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Duplicate standby 与 RMAN-05501 错误
如果在RMAN恢复时不指定 nofilenamecheck 参数
sql statement: alter database mount standby database
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 05/20/2008 16:34:17
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\PERFSTAT.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\XDB01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\USERS01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\TOOLS01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\ODM01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\INDX01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\EXAMPLE01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\DRSYS01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\CWMLITE01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\UNDOTBS01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\SYSTEM01.DBF conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\REDO03.LOG conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\REDO02.LOG conflicts with a file used by the target database
RMAN-05001: auxiliary filename D:\EEYGLE\REDO01.LOG conflicts with a file used by the target database
为了解决这个问题,在恢复时需要指定nofilenamecheck 参数:
duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck;
RMAN> duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck;Starting Duplicate Db at 20-MAY-08
using target database controlfile instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_AUX_DISK_1
channel ORA_AUX_DISK_1: sid=8 devtype=DISKprinting stored script: Memory Script
restore clone standby controlfile to clone_cf;
replicate clone controlfile from clone_cf;
sql clone 'alter database mount standby database';
executing script: Memory ScriptStarting restore at 20-MAY-08
-The End-
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By eygle on 2008-05-29 16:56 | Comments (5) | Advanced | 1914 |
dulicate standby ---名字写错了 :)
10g 是不是不用加这个参数了呢?
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 06/09/2010 09:10:12
RMAN-03015: error occurred in stored script Memory Script
RMAN-06026: some targets not found - aborting restore
RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 4 found to restore
RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 2 found to restore
RMAN-06023: no backup or copy of datafile 1 found to restore