OR predicate not converted to CONCATENATION
    2775091 Dump possible from query on a UNION ALL views with IOT
    2786409 Wrong results from push predicate with inline view
    2810171 OERI[kkpapdimtolevel2] possible from parse of PQ on PARTITIONED table
    2813846 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS with DEGREE>1 and a function based index
    2819504 ORA-904 / ORA-918 with STAR transformation if dimension table replaced by index join
    2826095 OERI[kkotr2:jcolmis] possible with star transformation in outer joined view
    2827098 CTAS / Insert as SELECT can be slow compared to the same SELECT
    2886282 Select with multi-column inlist on date column may dump (apaopnbf)
    2892090 Long parse time for parallel selects with aggregations
    2915902 Wrong results from not null-safe CHECK constraint
    2929911 CTAS dumps if CREATE_STORED_OUTLINES is set
    2940217 Optimization with CPU cost model may spin in kzftgap
    2942857 OERI:12327 from complex view merging
    2943173 INLIST predicates may be used in preference to EQUALITY predicates as index keys
    2956991 ORA-14504 during DBMS_STATS 'GATHER STALE'
    2964437 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS may not gather PARTITION statistics
    2968427 DBMS_STATS GATHER STALE does not work for GLOBAL INDEX on a PARTITIONED table
    2968571 DBMS_STATS may get parse errors for NLS_TERRITORY != america
    2986228 Poor query performance from elimination of a distinct SORT
    2991526 Wrong cardinality estimation can occur for LIKE predicates
    2994212 A query with correlated subqueries can return wrong results
    3008000 Stored outline for RBO query may use wrong plan when outline is used
    3008745 Optimizer does not merge views with ROWNUM and 'OR' constants
    3018146 Long parse times for may ORed predicates with FIRST_ROW_XX optimization
    3033700 OERI:msqopnws_sys from STAR transformation with pushed join predicate
    3033886 FIRST_ROWS_10 optimization may spin in kkorminl
    3045275 Bind peeking not enabled after cursor reloaded (eg: after truncate)
    3048318 Some DBMS_STATS gather options can be slow
    3054485 Wrong results possible with aggregates of constants
    3056297 QUERY_REWRITE_ENABLED=true causes wrong join selectivity estimate
    3059276 Dynamic sampling not enabled for MERGE or snapshot tables
    3063008 BETWEEN :BIND1 AND :BIND2 selectivity may be wrong (or >=/<=)
    3070157 In subquery with remote mapped outer query may get poor plan
    3072704 Sub optimal plan possible from Push Join Predicate
    3073109 Dump / wrong results from complex view merging with inline views
    3074338 Multi-column join selectivity cap does not work in 9.2
    3074405 Incorrect index selectivity may be used by CBO
    3075139 Suboptimal plan possible in FIRST_ROWS_N mode
    3078144 ORA-904 analyzing index with DBMS_STATS
    3084900 CBO may not recognise a good dimension table
    3085399 Wrong results possible from CBO with DISTINCT aggregate and subquery
    3090881 SELECT spins in kkobrfak with FIRST_ROWS_10
    3119025 Dump in KKOGTP possible from CBO when CHECK CONSTRAINTS exist
    3128343 Wrong results possible from BITMAP access execution plans
    3129934 Remote concatenated key joins may get poor execution plan
    3131551 AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE uses 100% sample size for many tables
    3132098 Bind peeking does not work properly for duplicate binds
    3147709 Constant predicates involving operators may not be pushed into views when expected
    3153721 ORA-979 can occur with complex view merging
    3161488 Multi-column join selectivity is corrected twice
    3167234 Sub-optimal execution plan with "for update"
    3168961 Star transformation can produce a sub optimal plan
    3196960 Dump in qksopIsCOnstant optimizing a query with a TABLE() function
    3208393 Wrong results possible from BETWEEN :bind1 AND :bind2
    3220073 ORDER BY sort may not be eliminated in First_rows_NNN
    3220542 Dump in kkobmcheck with fix for bug 3128343
    3235733 DBMS_STATS on index slow with degree of parallelism > 1
    3272011 Wrong predicate selectivity estimation for DESC index
    3282873 Wrong cardinality possible for non-simple column values
    3290358 A query involving SYSDATE in a predicate may get sub optimal plan
    3332412 Dump in evaopn2 using COUNT(column) with other aggregates
    3444115 CBO may choose inappropriate CARTESIAN join

    Parallel Query (PQO)
    2434397 Wrong results with PQ with an OUTER JOIN
    2758680 Parallel index create / rebuild may produce a corrupt index (rare)
    2790435 Serial INSERT with parallel SELECT and type conversion can insert corrupt data
    2797383 OERI[kxfpg1sg:INV] can occur during slave creation
    2810171 OERI[kkpapdimtolevel2] possible from parse of PQ on PARTITIONED table
    2892090 Long parse time for parallel selects with aggregations
    2892729 PDML direct path insert not replicated to the logical standby
    2930541 ORA-979 possible in PQ slave with GROUP BY
    2936434 DML cursors may not be shared after ALTER SESSION DISABLE|FORCE PARALLEL QUERY
    2941379 ORA-12801 / ORA-1427 for PDML with correlated subquery and rownum predicate
    2977823 Wrong results with PQ and HASH outer joins and GROUP BY
    2981747 OERI[KDIINS0: PID MISMATCH] possible from PDML
    2990413 OERI[msqopnws_sys] possible during parallel DML on partitioned tables
    3100476 PQO scans all partitions in outer join instead of the required ones only
    3118500 Parallel Full table scans can be slow
    3138167 ORA-12805 after some PQ slaves are killed
    3141706 Internode Parallel Query may fail with ORA-12805
    3146705 Parallel full table scan can take a long time
    3153104 Parallel index queries can produce wrong results
    3156663 ORA-1467 from large numbers of aggregates executed in parallel
    3175727 Outer join between range list partitioned tables gives wrong number of rows in PQO
    3189737 Dump possible in qerpx_close at end of parallel DML
    3204937 PQ slave may fail with OERI [ksmals], [qrarr]
    3205044 PQ process may fail with ORA-10382 and a core dump
    3220161 Non-leftmost range table queue in PQ may hang or dump
    3234606 Dump (under qerpxClose) from parallel DML
    3236158 Simultaneous parallel online index rebuilds slow
    3248006 Wrong results with parallel sort merge join
    3255255 Parallel recovery is slower in a RAC environment
    3256025 OERI[15709] cleaning up dead PQ slaves

    Query Rewrite (including Materialized Views)
    2193751 Materialized views can remain "STALE" after refresh
    2593902 ORA-904 on refresh of single table aggregate MVIEW with expression in GROUP BY clause
    2642436 MVIEW refresh may take longer than expected
    2660356 ORA-12015 from ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW xxx REFRESH FAST if mview contains a UNION ALL
    2671021 CTAS / create MVIEW of remote co-located complex subquery may perform slowly
    2675801 ORA-7445 [qsmkzii_init_qsmksinline] from CREATE MVIEW with named subquery
    2695081 ON-COMMIT refresh on nested Materialized JOIN view may product wrong results
    2800139 Create MATERIALIZED VIEW may fail with ORA-904 using ANSI join
    2800162 Query rewrite does not always work when using ANSI join in an MVIEW
    2812728 OERI:17067 possible when creating a Materialized View
    2846865 Wrong results possible from query rewrite of exact match
    2865031 Create materialized view on ANSI self-joined table fails with ORA-904
    2956085 OERI:[kkqspmt-4] when QUERY_REWRITE_INTEGRITY=trusted
    2978512 Java SQL parser returns INTO variable as a BIND variable
    2980403 ORA-4045 / ORA-942 on first complete refresh of a materialized view using a DB LINK
    3024309 ENH: Allow FAST REFRESH of MVIEW after MOVE of tables/logs
    3031005 ORA-28133 creating a materialized view on table with fine grained audit policy
    3050003 DBMS_METADATA fails to extract MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG on a partitioned MVIEW
    3059276 Dynamic sampling not enabled for MERGE or snapshot tables
    3067062 ORA-1744 during query transformation of SQL with INTO :BIND
    3108046 DBMS_METADATA fails MATERIALIZED VIEW without MVIEW log with fix for bug 3050003
    3111598 CHAR columns not BLANK PADDED after CREATE MVIEW / refresh with different charsets
    3116063 Wrong XML definition for MVIEW with query > 36k
    3157344 ORA-904 possible on Fast Refresh
    3182216 DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH may hang on RAC if job runs on other instance
    3197350 ORA-957 can occur on FAST REFRESH of an MVIEW with a GROUP BY
    3227302 Query rewrite does not occur in 9i when table contains a VARRAY column
    3239914 Fast refresh data is not reflected in materialized view
    3269264 Wrong results possible from Query rewrite
    3292443 Memory corruption possible from PCT rewrite with partitioned table
    3294896 Wrong results from query rewrite if dependent partition is COALESCED or MOVEd
    3301298 OERI[kkqsadjp-1] during query rewrite
    3309132 Query rewrite may spin in qsmspst/lxocvchar with FGAC
    3316000 Query rewrite may dump using NOT IN / NOT EXISTS on MV with outer joins

    Star Transformation
    2475995 Dump (in kkodsel) from STAR TRANSFORMATION with view merging
    2819504 ORA-904 / ORA-918 with STAR transformation if dimension table replaced by index join
    2826095 OERI[kkotr2:jcolmis] possible with star transformation in outer joined view
    2953113 ORA-928 when star_transformation_enabled=true for an ANSI query
    2978806 ORA-928 from STAR TRANSFORMATION with subquery and inline view
    3067062 ORA-1744 during query transformation of SQL with INTO :BIND
    3084900 CBO may not recognise a good dimension table
    3098884 wrong results from STAR transformation with joinback elimination
    3121670 OERI:qctcte1 can occur on VIEW with HAVING clause with STAR transformation
    3168961 Star transformation can produce a sub optimal plan
    3173221 Wrong results possible from Star transformation
    3194097 ORA-918 on recursive partition pruning query with STAR transformation

    Star Transformation with Temp Tables
    2742886 Bad plan possible for TEMP TABLE STAR TRANSFORMATION with bitmap plans
    2894146 Wrong results from TEMP TABLE transformation with an OUTER JOIN
    3008893 ORA-918 or ORA-904 can occur from index join access with temp table transformation
    3035775 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] can occur from temp table transformation
    3173332 Dump (in evaopn2) from temp table Star transformation with an ORDER BY
    3210488 Wrong results / plans from temp table star transformance
    3224383 Dump in evaopn2 from STAR transformation with function based indexes

    3288804* Trigger updates wrong column after drop function-based index
    This bug is alerted in Note 259854.1
    2341550 CURRENT_SCHEMA not set with database ON_LOGON trigger using SQLLDR with DIRECT=TRUE
    2576398 OERI[4819] during change password if PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION contains a COMMIT
    2623901 Multi TABLE INSERT (INSERT ALL) with ROW TRIGGERS fires wrong triggers or throws OERI:15852
    2684113 Dump in kkqsvopn when using ADT binds in INSTEAD OF triggers
    2717778 Update of a view throws ORA-1732 if the view was recreated and had a INSTEAD OF trigger on it
    2792496 Import may dump importing a trigger with "--" comment before the trigger name
    2893546 OERI:[4412] when BEFORE LOGOFF trigger enabled
    2919120 Full export may fail with ORA-1422 if 2 triggers have same name
    2926182 OERI[25027] / ORA-22922 accessing LOB columns in IOT in AFTER UPDATE trigger
    3040360 NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR may fail with ORA-1401 in a trigger if BLANK_TRIMMING=FALSE
    3041411 Before/After row triggers fire incorrectly for MERGE statements
    3128209 UPDATEXML may not work when used in a trigger
    3138824 OERI[kxtipre1] updating view with INSTEAD-OF update trigger
    3139818 OERI[17182] / memory corruption / data corruption from JAVA only TRIGGER
    3203188 Triggers incorrectly evaluate to NULL for :new and :old on XMLType columns

    2405861 OERI[kcblibr_1] fetching from global temporary table after COMMIT/TRUNCATE
    2784201 OERI:[ktspfupdst-1] on INSERT into LOB after TRUNCATE with ASSM
    3045275 Bind peeking not enabled after cursor reloaded (eg: after truncate)
    3085651 Table corruption / OERI after TRUNCATE on ASSM table with NESTED TABLE cols
    3111457 Multiple concurrent TRUNCATE/DROP can be slow
    3111951 OERI[ktspscaninit-d] after interrupted TRUNCATE
    3282805 TRUNCATE table scans entire buffer cache for small tables

    How things are Stored / Defined

    Bitmap Indexes
    2093670 OERI:12700 / BITMAP index corruption possible
    2870079 Create Bitmap index skipped at logical STANDBY site
    2977553 OERI [kdibcoappend:pagap] from ALTER INDEX REBUILD of a bitmap index
    2999894 OERI:6032 / corrupt index creating a bitmap index on a compressed tables with bitmap indexes
    3010012 Dump modifying constraints which BITMAP JOIN INDEX relies on
    3048661 Create bitmap index can use more CPU than needed if more memory available
    3145991 Bitmap index corruption possible (rare)

    Compressed Key Index / IOT
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    2954868 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block from CR rollback of IOT or compressed index
    3359471 Dump possible while doing DML against a table with compress key index
    3423380 ONLINE MOVE of compressed IOT may dump or product corrupt IOT

    Compressed data storage
    2680659 CTAS with COMPRESS fails with OERI[kd9alloc] with 32k block size
    2999894 OERI:6032 / corrupt index creating a bitmap index on a compressed tables with bitmap indexes
    3005508 ORA-28606 from CREATE COMPRESSED table / insert into compressed table
    3230116 Direct export of a compressed table fails with OERI[6193]

    Domain Indexes
    3124536I XML related objects may be invalidated on applying a 9.2 Patch Set
    2504348 Synonyms are not recognized in domain index functions (ORA-942)
    2736734 Sub-optimal plan chosen when domain index exists
    2960964 Cannot RESUME rebuild of a failed local domain index (ORA-29869)
    3007667 Spatial / domain index queries against partitioned table may dump in qximirew
    3113248 Dump possible using DOMAIN INDEX operators on partitioned table in parallel
    3155189 ODCIColInfo.TablePartition is not set during local partition scan
    3175674 Poor performance of primary key Domain index on IOTs

    External Tables
    2453893 Memory corruption SELECTing from an EXTERNAL TABLE with many discarded rows
    3103876 External tables access can cause excessive rowcache activity
    3134348 External table memory leak in "alloc environm" subheap
    3177686 Incorrect column names in error message when using external tables

    Function Based Index (including DESC indexes)
    3288804* Trigger updates wrong column after drop function-based index
    This bug is alerted in Note 259854.1
    2380549 Dump from ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    2500323 ORA-7445[evaopn2] for index join with functional index
    2656368 Dump in evaopn2 when query uses function based indexes on partitioned table
    2780020 Wrong order results from query with FUNCTIONAL INDEX and ORDER BY and CONSTANT PREDICATE
    2813846 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS with DEGREE>1 and a function based index
    3151888 Dump possible using ANSI JOIN with FUNCTIONAL INDEX
    3156460 Dump (in evaopn2) possible using functional indexes
    3202646 Inlists with a functional index may dump
    3224383 Dump in evaopn2 from STAR transformation with function based indexes
    3272011 Wrong predicate selectivity estimation for DESC index

    Index Only Tables (IOT)
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    2133320 Process may hang issuing DML against an IOT
    2775091 Dump possible from query on a UNION ALL views with IOT
    2843273 OERI[ktsitbs_info1] / dump from CTAS to create a partitioned IOT with OVERFLOW / MAPPING
    2926182 OERI[25027] / ORA-22922 accessing LOB columns in IOT in AFTER UPDATE trigger
    2954868 OERI:kcoapl_blkchk / bad block from CR rollback of IOT or compressed index
    3058923 Memory corruption possible using LOBs in IOTs
    3175674 Poor performance of primary key Domain index on IOTs
    3188120 Insert into IOT can spin
    3189472 Single row inserts to IOTs slower with CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME=TRUE
    3256861 Dump in atbiauxtab during ALTER TYPE ADD ATTRIBUTE with underlying IOT
    3266422 Logminer / Streams may dump on update of IOT with mapping table
    3314963 OERI[rworupo.1] / wrong results when selecting ROWID from view based on an IOT
    3423380 ONLINE MOVE of compressed IOT may dump or product corrupt IOT

    Partitioned Tables
    2856059* OERI[KCBGTCR_1] selecting from COMPRESSED IOT after UPGRADE from 8.1.7 to 9.2
    This bug is alerted in Note 245918.1
    2193751 Materialized views can remain "STALE" after refresh
    2202404 ORA-2291 can occur using deferred constraints with partitioned indexes
    2257439 NULL value in partition returned if partition bound value is in WHERE predicate
    2416262 OERI[qbaopn1]/mem corruption using NEW_TIME function and partitioned table with CURSOR_SHARING enabled
    2620683 SQLLDR direct load to another users partition fails with ORA-1031
    2656368 Dump in evaopn2 when query uses function based indexes on partitioned table
    2761650 ORA-14097 can occur on EXCHANGE partition when table has a RAW column
    2773367 Hang / ORA-4021 waiting for CREATE TABLE operation
    2774013 Exchange partition may ORA-14642 with non-default DB_BLOCK_SIZE
    2810171 OERI[kkpapdimtolevel2] possible from parse of PQ on PARTITIONED table
    2843273 OERI[ktsitbs_info1] / dump from CTAS to create a partitioned IOT with OVERFLOW / MAPPING
    2898625 Interrupted ONLINE subpartition index rebuild can dump in kdic_cleanup
    2918838 Undetected deadlock for dc_tablespace_quotas among two processes
    2921174 ORA-918 from SQL against partitioned table/s
    2937993 ALTER INDEX REBUILD with a partitioned join index may OERI[qerpxsetparttq4]
    2963942 ORA-376 / ORA-1110 from exchange partition including indexes without validation
    2990413 OERI[msqopnws_sys] possible during parallel DML on partitioned tables
    3007667 Spatial / domain index queries against partitioned table may dump in qximirew
    3010314 Wrong results possible from NESTED LOOPS over a single partition table
    3039404 OERI[12406] using NOT CONTAINS with local partitioned TEXT index
    3048318 Some DBMS_STATS gather options can be slow
    3051660 Dump in evaopn2 with duplicate predicates against a LIST partitioned table
    3066361 SPLIT partition may cause row movement when STORE IN clause is used
    3085706 Transporting a partitioned table with SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE fails with ORA-2220
    3092094 TREEDUMP event does not work for composite partitioned index
    3100476 PQO scans all partitions in outer join instead of the required ones only
    3113248 Dump possible using DOMAIN INDEX operators on partitioned table in parallel
    3113998 Wrong row count possible (OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT) on array INSERT to partitioned table
    3121812 DROP / EXCHANGE partition do not show up in USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS
    3129300 (Sub)partition level attributes can be incorrect after a fast split
    3131210 OERI:12455 from SELECT FOR UPDATE with semi/anti join to partitioned table
    3137752 Dump in evaopn2 from SELECT against LIST PARTITIONED TABLE with join
    3150268 OERI[kcbgcur_1] / OERI:25012 deleting rows from PARENT table with LIST subpartitions
    3173141 Wrong results from query on partitioned table with IN list and prefetch
    3175727 Outer join between range list partitioned tables gives wrong number of rows in PQO
    3194097 ORA-918 on recursive partition pruning query with STAR transformation
    3196059 Wrong results / dump (evaopn2) querying list partitioned tables
    3280318 Dump from query on composite partitioned table with missing statistics

    Space Management
    1667371 OERI:KTSXS_ADD2 can occur during UET$ extension (very rare)

    Space Management - Bitmap Managed Segments
    2784201 OERI:[ktspfupdst-1] on INSERT into LOB after TRUNCATE with ASSM
    2915226 Space may be wasted in index segments with ASSM
    2997248 OERI[ktspfupdst-1] can occur on DML against ASSM segments
    3029292 LOB corruption possible on ASSM tablespace
    3085651 Table corruption / OERI after TRUNCATE on ASSM table with NESTED TABLE cols
    3120807 Table growth possible using automatic segment management
    3127116 OERI:kcbgcur_9 during rollback of DML in ASSM segment
    3213101 Lob corruption / ORA-1555 can occur on a LOB segment in ASSM
    3215579 OERI[ktspfupdst-1] / corruption after DEALLOCATE UNUSED on ASSM

    Space Management - Locally Managed Tablespaces
    2928757 OERI[kcbgcur_6] / OERI:[kcbgtcr_12] can occur for files converted to locally managed
    2948717 Queries against DBA_SEGMENTS can be slow accessing BYTES/BLOCKS/EXTENTS columns
    3077778 ORA-3242 can occur migrating SYSTEM tablespace to locally managed
    3204542 OERI[ktssinseg3] / cannot recover locally managed tablespace
    3219491 OERI[kcfrbd-3] selecting free space from migrated bitmapped tablespace

    System Managed Undo
    2660394 Auto extensible undo tablespace may grow before reusing expired extents
    2814657 OERI:4412 / OERI:KSSRMP1 under ktusm_shrinkoff using System Managed undo
    2900863 V$UNDOSTAT is not updated after an ORA-30036 occurs
    3070856 OERI:12700 / 25012 / ktrexc_1 on transported tablespace with SMU
    3078478 OERI[kcbgtcr_13] possible when using SMU
    3164380 SMON may crash the instance with OERI:kturdbr1 when using SMU
    3229141 ORA-30036 can occur when using automatic undo .

    Net / Connectivity / Authentication / Distributed

    Advanced / Secure Networking
    3210293* Oracle Security Alert #62 ( fix bundle)
    This bug is alerted in Note 258996.1
    2679172 It is possible to start multiple DCE listeners
    2740805 V$SESSION.OS_USER set incorrectly if client uses RADIUS
    2756708 Minor memory leak possible from advanced networking
    2789613 DCE listener may stop servicing connection requests
    2960498 Memory leak can occur using Advanced Networking
    3078831 Obfuscation cannot read older versions of obfuscated file
    3080436 Intermittent core dump when OID server is doing an SSL connection
    3180689 Intermittent failure to initialize JNDI context
    3186503 SSL Parsing problem
    3231462 ENH: Add support for Certificate validation using CRLs
    3236477 ENH: Add "orapki" to 9i

    Net / Connectivity / Authentication / Distributed

    DB-Link / Distributed
    2276863+ CREATE FORCE VIEW against missing remote object may not work properly
    2121126 DB Link may HANG during CONNECT if there is a network failure
    2237763 ORA-980 using %ROWTYPE of SYNONYM pointing to remote table
    2282825 MERGE with remote LOB may seem to work when it should fail
    2303278 ORA-1874 / ORA-1882 using ALPHANUMERIC timezone and a DATABASE LINK
    2329880 OERI:4412 OERI:4406 OERI:4886 can occur during CREATE PACKAGE with a DBLINK
    2375503 Fetch from remote row source may be slow
    2486767 ORA-1017 from database link using external authentication for main logon
    2554178 CURRENT_SCHEMA signals ORA-1017 when the underlying object uses a DBLINK
    2561115 SGA memory growth using outbound TCP/IP database links from shared servers
    2671021 CTAS / create MVIEW of remote co-located complex subquery may perform slowly
    2681080 INSERT over a DBLINK with a CASE EXPRESSION may throw ORA-22804
    2717490 ORA-2055 when executing PLSQL in an 8i database updating 9i via a DBLINK
    2843601 DML across a dblink fails with ORA-24370 if cursor_sharing is enabled
    2860212 PLSQL RPC with functional default parameter values may get NULL default / PLS-801
    2870605 PLS-306 compiling a 9i procedure which references remote 8i/8.0 tables
    2958096 Using XMLType / objects over DBLINKS with CURSOR_SHARING may dump
    2976776 OERI:[qkarmtview20] can occur on UNION ALL select over a DB LINK
    2980403 ORA-4045 / ORA-942 on first complete refresh of a materialized view using a DB LINK
    2986643 Child cursors are not cached when executing SQL with a DB LINK when sql_trace=true
    2991974 Storage for a BFILE is increased when copied via database link
    3007574 OERI:15212 using CURSOR_SHARING=FORCE with database links
    3039971 Shared server may dump (under niocto) if outbound DBLINK end point dies
    3041166 Wrong results from SEMI JOIN with NL to remote table
    3058463 Dump in kpcdrsz selecting ROWID from remote database from PLSQL
    3066864 ORA-904 selecting from view over DB link if view has column alias in it
    3070157 In subquery with remote mapped outer query may get poor plan
    3071468 ORA-2019 may occur when describing an synonym using a database link
    3076160 ORA-2080 when closing database links in PLSQL blocks
    3077613 Dump inserting XMLType as a CLOB over a database link
    3089249 Dump possible using binds over a DB link
    3091494 ORA-6544 / PLS-801 possible using TIMESTAMP values over a DBLINK for PLSQL RPCs
    3111598 CHAR columns not BLANK PADDED after CREATE MVIEW / refresh with different charsets
    3124179 OERI:12333 possible over DB link with LONG type
    3129934 Remote concatenated key joins may get poor execution plan
    3157697 SYS_CONTEXT is not evaluated at primary site when used over a database link
    3190456 ORA-6502 inserting NCHAR data with %TYPE declararion from 9i to 8i
    3204222 Wrong results from join of a remote table with EXISTS/IN query
    3206107 ORA-3106 possible selecting from remote view via an 8i server
    3240720 ORA-2019 using PRIVATE DB link owned by another user in PLSQL
    3255452 OERI[rworupo.2] querying VARRAY attributes of remote objects

    Gateways / Heterogeneous Services
    2846610 SQLPLUS COPY with COPYCOMMIT may fail / copy null rows to HS gateway
    2849729 HS does not recognise FIRST / LAST operations
    2872469 Dump for SELECT on ALL_CONSTRAINTS over Informix Gateway
    2954353 Fix for bug 2679297 causes ORA-28528 on Sybase gateway for DECIMALs
    3033371 Query with cast as NUMBER through TG4DRDA fails with ORA-28500 sqlcode=-104
    3036990 SQLCODE -310 when passing Packed DECIMAL parameter to DB2 stored procedure
    3037463 ORA-1457 selecting Oracle number from HS into PACKED DECIMAL with OCI7
    3039078 Column precision lost from CTAS of PACKED DECIMAL over HS
    3058769 OERI:12333 from OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY of SQL with a BIND over HS
    3093940 Tracing may be enabled using EXTPROC / HS - can lead to memory corruption
    3118922 Binding over HS as a Packed decimal type can produce wrong data
    3131118 OracleXMLSQLException "result set closed" using XML operations on HS data
    3170016 HS data corruption if > 32K RAW data is passed to a procedural gateway
    3242483 Decimal places shifted for PACKED DECIMAL with HS
    3317034 Remote HS queries using TO_DATE may error
    3370203 Placeholder bug for a bundle of HS bug fixes

    Gateways / ODBC
    3188072P AIX: HSODBC fails with ORA-28511, ORA-28509 in
    3080602 ORA-28500 in DRV_QSPECDESCRIBE with HS ODBC

    Gateways / Transparent Gateway for Sybase
    3029350 Sybase gateway fails with ORA-28500 when using proxies
    3064026 Sybase Gateway fails with ORA-28500 with GROUP BY
    3064143 Sybase Gateway may return inconsistent data with DATEs
    3090252 Connection to Sybase 12.5 via Gateway may fail
    3112206 ORA-28500 executing second call to Sybase proxy server
    3180792 Data may be truncated when retrieved through Sybase Gateway
    3183748 Sybase Gateway may return incorrect data for "Timestamp" comparisons

    Interoperability (between releases)
    2549186 OCI client in UTF16 mode may see corrupt data from UTF8 database
    2717490 ORA-2055 when executing PLSQL in an 8i database updating 9i via a DBLINK
    2860212 PLSQL RPC with functional default parameter values may get NULL default / PLS-801
    2870605 PLS-306 compiling a 9i procedure which references remote 8i/8.0 tables
    2934659 92 client -> 8i server fetches use larger NET packets than needed
    2997536 9i client may not get AQ notifications from 8i server
    3000017 False ORA-4062 can occur from client PLSQL (version 8.0)
    3032832 Dump from 8.0/8.1 PLSQL client to 9.2 server using %ROWTYPE with CHAR length semantics
    3068705 9i JMS client using OCI driver incompatible with 8i server
    3075419 OCI-21500 [qmtb_init_len] possible from 9i client connecting to 10g server
    3091494 ORA-6544 / PLS-801 possible using TIMESTAMP values over a DBLINK for PLSQL RPCs
    3190456 ORA-6502 inserting NCHAR data with %TYPE declararion from 9i to 8i
    3206107 ORA-3106 possible selecting from remote view via an 8i server

    2121126 DB Link may HANG during CONNECT if there is a network failure
    2589746 Multithreaded clients (such as OIDMON) may core dump on startup
    2810453 Database instance registration fails with negative ack
    3003104 Instance may not auto register with listener with multiple IP addresses
    3029837 NETCA will not start with response file if DISPLAY is not set
    3162260 lsnrctl may dump if ORACLE_HOME is not set
    3168676 TNS-1181 errors from 8i instances registering with 9.2 listener

    Network - Connection Manager
    3030880 CMAN problem

    Oracle Names
    2023603 NETMGR dumps when starting names servers
    3136435 Names LDAP Proxy fails for aliases over 511 bytes long

    Security ( Authentication / Privileges / Auditing )
    2486767 ORA-1017 from database link using external authentication for main logon
    2576398 OERI[4819] during change password if PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION contains a COMMIT
    2585944 Users cannot select from a VIEW containing a PIPELINED function without EXECUTE permission
    2964089 Certificate rejected if it contains a Critical unrecognized section
    2979276 Privileges granted through roles are not visible in Streams / logical standy
    2985555 Global roles may not be assigned to Enterprise Users
    3006846 Enterprise user connecting through proxy may fail with ORA-12534
    3071843 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME only locks the first time
    3113983 MAP methods with invokers rights run as DEFINERS rights
    3180745 SELECT ANY DICTIONARY should not give user access to certain dictionary tables
    3292708 Dump in kzrini if Enterprise users database entry is in 2 domains

    Transparent Application Failover
    2840846 JMS in RAC mode fails to send message on failover
    2997196 OJMS does not work properly on RAC failover
    3111497 XA clients may fail on TAF failover with ORA-25402 / ORA-25408
    3195907 JDBC client may dump under t2cDefineExecuteFetch after FAILOVER

    XA / Distributed Transactions
    2516990 ORA-24776 XAER_OUTSIDE using XA dynamic registration
    2740481 ORA-1591 inserting a row into a block with an in-doubt transaction
    2957135 XA tracing with dbgfl set can dump/spin with dynamic registration
    3009268 User sessions waiting for recovery of DEAD prepared TX may deadlock with SMON
    3023764 setSessionTimezone does not work in XA mode
    3111497 XA clients may fail on TAF failover with ORA-25402 / ORA-25408
    3140038 XAORECOVER() / SELECT from DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS can be blocked by a long running SELECT
    3151681 oracle.jdbc.xa.XAResource class leaks cursors

    Database Options / Major Features

    Physical Standby Database / Dataguard
    2881981 Standby may not receive redo quickly enough in LGWR ASYNC mode during low activity
    2906889 Standby recovery does not handle primary thread disable with LGWR archival
    2964335 "nid" fails with NID-138 for raw files which do not start at offset 0
    3047390 "Maximum availability" requires at least one standby db to be open
    3077821 OERI:kfhpfh_03-1209 on SWITCHOVER to STANDBY
    3094726 NET_TIMEOUT attribute cannot be set
    3145070 Primary instance hangs if network to Standby fails
    3168439 V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS shows wrong destination protection mode
    3174974 ORA-365 for the first log generated by the new primary after switchover
    3205748 LGWR reconnection attempts can hang primary if one standby goes down
    3222096 Shutdown may hang with DataGuard (LNS process does not shutdown)
    3227858 Slow network may hang primary in DataGuard configuration
    3243639 Primary may stall more than NET_TIMEOUT seconds
    3253153 RFS may error starting managed recovery
    3275103 Standby recover may read STALE/INVALID standby recovery log
    3434375 DATA GUARD can write a LOG BLOCK that is incompatible with HARD

    Advanced Queuing
    2133320 Process may hang issuing DML against an IOT
    2167574 DEQUEUE fails with OERI:kodrsobj1 when PAYLOAD is NON-FINAL object
    2566043 Dump in kwqiexenq0/kwqidxdeq0 if ENQUEUE / DEQUEUE called with empty string
    2598438 ORA-1722 from DBMS_AQ_SYS_IMP_INTERNAL during import of queue table/s
    2659228 AQ JMS cannot get subscriber if name contains more than 20 characters
    2740939 OERI[kwqidmcretry:sub-name] possible when dequeuing messages from exception queue
    2778852 Publishing an XML message to a queue via IDAP may dump (the client)
    2840846 JMS in RAC mode fails to send message on failover
    2984987 OERI[12760] when dequeuing using the Java APIwith CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME
    2995204 PMON may crash the instance (OERI:kwqicklem-spinf) cleaning up an aborted AQ session
    2996527 AQ messages may be READY but cannot be dequeued
    2997196 OJMS does not work properly on RAC failover
    2997536 9i client may not get AQ notifications from 8i server
    3003788 ORA-25236 can occur during AQ dequeue
    3008039 Delay / expiration settings in AQ may not match the requested time
    3016394 OJMS throws SQLException instead of SecurityException for invalid credentials
    3033868 OERI[kwqidjqp0] from DBMS_AQADM_SYS.REGISTER_DRIVER
    3041387 OERI[kopi2_readlen083] enqueuing object with immediate embedded NULL
    3051582 ORA-7445 [kwqpcbk] / OERI:[kpoaqeq:kwqprc] on resuming AQ propogation to a remote database
    3060261 <Queue_table>.ENQ_TIME and V$ view TIME columns may be ahead of SYSDATE
    3068705 9i JMS client using OCI driver incompatible with 8i server
    3105274 AQ JMS cannot dequeue text payload > 4k with UTF8 DB character set
    3105912 RETRY_COUNT not set properly after DEQUEUE / ROLLBACK from OCI client
    3109827 Dequeue fails for rule based subscriber after import from 817 export file
    3122291 Two concurrent dequeue sessions can dequeue from same transactional group
    3123030 OCISubscriptionUnregister() can fail with ORA-1435
    3149159 AQ PLSQL notification callback procedures cannot use COMMIT/ROLLBACK
    3151336 AQ PLSQL notification lost if notification code fails
    3160246 ORA-24026 can occur while trying to add or remove a subscriber from the queue
    3161240 Dump in kwqacsp using DBMS_AQADM.CREATE_QUEUE_TABLE with EVENT 10862
    3185622 Expired messages delivered twice by source queue and exception queue
    3217636 AQ JMS client leaks memory dequeueing from empty queue
    3229958 AQ owner_instance may not fallback to primary instance
    3230177 AQ JMS can truncate the payload
    3230861 OERI[kwqidjqp0] / ORA-22275 propogating messages with a LOB
    3258242 AQ propogation may halt in RAC
    3258308 EMON may hangs and stop delivering notifications
    3271271 QMON can deadlock with job queue processes
    3276040 AQ propogation may dump and cannot continue
    3416258 OERI[KWQICKCIDX:] possible loading queue objects

    Change Data Capture
    2899668 LPX-217 from DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE on UTF8 database
    3051801 ORA-6502 from EXPORT if CDC returns a long string

    InterMedia (Images)
    3010929 Poor performance/high CPU executing PIC.PROCESS('page=1') function
    3203387 GIF image encoding in intermedia can be slow
    3267398 Image quality of TIFF image poor after downscaling even with fix in bug 2693885
    3267404 PROCESSCOPY method in a loop leaks memory
    3319287 ordimage.getproperties spins for particular images (JFIF)

    InterMedia (Video)
    2467603 interMedia OrdVideo setproperties slow for unsupported input

    JavaVM / JSP / Corba etc..
    1736740 ORA-22292 opening TEMP LOB from JAVA using KRPB driver
    2285422 "oracle.sql.opaque" is not supported as parameter for Java stored procedures
    2363426 Dump possible passing XMLTYPE to Java stored procedure
    2608044 ORA-1461 when compiling Java stored procedure
    2740472 Shared servers burn CPU executing Java "wait()" call
    2778852 Publishing an XML message to a queue via IDAP may dump (the client)
    2930122 Java stored procedure may dump
    2952690 OERI[17159] / memory corruption querying multibyte Java source via DBA_SOURCE
    2978512 Java SQL parser returns INTO variable as a BIND variable
    3122388 Native Java code may dump under jlsnrctl executeCommand
    3139818 OERI[17182] / memory corruption / data corruption from JAVA only TRIGGER
    3175617 Memory leak in Java stored procedure with String parameter > 4K
    3214449 JavaVM may not release PGA memory within PLSQL loops
    3240592 PGA memory leak using KPRB driver in Java Stored Procedures

    Job Queues
    1782381 Excessive SGA use / ORA-4031 possible with large number of JOBS
    3163798 OERI / Instance crash from killed JOB QUEUE session
    3271271 QMON can deadlock with job queue processes
    3289063 ORA-1003 every 5 seconds after CJQ hits ORA-4031

    2683875 OERI:2009 can occur on transaction abort or during CR rollback
    2909726 Dump when selecting from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
    2944607 Logminer does not support multiple log_archive_dests
    3109703 DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD may hang / ORA-16209 from logical standby
    3170927 OERI:krvtmnc can occur mining direct path REDO with chained rows

    Oracle Label Security
    2383817 Dump (in zllcini) after STARTUP with Oracle Label Security installed
    2984198 Memory leak using SA_SESSION in OLS instance
    3013740 Memory leak using SA_SESSION in OLS environment
    3018017 ORA-28113 with referential constraints to table with VPD policy
    3019273 Calling SET_LABEL() causes the session heap to grow continually
    3024516 Oracle Label Security marked as INVALID in DBA_REGISTRY after upgrade
    3106363 SA_SESSION.SET_LABEL leaks "kpmalloc" memory
    3234622 Memory leak using SA_SESSION.PRIVILEGES / SA_SESSION.PRIVS
    3257648 SA_SESSION.SET_LABEL leaks memory "koh-kghu sessi"
    3343278 Inverse group option becomes invalid after database restarted

    Oracle OLAP
    2663994 Session may dump using qualified object names (QON)
    2944637 Bad AW performance from NA suppression with order preserving drill
    3024246 ORA-35066 importing eif file with extension files into analytic workspace
    3031682 LISTBY seems to force compile of other objects and will pickup errors
    3036075 Mem corruption / dump reporting NUMBER dimension in OLAP
    3036396 OLAP report command fails with ORA-35656 for conjoint with a composite base
    3037409 Backward compatibility between client jar and server broken for "sort" in OLAP
    3042194 "findchars" may return a wrong position in UTF8 database
    3050086 OLAP_EXPRESSION fails to complete
    3050223 OLAP calls can mask ORA-600 errors and not pass them to the user
    3054872 OLAP export of a compound-dimensioned variable can be incorrect
    3067567 NullPointerException from MdmSchema.addMeasure()
    3088986 Appending measures may dump
    3090814 Sorting within level with a drill down throws an exception
    3141140 OLAP throws ExpressServerExceptionError accessing AL32UTF8 database
    3147288 OLAP RENAME command does not operate on reserved words
    3152236 lagYears() throws an exception with AWSourceExpressionFactory.
    3169398 Add SET1 command to set 1 cell of a target
    3177644 Detaching a workspace may dump
    3185256 Aggregate wipes out data at leaf levels
    3188249 selectDescendants() may dump
    3192581 Number of result records grows after asymmetric top n plus sort
    3192807 Demand planner needs OLAP DML to expose geneva smoothed history
    3197011 OLAP DML formulas containing fully qualified names may use wrong name resolution
    3197055 ASSIGN TRIGGER for SURROGATE dimensions may fail
    3206175 MNT ADD SESSION fails for SVN's entered with trailing blanks
    3208748 Using a number column as level key generates invalid SQL in OLAP
    3213892 Exception step throws no data when asymmetric/correct data when symmetric
    3227273 DEFINE FORMULA using THIS_AW fails
    3227464 Multiple measure na suppression throws exception
    3239030 OLAP dump possible initilizing query on dynamically created measure
    3240990 Changing NLS_DATE_FORMAT does not affect OLAP date formats
    3262336 DBMS_AW.INTERP() returns an extra line feed character as the return value
    3262382 NullPointerException possible from removeMeasure()
    3268666 THIS_AW is not recognized by AGGREGATE in PRECOMPUTE
    3270717 ORA-6510 enabling BIBeans/OLAPI access on imported AW with AWM
    3283572 Drilling may not work
    3339056 Multi-file EIF can fail on NT
    3368863 KVSIZE on composite btree may error / dump
    3369114 OLAP Enabler sets wrong Express object type of ID

    Oracle Text (formerly interMedia Text)
    3156134I Oracle Text upgrade to misses entries for 'OVERRIDE_BASE_LETTER'
    1552361 BASIC LEXER stops when it hits \0 in a UTF8 document
    1885876 ENH: SYNC_INDEX should record new index tokens
    2504348 Synonyms are not recognized in domain index functions (ORA-942)
    2530032 DRG-50610 if no parallel slaves available for Parallel Optimize
    2533042 WILDCARD_MAXTERMS attribute is ignored using MULTI_LEXER
    2612693 Wildcard and Fuzzy queries can be very slow when Text index is large
    2715491 Using the lexer attribute INDEX_STEMS leaks PGA memory
    2776575 CTXXPATH INDEX always returns 0 selectivity - can give bad plan
    2790638 Slow COMMIT after UPDATE of many rows of TEXT INDEXED data
    2801345 CTX_QUERY.COUNT_HITS leaks PGA memory
    2818993 CTX_REPORT.INDEX_SIZE may fail with DRG-50857 / ORA-6502
    2856256 Dump using CATSEARCH with > 1 multibyte character with a wildcard
    2860835 Text query on LONG datatype can return wrong results
    2878109 Poor CTXXPATH indexing DDL performance
    2894187 ctxkbtc may dump during compilation of a user-defined thesaurus
    2906400 Certain text queries are slower in 9i than 8i
    2926080 Nested loops with Text index as inner table leaks memory (drexrgetnewqx:d)
    2972936 Wrong result possible when using INPATH attribute with JAPANESE_VGRAM_LEXER
    2979137 Dump parsing certain Korean PDF with KOREAN_LEXER
    3002659 ORA-918 using existsnode() on table with CTXXPATH Text index
    3005317 CTX_DOC.MARKUP does not work for multibyte character sets
    3020641 CTX_REPORT.TOKEN_INFO may fail with DRG-50857
    3030585 Corrupt TEXT index possible for LONG columns
    3039404 OERI[12406] using NOT CONTAINS with local partitioned TEXT index
    3046194 Drop/recreate of an OPERATOR does not update dictionary properly - affects Text SCORE operator
    3070717 Dump in opirbfpf during synchronization of CTXRULE Text index
    3073088 Wrong results possible from Text MINUS or ABOUT
    3098761 Wrong results possible on XML HASPATH search using japanese_vgram_lexer
    3098824 Parentheses around section name raises DRG-50901
    3100760 XML_SECTION_GROUP and WITHIN queries can give wrong results
    3138989 Temporary LOB leak creating text index
    3173952 CTX_DOC.MARKUP may give wrong offsets for XML documents
    3177853 CTX_DOC.MARKUP may fail mark wrong part / ORA-20000 with NULL characters
    3209653 CTXXPATH $X index poorly indexed
    3254366 ORA-4030 / memory leak with fuzzy matching and nested loops
    3291500 CTXXPATH performance degrades over time (cpu increases)
    3321995 CTXXPATH query may hang if table rows have been updated
    3353657 Internal problem with some CTXSYS packages

    Oracle Text INSO Filters
    3356645 INSO_FILTER may hang with attribute timeout > 0 (rare)

    RAC (Real Application Clusters) / OPS
    2854962P Sun: RAC on Solaris can only support up to 4 nodes
    3108162P+ Linux: Error Reading OCFS Quorum File When Starting ORACM after upgrade to 9204
    2130923 Wrong value for 'global cache current block receive time' in V$SYSSTAT
    2399016 OERI[ktsircinfo_num1] possible parsing a query in RAC
    2510994 OERI:ksxpmprp1 can occur in RAC environments
    2539836 Buffer cache advisory overestimates the number of cache misses in a RAC environment
    2563301 ORA-4031 possible in RAC environment under load
    2640686 Long waits for "log file sync" with broadcast SCN in RAC
    2650291 OERI:ksqsgn1 possible in RAC with many reconfigurations
    2663122 Unneccessarily long waits on "log file sync" in RAC
    2685880 LMON may spin trying to join a cluster
    2796045 Unnecessary "global cache busy" waits can occur in RAC environment
    2806051 OERI:[kjbcancel:!gmp] / OERI:OSDEP_INTERNAL during reconfiguration
    2808926 OERI[2866] possible during MEDIA recovery of AUTOEXTEND file in RAC
    2840846 JMS in RAC mode fails to send message on failover
    2842013 Logical standby apply runs slowly in a RAC environment
    2847605 Latch spin possible in RAC environment on some platforms
    2886929 RAC hang possible with LMS stuck in kcbbslwr
    2897300 LMS may die with OERI[kjblpflush:slt] in a RAC environment
    2902030 Deadlocks in RAC not logged in alert log
    2917635 OERI:kjmupdqseq_1 possible in RAC environment during reconfiguration
    2928994 OERI:[ksxrrcvmsg] possible after IPC error ORA-27509
    2933538 Lock cancels may lead to inconsistent convert state on different nodes
    2934117 ORA-1652 can occur on TEMP tablespace in RAC environment
    2941738 SMON processes may deadlock in RAC
    2942047 SGA corruption can occur in RAC (rare)
    2952096 Poor performance / OERI:2103 possible in RAC with mirrors and volume manager
    2972228 OERI[kjbmpbast:vld] possible in RAC after a process death
    2997196 OJMS does not work properly on RAC failover
    3001356 OERI[kjbmpassume:!res] / OERI:[kjbmperr:2] possible in LMS in RAC environment
    3018782 Trace records may be dumped unnecessarily if a RAC process errors
    3037432 "KCL: B11: checksum error" can occur on startup in RA
    3043091 LMS can dump in kslpstevent()
    3057409 Dump in skgxpdmprqh possible in RAC / OPS
    3059267 OERI[kjfcdrmrfg: !kjidrmwindow] if "_gc_affinity_time" is different
    3063996 Frequent log switches can occur in RAC if a thread closes
    3085260 RAC instance may needlessly crash with ORA-214 if controlfile block is corrupt
    3099541 Dump (kqrbtm) in LCK in RAC after reconfiguration
    3114308 LMS process size depends on the PROCESSES parameter
    3131148 OERI:kclcopy_5 possible in RAC
    3134731 OERI[kclfbast_1] / OERI[kjmsm_epc] possible in RAC
    3136897 OERI[kclpdc_27] possible during instance recovery in RAC
    3143389 OERI[kjbclose:l] / OERI:603 in LMS
    3144315 LGWR can hang in RAC
    3149370 ORA-481 / instance crash possible from LMON
    3152984 LMS / LMD may appear to spin
    3153778 OERI[kclwcrs_15] possible on RAC on some platforms
    3167779 Streams aborts with ORA-26701 after parameter change in RAC
    3174660 OERI[kjmpmsg_1] possible in RAC environment
    3174684 Instance hang possible from ALTER SYSTEM SET parameter in RAC with SPFILE
    3176701 LGWR can spin in RAC causing instance hang (rare)
    3182216 DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH may hang on RAC if job runs on other instance
    3184280 "global cache cr requests" statistics reported too high
    3197265 OERI:kclfusfake_4 possible in RAC (rare)
    3202762 A process may spin in kcbgtcr in RAC
    3210520 OERI[kjccqmg:esm] / OERI[4194] / corruption possible in RAC
    3215232 OERI[kjblpwr:sc] possible in RAC
    3219728 RAC may encounter OERI[kjbcrc:g]
    3229958 AQ owner_instance may not fallback to primary instance
    3255255 Parallel recovery is slower in a RAC environment
    3258242 AQ propogation may halt in RAC
    3271907 ENH: Extra diagnostic information if RAC sees a fractured controlfile block
    3281551 _INTERCONNECT_CHECKSUMS does not add checksum to status information in RAC
    3281882 Block corruption / OERI[kcoapl_blkchk] in multinode RAC after multiple reconfigurations
    3288277 LGWR can dump in kslpstevent in a RAC environment
    3300756 Hang in a DLM lock API can occur during nested reconfiguration
    3305683 SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE/NORMAL hangs waiting for 'unspecified event' in RAC
    3311210 Unnecessary 0.5 seconds waits for "Broadcase on commit" SCN scheme
    3311231 Internal unnecessary delays possible in RAC with UDP protocol
    3311251 Unnecessary 0.5 second delays possible in RAC
    3339757 Unnecessary 0.5 sec waits possible in RAC for "GES enqueue" operations
    3342182 Instance hang on startup possible in RAC
    3377351 Corruption possible in RAC if instances crash during recovery

    2713675 ORA-1401 from FAST REFRESH of CHAR column when charsets differ
    2758287 Setup of multi-master replication can set up incorrect "DELETE_RULE" for constraints
    2952815 ORA-1006 / ORA-2063 from "INSERT" in multimaster replication
    3100257 DBMS_DEFER_SYS.PUSH slow if the transaction has many calls
    3121160 DBMS_REFRESH.REFRESH of refresh group fails with OERI[kkzfcbsu]
    3194835 ORA-2291 can occur in replicated environment

    Row Level Security / FGA
    3004610 Wrong query / dump possible when Synonym policies used via another synonym
    3018017 ORA-28113 with referential constraints to table with VPD policy
    3031005 ORA-28133 creating a materialized view on table with fine grained audit policy
    3124380 Fine grained access can fail for long object names (ORA-28112)
    3309132 Query rewrite may spin in qsmspst/lxocvchar with FGAC

    Shared Server (formerly MTS)
    2520014 Dispatcher CPU use far higher in 9i than earlier releases on some platforms
    2561115 SGA memory growth using outbound TCP/IP database links from shared servers
    2615473 Using UTL_HTTP in a SHARED SERVER connection can leak circuits
    2740472 Shared servers burn CPU executing Java "wait()" call
    2796282 False deadlock possible using shared servers
    2927554 OERI [549] when starting up dispatchers followed by "found dead dispatcher"
    3036932 OERI:16371 / OERI:16366 if user session killed while executing external procedure in MTS
    3039971 Shared server may dump (under niocto) if outbound DBLINK end point dies
    3049737 Clients hang during connect to dispatcher if shared pool or OS memory exhausted
    3104250 PMON may fail with ORA-601 starting extra shared servers/dispatchers
    3116588 ALTER SYSTEM QUIESCE RESTRICTED may hang with shared servers
    3132901 OERI[kgmexec10] possible in shared severs
    3138026 OERI[kskbind1] possible using Resource Manager with MTS
    3252706 Shared servers hang instead of reporting ORA-104

    Spatial Data
    3146969* Spatial upgrade from 8.1/9.0 to 9.0/9.2 looses User Defined Coordinate Systems
    This bug is alerted in Note 241160.1
    2556295 SDO_INTERSECTION fails with large GEOMETRIES (ORA-21779)
    2618499 Validation of a polygon may fail with ORA-13367
    2626372 INTERSECTION of POLYGON with HOLE and POLYGON returns NULL
    2736491 Memory leak when using SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_LAYER_WITH_CONTEXT
    2876550 RELATE / SDO_RELATE fail for MULTILINESTRING (2006)
    3007667 Spatial / domain index queries against partitioned table may dump in qximirew
    3028226 SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION may dump or report ORA-21779
    3052844 Spatial database upgrades using DBUA may fail due to an ORA-29844
    3121054 Dump possible from VALIDATE_GEOMETRY_WITH_CONTEXT
    3128395 Deadlocks / duplicate records possible with R-Tree indexes
    3131030 ORA-21779 cano occur manipulating complex geometries
    3153814 3-Dimensional verification fails with ORA-13356
    3171926 SDO_AREA wrong when last coordinate not exactly the same as first coordinate
    3191881 SDO_GEOM.RELATE with DETERMINE MASK returns UNKNOWN relationship
    3202348 ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA has PUBLIC update access
    3232548 Wrong results with SDO_RELATE using CONTAINS or INSIDE MASK
    3238450 SDO_GEOM.RELATE with DETERMINE MASK fails with UNKNOWN MASK 000000111
    3250091 Valid GEOMETRY may be reported as invalid
    3324609 SDO_RELATE with MASK set to 'ON' does not return some rows
    3371593 ORA-21779 possible with Spatial queries

    Spatial RTREE
    3126312 SDO_RELATE may return wrong results for ANYINTERACT
    3182733 R-TREE CREATE INDEX may be slow with NULL geometries
    3210770 RTREE index create may dump

    Streams / Logical Standby
    2442042 ORA-4031 possible using STREAMS on multi-cpu machine
    2683875 OERI:2009 can occur on transaction abort or during CR rollback
    2785745 Drop user cascade can leave capture/apply metadata in an inconsistent state
    2799139 Capture may abort with ORA-1280 if the dictionary is altered
    2836515 Memory leak/ORA-4030 possible in Streams apply process
    2842013 Logical standby apply runs slowly in a RAC environment
    2842621 LOB DML failure can lead to corrupt LOB data at APPLY site
    2861835 Streams apply may contain direct loaded LOB data which was rolled back
    2868068 Streams apply can fail with ORA-1403 when LOB DMLs are rolled bac
    2868147 Streams capture may OERI:[5-knlcinlinedata] for multi-row deletes
    2870079 Create Bitmap index skipped at logical STANDBY site
    2892729 PDML direct path insert not replicated to the logical standby
    2892926 Streams may fail with OERI [knlcEnqueueLCR250]
    2942449 Apply process may apply a transaction with SCN > MAXIMUM_SCN
    2979276 Privileges granted through roles are not visible in Streams / logical standy
    2986350 MERGE may not be applied properly at APPLY site
    3007630 Logical standby APPLY may dump in ksmudr
    3013601 Streams/logical standby apply does not work properly for some DDL
    3013962 Streams capture can abort with OERI[krvtadc] on 64bit platforms
    3026539 Capture may fail with ORA-1332 after drop of table with no base object info
    3041817 OERI:krvsdtab possible mining logs in Streams / Logical Standby
    3041865 Memory corruption during Logical Standby apply of LOB changes
    3051782 Logical standby may fail with OERI:17182 / memory corruption
    3058476 SEQUENCES not properly maintained at Logical Standby
    3063437 Master tables of snapshots cannot be prepared for capture
    3080686 OERI:krvxblem2 possible in Streams for CACHE LOBS
    3109703 DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD may hang / ORA-16209 from logical standby
    3114347 OERI[krvxsasai10] / apply may stop
    3118055 Streams propagation may not work after instance shutdown/startup
    3118150 LSP stops applying with OERI[knacpsm_processslavemessage250]
    3119770 Logical standby does not handle CTAS properly
    3120228 Dump possible on propagation job (for Streams)
    3127385 Streams capture can hang when logfiles registered
    3145197 OERI in Streams apply after ALTER TABLE ADD of a LOB column with DEFAULT values
    3145275 ORA-16211 / ORA-902 from Logical standby / Streams
    3147518 OERI[kwqpbqdeqr: !qobjorspse] on Streams propagation
    3150982 Apply DML handler does not put error messages in DBA_APPLY_ERROR
    3155220 Memory leak / ORA-4030 at Streams APPLY if column count differs from Capture site
    3157924 Streams transformation on LCR may be lost
    3167779 Streams aborts with ORA-26701 after parameter change in RAC
    3170326 Streams error handler not called when DDL performed on target table
    3170927 OERI:krvtmnc can occur mining direct path REDO with chained rows
    3171892 Logical apply may perform a full table scan even if a unique index exists
    3177848 DML may be skipped follwing an eager DDL transaction which causes schema evolution
    3188573 Streams LOB corruption at apply site possible
    3192519 Create_capture can fail with ORA-1422 after RESETLOGS
    3197273 ORA-22814 possible in Streams if db block size > 4k
    3197318 Streams Capture may not stop before maximum_scn
    3203629 ORA-26689 in Streams Apply of DML for DATE types with DB2
    3210086 Create capture after resetlogs may not process new changes
    3226574 Logical standby sequences may give wrong values
    3228077 Logical standby with LOB columns may dump
    3231109 Create capture may fail with ORA-1 on LOGMNR_CKPT_TXINFO$
    3231190 DBA_APPLY_PROGRESS.OLDEST_MESSAGE_NUMBER may not change after restarting Capture
    3232401 ORA-4031 with Streams apply site
    3234793 Dump in krvxbgen_GenericTx in streams Logminer BUILDER process
    3240633 ORA-6502 "character string buffer too small" from DBMS_LOGSTDBY.INSTANTIATE_TABLE
    3249271 Apply process reports OERI[knalfdequeuelcrs606] intermittently
    3250258 Streams can miss DDL if DB not shutdown/started after first created
    3253534 OERI[krvsekd: bad index xdat] in Streams with > 32 columns and a LOB
    3256273 Streams queue becomes invalid after removing rules (ORA-24144)
    3256816 Streams capture has no warnings for long running / large transactions
    3260252 Allow Streams to use > 10% shared pool before spilling
    3263696 Streams apply process returns ORA-1435 when set transformation logic on apply
    3266422 Logminer / Streams may dump on update of IOT with mapping table
    3269297 Allow apply to skip a transaction
    3272219 Streams may wait a lot for "PX qref latch"
    3279129 LSP may report ORA-16211 errors
    3282294 ENH: Extra trace information for ORA-26688
    3291640 Logical standby apply process may exit with ORA-1460
    3291699 Logical standby may hang
    3328833 Streams logs extra messages in the alert file
    3334454 Logical Standby READ_SCN value in view DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS does not advance

    Transportable Tablespaces
    2803911 Target sees corrupt data in TRANSPORTED tablespace with UNUSED columns
    3070856 OERI:12700 / 25012 / ktrexc_1 on transported tablespace with SMU
    3085706 Transporting a partitioned table with SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE fails with ORA-2220

    3073414I XDB may not work after applying a 9.2 patch set
    2697174 OERI:qmxGenDefaults1 from XML schema with defaults or packed complexTypes
    2760327 OERI[qmxman_badel] / OERI:[qmxsqcreexlen2] possible in XDB
    2825036 OERI:[qmtLoadGlobalXob3] when > 8 schemas used concurrently on one schema doc
    2835093 Insert of large XML documents can take a very long time / use lots of memory
    2912559 OERI[17182] / memory corruption possible on COMMIT in XDB
    2949113 Registering schemas with invalid URLs puts invalid entries in USER_XML_SCHEMAS
    3004199 OERI[kghsccwrite1] possible from XML queries using XMLConcat
    3008763 OERI[qmxiwritexobint21] using instance documents for substituted elements
    3021662 Dumps possible in XDB schema compiler
    3021919 Duplicate information may be shown for subsitution groups
    3040122 ORA-4021 can occur when importing an XML schema
    3041833 DBMS_XMLDOM fails with ORA-31182 if document has > 64k handles
    3042491 OERI:qmtGenBadTArr registering XML schema with simple types containing enumerations
    3042541 Spin possible processing subtypes
    3042674 XDB "extract" operations may dump in evaopn2
    3073119 DBURIservlet does not process XPATH over XML when predicates have attributes
    3075419 OCI-21500 [qmtb_init_len] possible from 9i client connecting to 10g server
    3112212 Register schema may spin
    3130253 XDB FTP does not implement NOOP
    3197991 ORA-9999 from schemaValidate for > 4K in an element defined as xdb:SQLType="CLOB"
    3226011 VARRAY storage table not dropped when parent column dropped
    3240730 ORA-19007 inserting data into an XDB object table belonging to a different user
    3241091 ORA-904 / ORA-4063 during reload of XDB after upgrade/downgrade
    3263801 Memory leak printing XMLType in a loop
    3264025 DELETE_SCHEMA with delete_cascade_force does not delete all objects / ORA-31095

    Programming Languages

    3149279PI Sol64: JDBC Patch has incorrect ""
    3150122PI Unix: JDBC Patch is incomplete
    2513420 Deadlock possible calling ConnectionCache.close and connection.close()
    2659228 AQ JMS cannot get subscriber if name contains more than 20 characters
    2680256 setTimestamp(pos,x,cal) throws SQLException if bound to a DATE SQL type
    2696029 updateINTERVALDS etc.. not available in OracleResultSet
    2740939 OERI[kwqidmcretry:sub-name] possible when dequeuing messages from exception queue
    2757687 Java select of TIMESTAMP data may fail with "SQLException Bigger type length than Maximum"
    2840846 JMS in RAC mode fails to send message on failover
    2844609 JDBC Bulk insert with large batch size can fail with "internal heap error KGHALO2"
    2850227 JDBC treats some illegal UTF-8 data as valid
    2853704 oracle.sql.DATE addJulianDays can produce corrupt date values
    2864062 TIMESTAMPLTZ(..,TIMESTAMP) failw with non default SESSION TIMEZONE
    2884582 NullPointerException getting PooledConnection
    2921320 JDBC Thin IO exception fetching LONG multibyte data
    2931090 JDBC Thin does not free LDAP connection used for name lookup
    2972552 Expose TCP.NODELAY as a JDBC System property
    2979590 TO_DATE(1,'j') gives wrong value when TZ is australia/melbourne
    2981832 NullPointerException using Explicit statement caching with DMS
    2984987 OERI[12760] when dequeuing using the Java APIwith CURSOR_SPACE_FOR_TIME
    2997196 OJMS does not work properly on RAC failover
    3002068 JDBC Thin cannot logon to started but unmounted or unopened database
    3002347 ResultSet.getTimestamp() gets corrupt data if Statement reexecuted
    3009532 JDBC client memory leak when prepared statements are not executed
    3011420 JDBC login timeout does not work
    3016394 OJMS throws SQLException instead of SecurityException for invalid credentials
    3023764 setSessionTimezone does not work in XA mode
    3032255 Internal enhancement to add
    3037016 Connection pooling timeout does not work if a JDBC session is killed
    3068705 9i JMS client using OCI driver incompatible with 8i server
    3098193 NullPointerException if DB bounced when establishing a connection with DMS
    3105274 AQ JMS cannot dequeue text payload > 4k with UTF8 DB character set
    3111533 Statement.cancel() does not work while fetching a cursor
    3113169 JDBC Thin may leak abstract LOBS / memory
    3117525 JDBC does not convert some characters to DB charset and errors
    3124410 Memory leak (UGA) executing procedures that contain REF cursors as OUT parameters
    3128453 Null struct possible from JDBC call to PLSQL if BatchSize is 1000
    3131118 OracleXMLSQLException "result set closed" using XML operations on HS data
    3133645 Multithreaded JDBC client may hang accessing LOB data
    3140481 Multithreaded JDBC may hang retrieving an XMLType
    3151681 oracle.jdbc.xa.XAResource class leaks cursors
    3153195 updateAsciiStream may spin when using CachedRowset
    3155769 cancelRowsetInsert does not work in CachedRowset
    3160877 JDBC performs extra pases when statement caching is enabled
    3173183 Wrong return value from getupdatecount() in JDBC
    3174682 JDBC NLS conversions may be incorrect / slow
    3180689 Intermittent failure to initialize JNDI context
    3183171 OracleDatabaseMetaData may return wrong type code for DATE columns
    3192469 JDBC setquerytimeout() can cause performance problems
    3195907 JDBC client may dump under t2cDefineExecuteFetch after FAILOVER
    3207216 Valid ISO characters can get corrupted with OJMS using OCI driver
    3212294 getString on a Date / Timestamp column does not work in OracleCachedRowSet
    3217262 JDBC Thin hangs executing PLSQL with ARRAY bind to PLSQL OUT parameter
    3230177 AQ JMS can truncate the payload
    3254615 SQLException accessing complex TYPE in JDBC
    3258905 NLSLocale is case sensitive
    3309781 ArrayOutOfBoundsException when executing a query twice
    3312079 ENH: Add support for EL8EBCDIC423R to JDBC
    3324297 getBytes() may dump / OERI in JDBC OCI with large "amount"
    3328542 JDBC OCI slower than Thin for LONG RAW data
    3350693 setBinaryStream with length set does not work in JDBC OCI
    3369719 Excess CPU use possible using Streams in JDBC OCI

    2309282 OCCI getRowid/setRowid do not work properly
    2493639 OCCI executing parameterized statements may fail if reexecuted with different binds
    2844520 OCCI may fail with ORA-600 unpickling an empty collection
    2845826 OCCI client may dump flushing newly created objects to database
    2872365 Client dump creating a connection pool with OCCI
    2886984 OCI-21602 / ORA-21500 / dump possible from OCCI
    2908931 OCCI may fail with ORA-4043 while getmetadata for a public synonym
    2943687 ORA-6502 when OCCINUMBER type is used for OCCI PLSQL OUT binds
    2975392 OCCI: ORA-1403 errors in PLSQL appear as ORA-32103
    3026131 OCCI pinning object of evolved type throws ORA-21500 [kocgor077]
    3035145 OCCI does not evaluate null/not null correctly after number::setnull()
    3038680 OCCI ResultSetImpl:getRowPosition() may dump
    3066701 Date.isNull() returns true if date set using fromText() method
    3077339 OCCI: iterated setNumber() causes ORA-1438 or wrong results / corrupt data
    3085452 OCCI Statement->setNull() causes ORA-32132 for a batch operation with a TIMESTAMP column
    3086883 OCCI cannot insert more than 64k data into a LONG RAW column
    3094403 OCCI may copy data unnecessarily affecting its performance

    2114547 OCI-21522 using OCI Objects with > 255 database connections
    2325578 OCIStmtFetch may return a false ORA-1002 instead of ORA-1403
    2393829 ORA-26099 from direct path API if first call to OCIDirPathPrepare fails
    2422838 Fetching a "TIMESTAMP with LOCAL TIMEZONE" column into SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ gives wrong results
    2439196 DML RETURNING with NON-BLOCKING OCI can fail with ORA-3106
    2501229 Redefines using SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ get wrong results / dump
    2549186 OCI client in UTF16 mode may see corrupt data from UTF8 database
    2570481 OCISessionGet hangs when OCI_ATTR_SPOOL_GETMODE is NOWAIT
    2675712 ORA-3106 on retrieval of LONG column from PLSQL procedure with OUT REF CURSOR
    2679662 ORA-24437 usingOCIStmtPrepare while statement caching is on
    2735268 If OCILobCreateTemporary fails it may return the wrong error
    2820295 Implicit describe of a SELECT looses NUMBER precision for VIEW containing UNION
    2848743 OCISessionGet with SPOOL_ATTRVAL_WAIT may dump (in kpuspsessionget)
    2855665 ORA-600[12333] in PRO/OCI clients sharing statement handles
    2895314 Dump / OCI-21500 possible on multithreaded client
    2908421 Dump (koxsisz) when OCIStmtFetch2 fetches a NULL collection
    2962298 Multi-threaded client may hang after OCIBreak
    2963428 Incorrect dates possible using TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE
    3027676 OCILobRead callback in UTF8 may fail with ORA-24812
    3037463 ORA-1457 selecting Oracle number from HS into PACKED DECIMAL with OCI7
    3057986 OERI [12333] possible if a client shares a statement handle between SQL / PLSQL
    3058769 OERI:12333 from OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY of SQL with a BIND over HS
    3065750 Cursor leak using OCIBreak
    3078178 ORA-161 "transaction branch length 0 is illegal" from OCITransStart()
    3105912 RETRY_COUNT not set properly after DEQUEUE / ROLLBACK from OCI client
    3107254 Data truncation after redefine when fetching a LOB in Pro/OCI
    3110451 OCI7 client may dump on "oflng()" instead of throwing ORA-1018
    3113998 Wrong row count possible (OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT) on array INSERT to partitioned table
    3123030 OCISubscriptionUnregister() can fail with ORA-1435
    3162143 OCI7 odescr may not describe all columns
    3174874 Dump in ttcacr() calling oflng() on LDA from OCISvcCtxToLda() if NLS_LANG different to DB character set

    3150705+ Fix to help reduce the chances of an ORA-4031 with high OPEN_CURSORS
    2237763 ORA-980 using %ROWTYPE of SYNONYM pointing to remote table
    2276769 Different static PLSQL cursors may not be shared
    2329880 OERI:4412 OERI:4406 OERI:4886 can occur during CREATE PACKAGE with a DBLINK
    2436624 PLS-801 [2102] compiling a cursor which uses a function with PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES(...,TRUST)
    2489781 ALTER PACKAGE COMPILE DEBUG fails with PLS-801 [79110] if there is a forward record reference
    2503821 OERI:[QCTCFX:LEN] compiling PLSQL with nested table DML
    2585944 Users cannot select from a VIEW containing a PIPELINED function without EXECUTE permission
    2596577 FORALL loops can fail with OERI:[qesmmcvalstat4]
    2675712 ORA-3106 on retrieval of LONG column from PLSQL procedure with OUT REF CURSOR
    2711518 ORA-4092 using PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION in a table function
    2717490 ORA-2055 when executing PLSQL in an 8i database updating 9i via a DBLINK
    2718906 Client side PLSQL may DUMP if CURRENT OF CURSOR is used
    2727081 Dump in kokmeoc on re-execute of statements with functions
    2755787 Oracle process spins when signalling certain errors
    2821879 wrong results for queries on pipeline functions involving NULLs
    2829071 PLS-801/OERI:[15419] when debugging PLSQL from JDWP debugger
    2839655 Single byte CGA memory corruption using NLS_COMP=ANSI with PLSQL
    2846430 OERI[qctginf : opncsfrm] from EXECUTE IMMEDIATE of DDL then SELECT
    2860212 PLSQL RPC with functional default parameter values may get NULL default / PLS-801
    2870605 PLS-306 compiling a 9i procedure which references remote 8i/8.0 tables
    2943687 ORA-6502 when OCCINUMBER type is used for OCCI PLSQL OUT binds
    2950591 Spin manipulating complex object in PLSQL
    2971081 CREATE PROCEDURE with multibyte characters can spin
    2975392 OCCI: ORA-1403 errors in PLSQL appear as ORA-32103
    2982297 ORA-4020 can occur during PLSQL name resolution
    2991795 ORA-1403 accessing element of table of %ROWTYPE returned from a function
    2999388 SYS_EXTRACT_UTC can return wrong results
    3000017 False ORA-4062 can occur from client PLSQL (version 8.0)
    3032832 Dump from 8.0/8.1 PLSQL client to 9.2 server using %ROWTYPE with CHAR length semantics
    3046118 ORA-6593 when debugging an NCOMP PLSQL library unit
    3058463 Dump in kpcdrsz selecting ROWID from remote database from PLSQL
    3071882 Performance of soft-parse of pl/sql blocks can be improved
    3075483 ORA-22921 using UPPER or LOWER on a CLOB column in multibyte (eg: UTF8) in PLSQL
    3076160 ORA-2080 when closing database links in PLSQL blocks
    3077754 CURRENT_DATE may show the incorrect date in a PLSQL block
    3091494 ORA-6544 / PLS-801 possible using TIMESTAMP values over a DBLINK for PLSQL RPCs
    3091541 OERI[17281] [1001] / ORA-1001 can occur using PLSQL
    3093454 A query with TABLE() may ORA-979 in PLSQL
    3095357 JDWP debugger BFILE "_isopen" should be "_isOpen"
    3113182 ORA-3106 fetching > 4000 bytes of character data from REF cursor
    3119368 PLSQL "REPLACE" function assigned to CHAR does not return NULL when expected
    3124410 Memory leak (UGA) executing procedures that contain REF cursors as OUT parameters
    3136072 Dump executing PLSQL RPC with a REF cursor parameter
    3138341 Wrong datatypes returned from PLSQL REF Cursor using CAST
    3147224 Memory leak from long running SQL statement calling PLSQL function with arguments
    3148847 PLSQL "ASCIISTR" returns NULL for HANKAKU KATAKANA single byte characters
    3149159 AQ PLSQL notification callback procedures cannot use COMMIT/ROLLBACK
    3149432 Dump possible passing REF CURSOR as an IN/OUT PLSQL parameter
    3164294 PLS-801 [79110] using cursor%ROWTYPE in debug mode
    3168359 Client sees incorrect data in HOST VARIABLE set in PLSQL BLOCK
    3189950 ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION does not work long running PLSQL which traps WHEN OTHERS
    3190456 ORA-6502 inserting NCHAR data with %TYPE declararion from 9i to 8i
    3200360 PLSQL EXTEND() on a collection field in a collection of records does not work
    3209932 OERI[kpoblblen: pos1] during re-execute of a pl/sql block
    3214449 JavaVM may not release PGA memory within PLSQL loops
    3217262 JDBC Thin hangs executing PLSQL with ARRAY bind to PLSQL OUT parameter
    3240720 ORA-2019 using PRIVATE DB link owned by another user in PLSQL
    3294500 PLSQL RPC may dump in ttcclr
    3305850 Dump can occur after an ORA-4030 in PLSQL
    3347715 Invokers rights may not work as expected
    3365396 EXTEND() does not work for nested collections in PLSQL

    PL/SQL (DBMS Packages)
    2539128P Win: UTL_FILE.FSEEK does not work on Windows
    1387345 DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_ARRAY returns wrong number of rows if CNT parameter > 64k
    2475197 ORA-6502 using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL for a view with multibyte characters >4000 bytes long
    2562214 Queries on fixed tables may fail with OERI:qernsRowP
    2615473 Using UTL_HTTP in a SHARED SERVER connection can leak circuits
    2628219 UTL_HTTP.REQUEST tries a bad URL if a site relative redirect occurs
    2794347 DBMS_LDAP.GET_VALUES may dump if iPlanet attribute contains no data
    2813846 OERI:[qkaffsindex3] from DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS with DEGREE>1 and a function based index
    2899668 LPX-217 from DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE on UTF8 database
    2964437 DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS may not gather PARTITION statistics
    2964982 Running prvtlock.plb during upgrade can leave duplicate lock handles
    2968427 DBMS_STATS GATHER STALE does not work for GLOBAL INDEX on a PARTITIONED table
    2968571 DBMS_STATS may get parse errors for NLS_TERRITORY != america
    2968928 ORA-29280 from UTL_FILE in an INVOKERS RIGHTS function called from SQL
    2987506 DBMS_TRANSFORM fails to convert a type correctly when using JSP
    3013854 DBMS_UTILITY.COMPILE_SCHEMA resets package globals and disables serveroutput
    3048318 Some DBMS_STATS gather options can be slow
    3050003 DBMS_METADATA fails to extract MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG on a partitioned MVIEW
    3070198 OERI:150 can occur if > 1k passed to DBMS_SYSTEM.KSDWRT
    3078144 ORA-904 analyzing index with DBMS_STATS
    3078831 Obfuscation cannot read older versions of obfuscated file
    3108046 DBMS_METADATA fails MATERIALIZED VIEW without MVIEW log with fix for bug 3050003
    3117425 OERI[kprcdt-1]
    3138224 OERI[kgazmo_1] can occur using HTTPS vie UTL_HTTP

    PL/SQL External Procedures (EXTPROC)
    2791258+ Database hang when setting RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN if EXTPROC or HS is used
    3036932 OERI:16371 / OERI:16366 if user session killed while executing external procedure in MTS
    3093940 Tracing may be enabled using EXTPROC / HS - can lead to memory corruption
    3125299 Memory leak from CTAS calling an external procedure

    Pro* Precompiler
    2497144 PROCOBOL can generate wrong code when array indicators used in dynamic sql method 2
    2601507 sqlgls() / SQLStmtGetText() can give wrong SQL code
    2731382 Dump possible in sqlcnt in Pro client or sqlplus
    2855665 ORA-600[12333] in PRO/OCI clients sharing statement handles
    3057986 OERI [12333] possible if a client shares a statement handle between SQL / PLSQL
    3107254 Data truncation after redefine when fetching a LOB in Pro/OCI
    3113998 Wrong row count possible (OCI_ATTR_ROW_COUNT) on array INSERT to partitioned table
    3115203 PCB_S_00400 form EXEC CICS before END PROGRAM
    3148999 ANSI dynamic SQL returns length in CHARACTERS instead of BYTES in UTF16
    3373446 Invalid code generated when precompiling with COMP1=INTEGER

    3069380 Personal Database Edition SQLJ errors compiling SQLJ on the server

    2398988 XSU XDK bind variable not recognised if followed by NEWLINE character
    2515198 setDateFormat() is ignored for XML attributes
    2668102 XML Parser may use wrong default namespace
    2787331 XDK XML parser can use more memory than needed for large documents
    2825956 XMLwhere() not returning line number and column location
    2872667 ORA-20100 possible parsing XML document
    2993590 ORA-31154 "invalid xml document" on schema validation for valid xml document
    3007466 XDKC Schema validator does not validate facets of base type correctly
    3007680 XMLParser minLength checking wrong for empty elements
    3013402 Insert of an XML document may fail with LPX-225 on AL32UTF8 database
    3014390 XML DTD parsing is expensive when width is large
    3037682 Not all schemas specified in instance document are loaded
    3045707 XSLT generate-id function always returns the same value
    3156532 Static vectors in XMLParsercover and XMLNodecover leak memory
    3246015 Deploy of xsqldemos.ear errors
    3296942 XML parser may fail with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    3124536I XML related objects may be invalidated on applying a 9.2 Patch Set
    2355645 OCI-21500 [kopuigpfx1] after constraint violation using IMPORT with XMLTYPE
    2363426 Dump possible passing XMLTYPE to Java stored procedure
    2459208 OERI[kokbnp2] when using an XMLType constructor
    2599006 ORA-22806 if more than one extractvalue() expression over same XMLType
    2666302 Dump possible in koksfoc calling getClobVal with no parameters
    2778852 Publishing an XML message to a queue via IDAP may dump (the client)
    2785770 Nil or comments in text node may dump
    2792331 ORA-9999 calling updateXML on '/' path
    2806660 Dump (in kokeis) using GROUP BY extractValue
    2831689 DBMS_XMLSave.insertXML/updateXML/deleteXML leaks memory if updating a CLOB
    3002659 ORA-918 using existsnode() on table with CTXXPATH Text index
    3015060 XML insert may leak memory
    3020801 Dump (msqopnws) when select cursor has an XMLElement operator
    3028267 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException doing DBMS_XMLQuery.getXML() with large CLOB values
    3077613 Dump inserting XMLType as a CLOB over a database link
    3100760 XML_SECTION_GROUP and WITHIN queries can give wrong results
    3106699 Cursor leak / ORA-1000 using DBMS_XMLQUERY.getxml() with a bad select statement
    3127957 OERI[qmxsqCreExNS] can occur accessing XML document > 3000 bytes long
    3128209 UPDATEXML may not work when used in a trigger
    3128775 Empty / corrupt XML data can be inserted via XMLType
    3131118 OracleXMLSQLException "result set closed" using XML operations on HS data
    3131199 Core dump possible during LOB read on XML data
    3134829 ORA-972 when using XMLType view and element name is too long
    3140481 Multithreaded JDBC may hang retrieving an XMLType
    3143168 DBMS_XMLDOM.SETPREFIX() fails ORA-6510
    3191593 getownerdocument leaks memory / ORA-31181
    3203188 Triggers incorrectly evaluate to NULL for :new and :old on XMLType columns
    3212268 XMLType with embedded CLOB may be truncated in UTF8 DB / LPX-225
    3235792 ORA-22923 can occur accessing an XMLType
    3293996 Wrong output from DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT to entity decode XML

    Product Related

    2355645 OCI-21500 [kopuigpfx1] after constraint violation using IMPORT with XMLTYPE
    2598438 ORA-1722 from DBMS_AQ_SYS_IMP_INTERNAL during import of queue table/s
    2619341 Export may contain invalid SQL for CREATE SYNONYM in FULL export
    2666174 Export in direct path can product a corrupt export file if ORA-1555 occurs
    2792496 Import may dump importing a trigger with "--" comment before the trigger name
    2902986 Clustered table direct export produces a corrupted dump exporting migrated rows
    2919120 Full export may fail with ORA-1422 if 2 triggers have same name
    3031024 Export of object types and many subtypes produces bad export file (OCI-22303 on import)
    3041342 Bad DDL in export file exporting a table which is not substitutable at all levels
    3051801 ORA-6502 from EXPORT if CDC returns a long string
    3083560 ORA-1410 / ORA-8103 from direct path export if concurrent DML occurs
    3138734 EXP-56 ORA-31600 exporting DB with > 10000 users with Data Mining option
    3150037 Export may produce wrong SQL for CREATE TABLE xxx OF typename
    3230116 Direct export of a compressed table fails with OERI[6193]

    Intelligent Agent
    3311955P HPUX: VNI-2015 error when using shadow password files at OS level
    2723807 Intelligent agent fails to shutdown on "agentctl stop"
    2743133 Agent does not detect listener configured for DCE only
    2901243 DGMETRIC node tests fail ungracefully on Windows platforms
    2929887 False Forms Listener Up/Down alert/warning
    2976719 TNS listener may connect to SNMP using wrong IP if machine as >1 NIC
    2989440 Cancelling a job in OEM console may not terminate the job
    3024740 nmxw.ora / oapps.ora not copied during Agent migration process
    3042942 SNMP requests for oraDbTablespaceTable will miss full tablespaces
    3052640 SQL in maxext.tcl can run slowly
    3069117 "Forms Listener Up/Down" Event fails with "invalid"
    3082437 "Dump Full" events do not work if DUMP_DEST parameters contain environment variables
    3083924 SNMP oraDbSysConsistentGets MIB value cannot exceed 2Gb
    3096844 DBSNMP consumes 100% cpu when SNMP started
    3115544 "Chunk Small" events do not fire for locally managed tablespaces
    3143899 Database registration in SSL only mode throws ServiceAliasException
    3162161 DBSNMP may dump
    3167089 Database jobs fail when global_dbname is same as the listener name

    LDAP / Oracle Internet Directory
    2589746 Multithreaded clients (such as OIDMON) may core dump on startup
    2609128 Calling DBMS_LDAP.msgfree or DBMS_LDAP.ber_free twice can corrupt memory
    2713143 File descriptor leak possible using DBMS_LDAP
    2794347 DBMS_LDAP.GET_VALUES may dump if iPlanet attribute contains no data
    2871846 LDAP access fails with long hostname in ldap.ora
    2931090 JDBC Thin does not free LDAP connection used for name lookup
    3021328 NumberFormatException if DIRECTORY_SERVERS of form "<host>::<ssl port>"
    3051710 OIDLDAPD may dump during Agent update
    3121690 LDAP group membership resolution API may error if ACLs present
    3133131 LDAPADDMT may dump
    3136435 Names LDAP Proxy fails for aliases over 511 bytes long
    3179919 ORA-6502 possible from DBMS_LDAP with attribute lengths > 2048 bytes
    3180689 Intermittent failure to initialize JNDI context
    3197595 LDAP API packages (catldap.sql) are not included as part of catproc.sql
    3211706 OIDLDAPD fails when starting up loading ACPS
    3292708 Dump in kzrini if Enterprise users database entry is in 2 domains

    Oracle Type Translator
    3191167 OTT class declarations are not generated according to inherited types

    Oracle Univeral Installer
    3586698P HP Itanium: will not install on 11.22 - unsatisfied symbol errors

    RMAN (Recovery Manager)
    2692023 RMAN RESYNC may fail with ORA-1422
    2803823 RMAN maintenance commands (like resync catalog) are slow
    2835956 RMAN cannot restore from READ ONLY backups (ORA-19624)
    2845436 RMAN RLH table is not purged (uses more and more space)
    3065602 RMAN SWITCH command can populate stale db record
    3082782 RMAN-600[6000] during duplicate command
    3095423 Datafiles may have OPEN file handles for a database in MOUNT state after BACKUP
    3137261 RMAN "crosscheck" unncessarily adds deleted objects

    2341550 CURRENT_SCHEMA not set with database ON_LOGON trigger using SQLLDR with DIRECT=TRUE
    2393273 Invalid FLOAT values can cause SQLLDR to dump on some platforms
    2393829 ORA-26099 from direct path API if first call to OCIDirPathPrepare fails
    2452490 SQLLDR DIRECT=TRUE SQL expression performance slower than CONVENTIONAL path
    2620683 SQLLDR direct load to another users partition fails with ORA-1031
    2641125 OERI:klaevcbk_2 loading data in direct path if result of SQL expression too large
    2721670 SQLLDR may dump or encounter client side memory corruption
    2923669 OERI[klaprs_30] / DUMP from SQLLDR direct path load
    3073503 Direct path load session fails with OER:klapse_30 if first loaded row gets an ORA error
    3088916 SQLLDR direct path does not evaluate SQL strings for NULL input data
    3125715 SQLLDR log file shows incorrect rows loaded when ERRORS clause is used
    3127615 SQLLDR direct load may dump
    3174298 SQLLDR direct path load may load 0 instead of NULL if length-value is NULL
    3234751 Excessive TEMP space usage from SQLLDR of LOBS or INSERT .. RETURNING with LOBS

    2731382 Dump possible in sqlcnt in Pro client or sqlplus
    2846610 SQLPLUS COPY with COPYCOMMIT may fail / copy null rows to HS gateway
    3131163 ORACLE_PATH ignored in SQLPLUS if no suffix supplied to "start" command
    3146968 SQLPLUS "set tab off" can result in nonsense character output
    3249306 SQLPLUS truncates STDIN lines to 1024 characters long

    Ultra Search
    2420940 HTTP cookies are not recognized by UltraSearch CRAWLER
    2565886 Ultrasearch processes '.exe' files regardless of mimetype include
    2660668 URL already crawled does not observe existing crawling settings
    2668141 Users cannot edit mimetype inclusion for user defined data sources
    2684459 iSearch cannot access a remote table data source details page
    2721451 Ultrasearch crawler unable to authenticate through proxy server
    2859512 Crawler may get HTTP-501 errors
    3066203 Changing database characterset does not enable Chinese,Japanese,Korean Ultrasearch ability
    3102162 URL redirection used by the Crawler agent does not work
    3153009 ORA-1 and duplicate URLs using table logging and display URL
    3182769 HTML commented tag followed by "ultrasearch" keyword is not honored
    3205003 Autodetected language for japanese is incorrect
    3219977 Crawler does not reindex documents with only an attribute change
    3274464 Re-crawling data takes longer than it should.
    3284178 Ultrasearch gets WKG-30100 error
    3294050 Language recognition not working for pdf file with header in a different language
    3319494 Smart agent force recrawl does not remove URLs not returned by the agent
    3353729 CRAWLING throughput can degrade over time for large source

    Wallet Manager
    3328129* Verisign class2/class3 certificates expired
    This bug is alerted in Note 260559.1
    2817542 OWM cannot import certificates with UTF8 in DirectoryString
    2964089 Certificate rejected if it contains a Critical unrecognized section
    3116302 Expiration date in wallet manager shows wrong date for years > 2037
    3120209 OWM symbol name conflicts
    3163153 OWM cannot Import certificate with only a Serial Number in its AuthKey Identifier
    3199374 OWM fails for certificate with BMP string in Location field


    Large file / memory issues (Eg: 2Gb)
    2967280 ORA-32004 / dumps if alert.log exceeds 2Gb in size

    NUMA Related
    3081525P Tru64: OERI:[KSMHEAP_ALLOC1] on STARTUP with NUMA_ON

    2599045 "Detected suspect alert log" appear in the alert log
    2687920 Extra diagnostic information for OERI[kmcpsched: getting a bad vc]
    2721739 ORA-1426 possible on TREEDUMP of an index
    2836721 RSF Parser generates incorrect SQL SYNTAX for START WITH...
    2874489 Excessive REDO generated for INSERT as SELECT into GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLES
    2919253 Dump (in qcdopint) during CREATE FORCE VIEW if underlying table does not exist
    2954997 Unix: Makefile does not include commands to relink "libocci"
    3019460 DBWR opens / closes datafiles repeatedly when dropping a tablespace
    3060261 <Queue_table>.ENQ_TIME and V$ view TIME columns may be ahead of SYSDATE
    3158073 Fixed table X$KCLFI has a bad version number
    3225035 Internal ASN1 processing error
    3254475 OERI[h_mk_cr_1] possible during SGA shrink
    3293155 ENH: Diagnostic enhancement to help investigate memory corruptions/leaks
    3316453 "_dbwr_trace"=1 can be slow
    3425352 PMON may take a while to clean up a process marked as DEAD Special Notes (if any)

    End of Fix list

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