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Oracle 12.2 新特性:自动列表分区(Auto-List Partitioning)
在Oracle Database 12.2 之前,如果使用列表分区,当插入的数据超过了分区列表值设定,则会抛出异常;而如果存在大量的列表值需要定义,则可能需要一一设置。
在12.2引入的新特性中 - Auto-List Partitioning 可以针对新的列表值,进行自动的分区创建,从而减少了维护的复杂性。
Partitioning: Auto-List Partitioning
The database automatically creates a separate (new) partition for every distinct partition key value of the table.
Auto-list partitioning removes the management burden from the DBAs to manually maintain a list of partitioned tables for a large number of distinct key values that require individual partitions. It also automatically copes with the unplanned partition key values without the need of a DEFAULT partition.
SQL> CREATE TABLE enmotech ( 2 PartID integer not null, 3 CretTm date not null, 4 PartCD varchar2(2) not null 5 ) partition by list (partcd) ( 6 partition pBJ values ('BJ'), 7 partition pCD values ('CD'), 8 partition pGZ values ('GZ'), 9 partition pSH values ('SH') 10 ); Table created. SQL> insert into enmotech values (1, sysdate, 'KM'); insert into enmotech values (1, sysdate, 'KM') * ERROR at line 1: ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition
drop table enmotech purge; CREATE TABLE enmotech ( PartID integer not null, CretTm date not null, PartCD varchar2(2) not null ) partition by list (partcd) automatic ( partition pBJ values ('BJ'), partition pCD values ('CD'), partition pGZ values ('GZ'), partition pSH values ('SH') );
SQL> insert into enmotech values (1, sysdate, 'KM'); 1 row created. SQL> select partition_name from user_tab_partitions 2 where table_name = 'ENMOTECH'; PARTITION_NAME ---------------------------------------------------- PBJ PCD PGZ PSH SYS_P290
SQL> alter table enmotech rename partition SYS_P290 to pKM; Table altered. SQL> select partition_name from user_tab_partitions 2 where table_name = 'ENMOTECH'; PARTITION_NAME --------------------------------------------------- PBJ PCD PGZ PKM PSH
对于已有的分区定义,可以通过关键字 automatic 和 manual 来进行分区定义的调整:
alter table PEOPLE set partitioning automatic; alter table PEOPLE set partitioning manual;
这是Oracle Database 12.2 分区特性的众多增强之一。
>> 2009-12-10文章:
>> 2008-12-10文章:
>> 2007-12-10文章:
>> 2005-12-10文章:
>> 2004-12-10文章:
By eygle on 2016-12-10 09:46 | Comments (0) | Oracle12c/11g | 3224 |