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November 2006 Archives

November 23, 2006

Apply letter for Oracle11g Beta

Here We apply to join oralce11g beta test project.

We are the owner of Itpub (www.itpub.net) ,which is the best Database forum in China and has more than 1 million members and many outstanding Oracle OCP & OCM experts within China.Itpub has the widest effect and reputation in China.

Within the 'Beta test Project' we can test Oracle11g and report bugs and do more promotion for Oracle11g.

If allowed ,we can distribute Oracle11g beta to Our forum's core members, who are experts engaged in every walk of live.

By our test, We can promote Oracle Database New release and help to improve Oracle Software.

We will appreciate your approval.

November 20, 2006

Wikipedia is Blocked again in China

From last month,many people find that Wikipedia is unblocked in China.
So many people think that is a good news ,but Tim Starling is clear-headed,he said: that maybe just a technical problem Greate Firewall have encounter.

Proof coming Now,Wikipedia is bloked again in China.

As we know ,Both Yahoo! and Google have changed their policy in China,According to the government's Policy,they have agreed to censor search results.

Furthermore,Google have released Google.cn is China,and Google.com is blocked in China.

If you still remember the story in February of this year, you will know Yahoo Inc., Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp. ever on Capitol Hill defend corporate policies for dealing with China that they say balance business interests with human-rights concerns.

Human rights advocates plan to testify that corporate America is abnegating its ethical responsibilities by complying with Chinese law.

Wikipedia is different from Yahoo! and Google,Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit,so it's difficult to do any sort of censorship.

What we can do behind the GFW?
Maby just waiting ...

About November 2006

This page contains all entries posted to eygle's Oracle World in November 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

January 2006 is the previous archive.

February 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.