Google is My best friend

Date:January 4, 2006

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Happy Birthday Louis Braille!Thanks Julia,maybe because I corrected one error which Julia made, she have almost rewrote all the blog for me.

Now,I am listening to a song , which was recommended by Julia. Julia recommeded to me.

She said: Foolish game is my heartbreaking disertation song.

She said that the Foolish Game was her heartbreaking disertation song.

I am was guessing what's the mean 'disertation' meanded, I tried to look it up in the dictionary PowerWord 2006 can not find it from dictionary (with PowerWord 2006). However, I failed to get any result. Then I tried So I try to search it at Google. Google showed me 230 results,and asked me : 'Did you mean: heartbreaking dissertation'.

All right ! Ok, It seemed that Julia was talking about her means 'heartbreaking dissertation'. Captioned Search this, I got around 25700 results.

According to the dictionary ,From dictionay Dissertation is defined as followed have the meaning:
A lengthy, formal treatise, especially one written by a candidate for the doctoral degree at a university; a thesis.

Why do so many people (probably 25700) think consider dissertation is as a heartbreaking things? It's very Interesting! They must have felt Maybe every student feel headache with their dissertation .

Also I still noticed that technology varies between Powerword and Google. with PowerWord's fuzzy search , I cann't find the answer ,but with Google's fuzzy suggestion i can, this is the different of technology.  Fuzzy Search in Google provided results,while with which Powerword 2006 failed to offer.

And then ,Let's Now forget about the heartbreaking dissertation . And  Let's enjoy the graceful make, Foolish Game,which could be downloaded from have a "delicious" song, you can download it from here.

Finally , here is the lyric of Foolish Game below:

Foolish Game (Lyric)- Jewel
you took your coat off and stood in the rain
you were always crazy like that
I watched from my window,
always felt that I was outside looking in on you
you were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
you were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
besides some comment on the weather
well in case you failed to notice,
in case you failed to see,
this is my heart bleeding before you,
this is me down on my knees

these foolish games are tearing me apart
your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
you"re breaking my heart

you were always brilliant in the morning
smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,
you loved Mozart and you"d speak of your loved ones
as I clumsily strummed my guitar
excuse me, think I"ve mistaken you for somebody else
somebody who gave a damn
somebody more like myself

these foolish games are tearing me apart
your thoughtless words are breaking my heart
you?re breaking my heart

you took your coat off and stood in the rain
you were always crazy like that


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Posted by eygle at January 4, 2006 10:21 PM

When To stop Blogging? (2) January 11, 2006
New Year,New Start (11) January 1, 2006
Study from spam (0) January 17, 2006
Google is My best friend (5) January 4, 2006

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Obviously you are making progress. me tonight

Posted by: Julia at January 5, 2006 12:54 AM

Ok, being busy tomorw nite. The revised version hs bn snt 2 However, maybe I made mistake as wel 4 I hv been 2 tired.

Posted by: Julia at January 5, 2006 3:15 AM

I am crying ... I was moved ...

Posted by: eygle at January 5, 2006 3:37 PM

i'm moved too.

Posted by: boypoo at January 5, 2006 8:23 PM


Posted by: julia at January 12, 2006 12:39 AM

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