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作者:eygle | 【转载请注出处】|【云和恩墨 领先的zData数据库一体机 | zCloud PaaS云管平台 | SQM SQL审核平台 | ZDBM 数据库备份一体机】
2PC是指Oracle的两阶段提交协议(Two-Phase Commit protocol)。链接:https://www.eygle.com/archives/2008/07/2pc_xa_dtp.html
2PC用于确保所有分布式事务能够同时提交(Commit)或者回滚(Rollback),以便使的数据库能够处于一致性状态(consistent state)。
分布式事务可以通过DBA_2PC_PENDING 和 DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS 字典视图查看。
XA是X/Open DTP组织(X/Open DTP group)定义的两阶段提交协议,XA被许多数据库(如Oracle和DB2)和中间件等工具(如CICS 和 Tuxedo).本地支持 。
X/Open DTP模型(1994)包括应用程序(AP)、事务管理器(TM)、资源管理器(RM)、通信资源管理器(CRM)四部分。在这个模型中,通常事务管理器(TM)是交易中间件,资源管理器(RM)是数据库,通信资源管理器(CRM)是消息中间件。
XA就是X/Open DTP定义的交易中间件与数据库之间的接口规范(即接口函数),交易中间件用它来通知数据库事务的开始、结束以及提交、回滚等。XA接口函数由数据库厂商提供。通常情况下,交易中间件与数据库通过XA 接口规范,使用两阶段提交来完成一个全局事务,XA规范的基础是两阶段提交协议。
在Oracle数据库中,可以通过运行xaview.sql (位于ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin目录下)创建相关的视图。
Rem ==================================================================/
Rem Create the view necessary to do XA recovery scan of prepared
Rem and heuristically completed transactions.
Rem The view 'XATRAN' basically combines information from two
Rem different types of tables:
Rem pending_trans$ & pending_sessions$
Rem x$k2gte2
Rem The view v$pending_xatrans$ combines and then filters information
Rem from the table pending_trans$ and pending_sessions$ into format
Rem that satisfy XA criteria.
Rem Then the view v$xatrans$ combines information from x$k2gte2 and
Rem v$pending_xatrans$.
Rem ncramesh 08/04/98 - change for sqlplus
Rem cchew 07-15-92 - added fmt column
Rem cchew 05-22-92 - No more fmt=0 condition
Rem cchew 01-19-92 - Creation
Rem ==================================================================
DROP VIEW v$xatrans$;
DROP VIEW v$pending_xatrans$;
CREATE VIEW v$pending_xatrans$ AS
(SELECT global_tran_fmt, global_foreign_id, branch_id
FROM sys.pending_trans$ tran, sys.pending_sessions$ sess
WHERE tran.local_tran_id = sess.local_tran_id
AND tran.state != 'collecting'
AND BITAND(TO_NUMBER(tran.session_vector),
POWER(2, (sess.session_id - 1))) = sess.session_id)
CREATE VIEW v$xatrans$ AS
(((SELECT k2gtifmt, k2gtitid_ext, k2gtibid
FROM x$k2gte2
WHERE k2gterct=k2gtdpct)
SELECT global_tran_fmt, global_foreign_id, branch_id
FROM v$pending_xatrans$)
SELECT global_tran_fmt, global_foreign_id, branch_id
FROM v$pending_xatrans$)
Oracle XA是Oracle实施的X/Open Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP) XA接口。ORACLE XA随软件发布,不需要独立安装部署。
Specific to XA, Oracle Database10g Release 2 provides services that are optimized to support Distributed Transaction Processing (DTP). This feature optimizes XA transaction recovery. All the in-flight prepared transactions belonging to a DTP service of the failed instance are pushed to the disk table before the DTP service is re-started on the any of the surviving instances. In-flight transaction prepare info is written to the undo area and only if the transaction fails, this information is pushed into the appropriate system table to allow external recovery to take place. During normal operations, this push is done lazily. But as soon as the DTP service fails over users expect the failed (prepared) distributed transaction info on the system table to able to recover the transaction. Thus we make sure all the required information is propagated to the system tables before starting the DTP service on one of the surviving instances. This ensures that all the in-doubt transactions will be reported by xa_recover() and a following xa_commit() or,xa_rollback() will be able to complete the in-doubt transactions. This feature also guarantees that all branches of single global distributed transactions are maintained at a single RAC instance.
This mechanism optimizes the XA recovery by recovering the transactions once, at speed, as part of the transaction recovery code. The XA/DTP feature also guarantees correctness by ensuring that all branches of a transaction are maintained at the same database instance. This includes switch over and failover of services for planned and unplanned outages. The feature is only available for services declared as DTP.
>> 2007-07-24文章:
>> 2006-07-24文章:
>> 2004-07-24文章:
By eygle on 2008-07-24 10:14 | Comments (3) | FAQ | 1985 |
要想得到更好的系统扩展(scale out), 还是应当放弃 2PC 远程事务.
可以参考 Randy 的演讲,
Strategy 2: Async Everywhere
- "Good things come to those who wait"
At every level, decomposing the processing into stages or phases, and connecting them up asynchronously, is critical to scaling.
Best Practice #3: Avoid Distributed Transactions
oracle 的 XA 没问题, 但是跟 sqlserver 组合起来的XA, 我在9i底下测试是有问题的, oracle 方能正常的滚回来, 但是 sql server 就 hangs 在那里.