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2005-12-14:EMC DISK Warning
作者:eygle | 【转载请注出处】|【云和恩墨 领先的zData数据库一体机 | zCloud PaaS云管平台 | SQM SQL审核平台 | ZDBM 数据库备份一体机】
昨晚就开始收到EMC 磁盘警告:
# navicli -h getlog -100|grep 11
12/13/2005 23:30:22 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (621) Background Verify Started [0x00] ffff0033 280038
12/13/2005 23:39:27 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (820) Soft Media Error [0x00] 0 3a
12/13/2005 23:40:44 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (622) Background Verify Complete [0x00] ffff0033 280038
12/13/2005 23:40:44 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (621) Background Verify Started [0x00] ffff0034 290038
12/13/2005 23:49:27 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (820) Soft Media Error [0x00] 0 3a
12/13/2005 23:51:27 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (820) Soft Media Error [0x00] 0 3a
12/14/2005 00:04:28 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (820) Soft Media Error [0x00] 0 3a
12/14/2005 00:06:39 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (622) Background Verify Complete [0x00] ffff0034 290038
12/14/2005 00:06:39 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (621) Background Verify Started [0x00] ffff0035 2a0038
12/14/2005 00:25:05 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (920) Hard Media Error [0x00] 0 3d
12/14/2005 00:25:05 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (689) Sector Reconstructed [0x00] 1aa63880 d000020
12/14/2005 00:25:28 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (820) Soft Media Error [0x00] 0 3a
12/14/2005 00:59:12 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (622) Background Verify Complete [0x00] ffff0035 2a0038
12/14/2005 09:18:58 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (602) CRU Enabled [0x38] 120032 270038
12/14/2005 09:19:01 Enclosure 3 Disk 11 (602) CRU Enabled [0x38] 120031 260038
$ navicli -h getdisk 0_3_11
Bus 0 Enclosure 3 Disk 11
Vendor Id: ATA-MXTR
Product Id: 5A320J0 CLAR320
Product Revision: VV
Lun: 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Type: 36: RAID5 37: RAID5 38: RAID5 39: RAID5 40: RAID5 41: RAID5 42: RAID5
State: Enabled
Hot Spare: 36: NO 37: NO 38: NO 39: NO 40: NO 41: NO 42: NO
Prct Rebuilt: 36: 100 37: 100 38: 100 39: 100 40: 100 41: 100 42: 100
Prct Bound: 36: 100 37: 100 38: 100 39: 100 40: 100 41: 100 42: 100
Serial Number: A81BX0JE
Sectors: 498073600 (243200)
Capacity: 304169
Private: 36: 69760 37: 1048645760 38: 1468076160 39: 2726367360 40: 2936082560 41: 3040940160 42: 3355512960
Bind Signature: 0xb67a, 3, 11
Hard Read Errors: 0
Hard Write Errors: 0
Soft Read Errors: 0
Soft Write Errors: 0
Read Retries: N/A
Write Retries: N/A
Remapped Sectors: N/A
Number of Reads: 240088
Number of Writes: 0
Number of Luns: 7
Raid Group ID: 18
Clariion Part Number: DG118032260
Request Service Time: N/A
Read Requests: 240088
Write Requests: 0
Kbytes Read: 15365568
Kbytes Written: 0
Stripe Boundary Crossing: 0
By eygle on 2005-12-14 10:10 | Comments (5) | System | 578 |
你这个EMC似乎坏过N次了 阿
这样的机器好啊,可以积累hardware trouble shooting的经验 :)
Hi eygle,
第二个看什么的阿?记得看过的一个EMC的文档,说ATA的hard media error出现一次不用换盘....
一次的hard media error或者soft media error都不意味着磁盘损坏,但是通常是一个警报,随之而来,这块磁盘可能很快就会损坏。