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Oracle KKS 层-Kernel Kompile Shared (cursors)
作者:eygle | 【转载请注出处】|【云和恩墨 领先的zData数据库一体机 | zCloud PaaS云管平台 | SQM SQL审核平台 | ZDBM 数据库备份一体机】
KKS层的代码管理是 kks.c 文件,其含义为Kernel Kompile Shared (cursors).
KKS层显然是和SQL编译解析相关,以下是Oracle Kernal代码层关于KK的解释:
The compilation layer (KK)
This is the top layer of the Oracle kernel proper. This layer is responsible for the parsing and optimization of SQL statements and for the compilation of PL/SQL program units.
kksfbc child completion 是KKS层相关的一个重要等待事件。其含义是:
KKSFBC 代表 KKS Find Bounded Cursor.
kks is Kompilation Layer function to Find the Bounded Cursor.
Typically related to parsing (hard) which sometimes calls kksscl to scan the child list on those cursors when the cursors are shared.
>> 2010-06-01文章:
>> 2007-06-01文章:
>> 2005-06-01文章:
By eygle on 2011-06-01 14:44 | Comments (0) | Internal | 2776 |